When menopause stiff joints that do: muscle pain, treatment


  1. What causes joint pain at menopause?
  2. Which can exacerbate and accelerate disease of the joints and bones?
  3. What kind of diseases can say joint pain?
  4. When should you see a doctor?
  5. Medical control and timely diagnosis
  6. HRT against the pain of the joints
  7. calcium-containing drugs
  8. Methods of traditional medicine

Menopause causes many negative phenomena that hinder a normal life. Some women say that menopause at stiff joints, and what to do in such a case is not always clear. The fact that the pain can be caused by both the lack of hormones and other factors.

In any case it requires immediate diagnosis, because changes in bone tissue may be irreversible and cause stiffness in movements, severe trauma. Therefore, the health of bones and joints care must be taken well in advance menopause.


What causes joint pain at menopause?

Menopause is accompanied by a decrease in the level of sex hormones. This change is reflected not only in the reproductive system, but also in the generation, assimilation of nutrients.

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That lack of calcium and vitamin D stands main reason why in menopause sore bones and joints.

Such violations can cause the following problems in the body, accompanied by pain syndrome:

  1. Osteoporosis in menopause. Hormonal changes a negative effect on bone structure, making it weak and brittle. It decreases the rate of formation of new cells in the background of the rapid destruction of the old. As a result, it increases the load on the joints due to increased bone fragility.
  2. Deforming osteoarthritis. During the climacteric there is a delay of collagen which is necessary to neutralize the friction between the joints. There is marked not only the pain but also the sharp crack, as well as difficulties in the movement.
  3. Body fat. Menopause resists estrogen levels fall, causing an increase in adipose tissue. As a result, the weakened bone tissue exposed to more pressure due to excess weight, which has a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.
  4. Circulatory problems. It is a violation of the first begins to cause muscle pain in menopause. His cause advocates destabilized metabolism. Muscles from a lack of collagen and elastin lose tone, and human blood vessels in addition can not fully provide blood tissue.
  5. Disorders of the nervous system. Menopause also negatively affects the functioning of the nerve endings, causing cramping, crawling "chills" on the skin. This factor can enhance not only the pain but also worsen the condition of joints. In this case, not only hurt his feet in menopause, but also the neck with the spine.

Learn about symptoms of menopause in women after 50 years, by clicking on the link.

Which can exacerbate and accelerate disease of the joints and bones?

It should be noted that menopause is not the only cause of bone diseases. After all, not all women with the arrival of menopause complain of joint problems. So you need to become familiar with all the factors that can trigger such violations:

  • Asthenic constitution. Such women do not have a high bone mass, so it is prone to rapid squander.
  • Poor or unbalanced diet in childhood. At risk are people who at a young age have not accumulated a sufficient stock of useful trace elements and substances.
  • Estrogen deficiency. It may be associated with the natural onset of menopause, and with earlier manifestations of menopause.
  • The lack of vitamin D. It is this vitamin is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body. Therefore, the lack of sunlight can also cause problems with joints.
  • Bad habits. This is attributed not only to cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and drugs that remove calcium from the body.
  • Heredity. If a mother or grandmother suffered from diseases of bone tissue, which is more likely to transmit the problem of succession.
  • Impaired absorption of calcium. Some women suffer from excessive calcium excretion from the body or a wrong assimilation.

What kind of diseases can say joint pain?

Menopause not in every case, provoke pain in the joints. Such symptoms can be caused by the following diseases:

  • arthritis,
  • arthrosis,
  • neuralgia,
  • osteoporosis,
  • a variety of joint damage after injuries.

As you can see, the causes of pain in the joints, muscles and bones, there are many. Therefore, before you treat the problem, it is necessary to ascertain the cause of its occurrence. The only right decision - is to visit a doctor and pass the corresponding examinations.

When should you see a doctor?

Visit the doctor is best at the first symptoms. Indications for immediate emergency call is:

  • aggressive symptoms;
  • severe pain in the legs;
  • constant feeling of numbness,
  • disturbance of consciousness,
  • ongoing pain,
  • high fever without cause,
  • increase in blood pressure.

In such cases it is necessary to call an ambulance, because the patient's condition can only get worse.

Medical control and timely diagnosis

If menopause stiff joints that make the problem should be resolved by a doctor. But first, you need to collect data on women's health through the following tests and examinations:

  1. Urinalysis and blood tests (to avoid inflammatory processes in the body).
  2. Biochemical analysis of blood (to help to establish the level of calcium and joint faction).
  3. Densitometry (study of bone mineral density).
  4. Smears genitals.
  5. Ultrasound joints.

If the sore legs or other limbs in menopause, do not put off a visit to the hospital. The doctor will make a list of necessary tests, examine the results and help her choose the appropriate therapy, starting from the lists of drugs taken.

HRT against the pain of the joints

If your joints ache during menopause because of hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to take drugs hormone replacement therapy. This can be combined and monotherapies agents that are prescribed based on climacteric symptomatology leakage.

Immediately it should be noted that not all women due to their health can take synthetic hormones. In such cases, the need to use plant hormones and recipes of traditional medicine in menopause.

Most often, doctors prescribe these drugs:

  • klimonorma,
  • Angelique,
  • estrofem,
  • Divina,
  • Ovestin,
  • Aktivel,
  • Kliogest,
  • Estrozhel.

Regarding the form of the issue of HRT drugs, it can be:

  • pills,
  • gels,
  • drops,
  • patches,
  • candles
  • ointment.

Among the plant hormones can be identified:

  • Remens,
  • Estrovel,
  • Klimaksan,
  • Klimadinon,
  • Klimakt Khel.

calcium-containing drugs

patients often ask, "and whether the sick joints even after HRT?" Here the doctors pay attention to the preparations of calcium, which is lacking in the body, selecting them on the basis of symptoms:

  • Calcium alginate (joints);
  • Kaltsepan (prevention of osteoporosis);
  • Kal-Di-Mag (against bone lesions);
  • Calcium Biolit (means of combination therapy);
  • Osteo complex (prevention and treatment of joint problems).

Joints may ache, for various reasons, but in all cases it is necessary to provide the body with enough calcium and will take care to eliminate the reasons for the malabsorption.

Methods of traditional medicine

In addition to medicines, hormone therapy, women's natural body needs support. It all starts with the food, where the following products must be present:

  • milk and milk products;
  • peas;
  • oatmeal;
  • nuts;
  • garlic,
  • mustard,
  • fish,
  • vegetables.

As for herbs, then you can buy ready-made tinctures, ointments or drops and cooking facilities in the home, using:

  • mugwort,
  • dandelion root,
  • sleep-grass,
  • St. John's wort,
  • woodruff smelly,
  • colza,
  • Impatiens grass,
  • Thlaspi arvense.

Treatment of pain in the joints during menopause is best done under medical supervision. Of course the folk remedies are also effective, but sometimes is not enough. In addition, it is important to ascertain the cause of such sensations to selected drugs have benefited rather than aggravate pre-existing pathology.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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