Menopause Day Night vitamins Ladies formula composition (reviews)


  1. What is Menopause Formula Ladies and Ladies Day Menopause Formula - Night
  2. How do the components of the preparations?
  3. Magnesium
  4. Boron
  5. Selenium and manganese
  6. Vitamin B6 group, B3, B5, B1 and B2
  7. vitamin PP
  8. vitamin E
  9. angelica
  10. Aralia
  11. Passionflower
  12. tsimitsifugi
  13. American ginseng
  14. Hop
  15. Terms receiving vitamin complexes
  16. Reviews of Women Ladys formula

Almost all representatives of the female during menopause feel painful and tired. Manifestations of menopause symptoms do not give rest and come to the idea of ​​approaching old age. To cope with the new state of things and enter into a new stage with dignity physically and emotionally respect the fair sex to the aid of medications and various food additives. These tools are able to qualitatively change the status of women came into menostaz. They relieve the main symptoms of menopause, which is extremely valuable at this stage. Quite popular among its pharmacological groups of drugs are vitamin complexes Ladies Menopause Formula (Lady's formula Menopause) and Ladies Day Menopause Formula - Night (Lady's formula Menopause Day-Night).

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About them further will be discussed.

Ladies Formula

What is Menopause Formula Ladies and Ladies Day Menopause Formula - Night

This multivitamin complexes, which are shown to women with climacteric syndrome. Day formula contains: 50 mg. American ginseng root, 250 mg. extract of green tea leaves, 20 mg. tsimifugi root extract. Night formula contains: 200 mg. Valerian root extract, 20 mg. tsimifugi root extract, 100 mg. hops extract, 200 mg. herbs passionflower. In addition, the complexes are composed of vitamins B1 groups, B6, B3, B2, B5, PP and E as well as minerals: selenium, boron, magnesium, manganese. Auxiliary components: Angelica, Aralia.

How do the components of the preparations?

Efficacy due to their unique structure. Let us consider each of them.


This component helps eliminate nervous stress, anxiety and worry. Together with Vitamin E it is a cofactor for the production of gamma-linolenic acid, which is designed to regulate hormone balance.


This component is important for the absorption of calcium than threat prevents osteoporosis.

Selenium and manganese

Having both is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Enhances immunity, has antioxidant properties.

Vitamin B6 group, B3, B5, B1 and B2

Normalize heart function, strengthen the nervous system and regulate the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

vitamin PP

Nislota nicotine - it another name. Indispensable in the liver and heart. It promotes normal functioning of the stomach.

vitamin E

Positive effect on the heart muscle, strengthens it. Prevents cholesterol to attach to the walls of blood vessels, reduces the chance of thrombosis. It works as an antioxidant.


This component contributes to the production of female sex hormones. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, as well as a laxative effect on the digestive tract. A diuretic.


Manchurian Aralia increases libido, keeps the body in good shape, it activates the physical and mental abilities.


It relaxes and soothes the nervous system. Promotes eliminate insomnia and attacks climacteric neurosis. It reduces anxiety.


Eliminates menostaza symptoms. Prevents disease such as osteoporosis.

American ginseng

Improves the immune system, it stimulates the glands active genital and adrenal gland.


Relieves chills and shivering. It regulates the rhythm of sleep, eliminating irritability.
pharmachologic effect

Ladies formula Menopause and Menopause Formula Ladies Day - Night normalize metabolic processes in the body are favorable its overall strengthening, improves metabolism, supports the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood levels cholesterol. Due to the action of these dietary supplements may achieve balance and natural rhythm of functioning of reproductive system of the woman.

During the day, the drug helps to cope with these symptoms;

  • flaccidity and decreased activity;
  • mood swings and depression at menopause;
  • fading libido;
  • headaches and blood pressure drops;
  • breakdowns in the background menostaza

At night, the tool removes these symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance, anxiety;
  • bouts of lack of oxygen, shortness of breath;
  • enhanced sweating during menopauseChills;
  • nocturnal hot flashes.

Terms receiving vitamin complexes

Experts recommend taking the drug Ladies formula Menopause orally one tablet a day with a meal. Contraindication to receiving BUD is a personal intolerance of its components, and allergic reactions to food additive.

The drug is Ladies Day Menopause Formula - Night Take one tablet twice a day: the first appointment in the morning (breakfast), the second - in the late evening (one hour before bedtime). Contraindication for lozenges - hypersensitivity to the constituents of tablets, atherosclerosis, hypertension.


  1. Doctors do not recommend to drink tablets on an empty stomach.
  2. Before using supplements, be sure to consult with your gynecologist.
  3. At the time of taking the pills necessary to eliminate the use of alcohol, antidepressants.

Reviews of Women Ladys formula

Reviews of Ladies formula Menopause Day - Ladies Night and Menopause formula for the most part positive. Women taking tablets mark feeling better after receiving Ledis preparations formula.

There is a normalization of blood pressure, improved sleep, reduction in the frequency of hot flashes and increased sexual activity. However, some people notice a return of menopause symptoms after cessation of taking pills.

It emphasizes the desirability of continuous use tablets. With regular use of vitamin complex ladies notice strengthening immunity and therefore less easily transferred colds or disease.

Women say it is not a natural chemical composition and the absence of negative effects on the body. Reviews on various forums indicate that the active use of the means at the time of menopause.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 69
  • 153