- Physiological changes in the ovaries
- What is the ovary
- Changes in menopause
- Features of the ovaries at menopause
- Polycystic ovaries at menopause
- Symptoms of ovarian polikiztoza
- How dangerous
- Treatment
- How to stimulate the ovaries work in menopause
- proper nutrition
- Active lifestyle
- The use of infusions and decoctions
- Admission phytohormones
- The use of HRT
menopause period - a landmark stage in the life of any representatives of the weaker sex. At this time the complex changes of a global nature, which often deliver a lot of anxiety and discomfort. These changes capture all aspects of the female body, but particularly pronounced changes occur in a woman's reproductive organs, such as the ovaries. After all, this is where there are processes aimed at implementing the main objective of menopausal changes - completion of the reproductive function. What happens to the ovaries during menopause? Let's investigate.
Physiological changes in the ovaries
It is the reproductive system of the female body undergoes the most serious changes during menopause. To understand the essence of the processes taking place at this time in the ovaries, we should remember what is the function of this body, and what is its value.
What is the ovary
The ovary is an oval gland which at one end is attached to the uterus, and the other is oriented in the direction of the fallopian tube. Ripened ovary consists of the cortex, medulla, and the so-called gate. It is located in the cortex follicles in which the mature egg. In the body of every woman has put a certain number of follicles. This is a unique reproductive reserves, which reserves for life renewed.
In each menstrual cycle, one follicle matures, giving a chance for the emergence of a new life. In the ovary there is a development of these vital hormones such as estrogens and androgens. The highest value for the full activity of the female body are just estrogen.
Changes in menopause
The menopause ovarian structure changes dramatically. These changes are irreversible, their finale is full completion of childbearing. As the progression of menopausal changes, the follicles place gradually replaced by connective tissue, and the place of the former corpora lutea - hyaline clumps. This dynamic process leads to a change in the size and structure of the body. Gradually, the ovaries decrease in size, the process of atrophy of tissue.
Read on the age at which women end month and how to extend the body's youth in the article here.
Many women want to know what the overall performance of the ovaries are normal during menopause. Should focus on the following parameters:
- volume may vary from 4,5 to 1,5m3 m3;
- Thickness should contain figures from 9 to 12 mm;
- length: 20 to 25 mm;
- width: 12 to 15 mm.
Features of the ovaries at menopause
With increasing age the number of follicles in ovaries cavity gradually reduced, which provokes a decrease amount produced by that body of sex hormones. Reducing estrogen synthesis and is a trigger in the development pathological manifestations of menopauseBecause most of the processes that take place inside the woman's body, are hormone-dependent.
Estrogen deficiency causes a response from the hypothalamus, the essence of which consists in that he tries to restore the full functioning of the ovaries, sending aid follicle hormone. Changes in the hypothalamus provoke the development of failures in the thermoregulatory system, which explains the nature of the tides.
Estrogen deficiency affects the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, excretory, digestive, urinary system of the body, causing irreversible changes in them. It affects hormone deficiency and the state of the musculoskeletal system, and the external appearance of a woman.
As soon as climacteric changes gaining strength, ovarian activity steadily declines. By the time of full menopause finally stops the process of maturation of oocytes, ovulation no longer occurs, resulting in such an outward sign of how termination of menstrual bleeding.
Postmenopause is characterized by complete cessation of estrogen production by the ovaries of women. But to say that the body postmenopausal women completely ceases production of the female hormone, it would be wrong. The human body by nature endowed with high adaptation ability, therefore the reproduction estrogen continues beyond the prostate - they are synthesized by peripheral structures (by the adrenal glands, fat cloth).
Polycystic ovaries at menopause
Unfortunately, menopause often brings very unpleasant symptoms that are accompanied by feelings of sickness and pain. If we talk about the potential problems in the functioning of the ovaries, they are most often expressed in the following phenomenon: under the influence of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) hormone follicle increases in size, as it should under normal menstrual cycle, but the difference lies in the fact that the egg is not within the follicle matures and ovulation It is happening. This anomaly is accompanied by lack of production of progesterone, which normally must accompany ovulation. Estrogens meanwhile provoke thickening of the epithelium and cause delay menstruation. When the period comes, you are accompanied by feelings of pain, in addition, significantly increased the duration and profuse discharge. This whole process combines the concept of "the persistence of the follicle."
Symptoms of ovarian polikiztoza
These enlarged follicles otherwise known as "cysts". If the appearance of a persistent follicle is not isolated, the doctors say about the development of such diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease can be expressed by the following symptoms:
- prolonged menstruation. The cycle is increased to 35 or more days. Although the climax, this feature is not fundamental, because an irregular cycle at this time is quite a natural phenomenon;
- abundant or scanty menses contrary that accompany feeling severe pain. However nature of the discharge in menopause It is also a sign of the controversial, because this stage by itself cause a similar picture;
- Pain can manifest itself is localized in the left or the right ovary, depending on the location of the cysts. Discomfort is stored and menstruation. Becomes painful sexual intercourse;
- increasing ovarian, which is easily explainable by the presence in their cavity persistent follicles. In this case, the size of the uterus is below the physiological norm;
- weight gain with a characteristic distribution of body fat of male type;
- excessive hair growth on the body;
- total or partial loss of hair;
- increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
- acne;
- brutalization vote.
How dangerous
Polycystic dangerous, especially malignant transformation. It was in the period of menopause such probability is increased by several times. In addition, he is able to provoke a series of pathological processes in the body: mastopathy in menopause, Myocardial infarction, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, obesity, thrombosis.
Treatment of polycystic ovarian cysts and individual can be both medical and operational. Initially, preference is given hormone replacement therapy in menopause it usually has a pronounced positive effect on the course of disease. If the positive trend is not, then we have to treat cystic disease, without the help of a surgeon.
Keep in mind that the appearance of any in the area of pelvic pain should be cause for immediate treatment to the doctor.
How to stimulate the ovaries work in menopause
The longer a woman's ovaries will retain their full functionality, the later start in the body irreversible age-related changes. How to make the ovaries work harder?
The foundation of any positive change should be a lifestyle change. This concept includes a range of activities.
proper nutrition
Of great importance is the power. Preference should be given to foods of plant origin (vegetables, fruits, berries, vegetables, grain crops), dairy products, dietary meats and fish. It is important to reduce the intake of animal fat, to give up fried, smoked, overly salty food.
It is equally important to consume a sufficient amount of drinking water. To complete the work to the human body needs about 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
To menopausal support the work not only of reproductive organs, but also the whole organism, can be supplemented by diet intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. Modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge selection of this kind of drugs. Their structure is designed to reflect the changes typical of menopause. For example, it can be:
- Complivit 50+;
- Ladies Menopause Formula;
- Complivit Calcium D3;
- Woman 40+;
- Orthomol Femin et al.
Active lifestyle
No less important is the presence of regular physical activity. It helps to avoid stagnation in the pelvic organs, thereby preventing the development of pathological processes that contribute to reduce pain during menstruationIt helps the reproductive system of women to work balanced.
The use of infusions and decoctions
The safest option impact on the functioning of the ovaries may be the use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants that are rich in plant estrogens. Fitosostavy from these plants can perfectly complement the main treatment for menopausal changes in the ovaries:
- sage;
- upland uterus;
- red brush;
- red clover;
- shepherd's purse.
Admission phytohormones
Improved embodiment can be ovarian dysfunction treatment drugs based on natural estrogens. These tools help achieve a smoother flow of menopausal changes, as well as prevent the development of pathologies, including on the part of the ovaries.
Their selection is huge today, every single drug has its own characteristics and the impact on the female body. Therefore, the treatment should be entrusted to the skilled artisan. The most popular and effective tools are:
- Klimadinon;
- Klimanorm;
- Chi-Klim;
- Mensa;
- Menopace capsules;
- Estrovel.
The use of HRT
Another option to stimulate the ovaries can be a hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Preparations of this type can be produced in the form of gels, ointments (Estrozhel, Divigel) tablets (Premarin, Proginova, Sinestrol) and skin patches (Ekstraderm, Dermestril). All of them contain in their composition of artificial female hormones. Such treatment can help the ovaries work harder again. Hormones normalized in a fairly short time. However, it is HRT requires a more cautious attitude, because it has a number of contraindications and side effects. Determine whether to force the ovaries to function over long needed an experienced specialist must.
Occurred during menopause hormonal upheaval can not pass without a trace for any organ of the female body. The changes undergone by the ovaries is certainly the most significant and large-scale. And to try to minimize the risk of adverse effects of menopause - the main task of the woman she has to perform in order to preserve their health. Timely diagnosis of menopause and related changes - the key to success in overcoming this phase of life.