Antidepressants during menopause: a sedative on the nerves


  1. Features and indications for use of antidepressants during menopause
  2. The mechanism of action of sedatives during menopause
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of some antidepressants
  4. disadvantages
  5. natural antidepressants
  6. Valerian
  7. Motherwort
  8. marjoram
  9. Sage
  10. sedative medications
  11. Opinions about antidepressants during climax professionals and patients

Every woman knows from an early age that to the 45 years of her body will be irreversible changes associated with the completion of the reproductive function and the onset of menopause. Often, this kind of change manifest unpleasant symptoms, which gives a woman the discomfort. In the first place, out of balance psycho-emotional condition that affects depression, neuroses, mood, rapid changes, apathy, irritability, insomnia and other violations.

At this point, the body is in dire need of support from the outside, and are often experts and female representatives, trying to decide problem, turn to hormone replacement therapy, to the use of naturally occurring drugs, homeopathy, nutritional supplements, antidepressants. The latter are widely spread through the exact orientation of action and effectiveness. How do they work, and what means the best in his group - will help you understand this article.

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Antidepressants during menopause

Features and indications for use of antidepressants during menopause

At menopause a woman is often observed changes not only in appearance but also in behavior. She becomes irritable, sensitive plant for small things, drastically changing its mood, begin to overcome the sad thoughts about the forthcoming age and painful sensations coming menopause. Felt heart palpitations, high blood pressure surges, shortness of breath, choking, lost working capacity, if not lose the desire to do anything.

Many have blamed on age, but the problem lies in hormonal disorders - namely a deficit of estrogen, the female hormone. This is the reason disables the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which causes frequent climacteric neuroses.

the nervous system and causes a depletion of autonomic disorders, which entails flushing, rash, cramps, spasms, pain, and a number of other ailments. Experts note that in 38% of cases of menopause symptoms occur exactly on the psychosomatic basis.

At this point, come to the aid of antidepressants during climax. This drugs of natural and synthetic origin, which have psychoactive effects on the nervous system, helping to get rid of the above symptoms. Unlike gormonozamescheniya their contra minimized, and they have a sparing effect on the organism.

The mechanism of action of sedatives during menopause

As already noted, Menopause is characterized by a decrease in the production of female hormones, in particular - estrogen, which take participate in the huge number of vital processes, such as the decay of monoamines (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine). Sedatives block this collapse, so there is no disruption to the nervous system, and the woman is not subject to neuroses, stress and depression.

Such violations may occur due to malfunction of the endocrine system and its organs. Antidepressants complex action also help solve this problem. Also, many drugs have an analgesic sedative and restorative effect.

Examine additional information about how to ease the symptoms of menopause in women.

Advantages and disadvantages of some antidepressants

Sedative in menopause will definitely enjoy great popularity due to its effectiveness and a number of advantages:

  • They have a rapid action, kupiruya number of symptoms. Those. the application of these drugs do not block some one manifestation. Acting on the nerve receptors themselves, they help get rid of all the consequences of violations of the psycho-emotional state at once, eliminating the neuroses, irritability, insomnia.
  • Also lead to normal thermoregulatory processes, which helps to avoid hot flashes, chills, excessive sweating. It has not only the sedative and antispasmodic and analgesic effect.
  • Many of these tools have an integrated focus, providing not only soothing, but also restorative and profilaktiruschee cardiovascular disease.

This kind of products are available in various forms for the convenience of each potrebitelnits: the tablets, dragees, drops, syrups, tinctures.

Contraindications Most of these drugs are minimized.


Among the shortcomings can be noted that some of the reviews on the female, sedative drugs are addictive, and after the termination of their admission symptoms are in full force. It should also be noted that part of the natural anti-depressants, such as tinctures, are alcohol-based, it is necessary not to everyone's liking and has contraindications.

natural antidepressants


Perhaps there is no person who has not heard or experienced the beneficial sedative effect of valerian. The extract of this plant is a great success and prevalence of use in women during menopause, especially - in the initial stages, when symptoms do not recruit more speed. Valerian is used both as an extract composed fees, homeopathic remedies, dietary supplements, and in the form of tablets, drops, tinctures. It helps to stabilize the pressure, eliminate anxiety, overcome insomnia during menopauseAs well as reduce pain and spasms. Should eat according to dosage, since the excess of the norm can lead to drowsiness, loss of coordination, weakness.


Another plant having effective sedative effect. No contraindications, is suitable for almost everyone. Normalize sleep, prevent cramps, irritability and suppresses excitability leads to normal heart rhythm. Also included in the composition of many drugs, charges or presented in a concentrated form in tablet or droplet form.


Helps to cope with neuroses and other nervous disorders, helps eliminate hot flashes. Most often found in herbal teas, on the basis of which the use infusions, teas during menopause.


Effective as of the same infusions and teas, as well as oils for aromatherapy, the effectiveness of which is noted in many reviews. Following the link to find out how to make a sage during menopause and hot flashes.

sedative medications

On what drugs from a number of antidepressants is better to drink - tell your specialist, previously run diagnostics, and while taking into account the features of your body.

Sedative drugs are common at menopause:

  • Grandaxinum. Upon the occurrence of menopause in the female often observed asthenic disorders. These and other neurotic symptoms successfully eliminates Grandaxinum drug. Its main active ingredient is Tofisopam having vegetoreguliruyuschimi and sedative action. This medicine is not addictive. It has a small number of contraindications, and even less - side effects.
  • New Pass. It refers to medicines tranquilizers, represented as medicines and pills. The main active components have estrogen-like activity that helps not only to cope with psycho disorders, but also to the best effect on hormones. Stabilizes sleep, blood pressure, thermoregulation, prevents and eliminates neurological pain and cramps, irritability, anxiety.
  • Persen. Natural antidepressant based on extracts of valerian, mint and motherwort. Has a sedative effect, it helps to cope with neurosis, sleep disorders, irritability, hot flashes.
  • Lerivon. Has anxiolytic effect, it eliminates neurosis, depressive state, increases concentration and performance in menopause.
  • Koaksil. It stimulates the uptake of serotonin, has an analgesic effect. It helps to cope with disorders of the nervous system and autonomic functions.
  • Klimaktoplan. This tool helps to stop virtually all kinds of disorders of mental and emotional state. It is recommended to consume at the very first manifestations of menopause, which further helps to avoid neurological symptoms. The effect is noticeable already after one week of application. Not addictive.

These and other drugs are effective and the most lenient in relation to the female body. In general, they have not only a sedative effect, and are able to remove the pain, cramps, and even have a restorative effect.

Opinions about antidepressants during climax professionals and patients

At the climax of all good. Some selected hormone replacement therapy, others - drink only natural products. Someone wants to make a general and fundamental effect, and someone wants sedation, without feeling other symptoms.

Experts successfully prescribe antidepressants as the main weapon in the fight against infringements psycho-emotional equilibrium and in combination with hormonal agents and other antiklimaktericheskimi drugs.

Success among them, these drugs are due to the fact that they eliminate several symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, fatigue, depression, neuroses, insomnia, heart palpitations, lethargy, panic attacks, as well as tides and surges in blood pressure, pain and muscle spasms.

Contraindications such tranquilizers are minimized, but before applying those still need to be sure to consult a specialist to eliminate some diseases and be sure that all the events taking place at the moment - it echoes the climax, rather than a specific disease.

Virtually every woman who saw sedatives during menopause, they noted a beneficial effect in the fight for a balanced state at menopause and tonic effect. Only 28% of the female suggests that these drugs are addictive, and after the termination of their use symptoms reappear.

If you decide to use tranquilizers in menopause, - pre-check with your doctor, including endocrinologist, to exclude minor contraindications and felt by their effectiveness in the struggle for a peaceful and balanced state. Be healthy and calm with an antidepressant in menopause!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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