- Influence of menopausal changes on the female figure
- Why growing belly during menopause?
- Methods of dealing with excess weight in menopause
- A balanced diet
- Sedentary life
- Timely visit to the doctor
- Exception stressful situations
Entry into menopause - a worrying time for every woman. In addition to the multiple manifestations of the internal physical discomfort, menopause is fraught with such undesirable consequence for women as weight gain. Painful flushing, pressure surges, emotional disharmony - nothing is so frightening and so grieve beautiful half of humanity, as this threat. What to do with weight gain during menopause? First, to understand the causes of this phenomenon, and secondly, to act confidently and systematically!
Influence of menopausal changes on the female figure
To understand the reasons for weight gain during menopause, it should be recalled that a general is menopause. The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the reproductive function of the body gradually fades, and this happens due to the depletion of the number of follicles in the ovaries. This important female body begins to reduce the production of female sex hormones estrogen, and it is here that and show the delights menostaza.
Horse Racing sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen - lead to the fact that 2/3 of women's problems begin with a set of extra kilos.
Or may not be the fullness of the menopause - a question of the whole set of factors.
- One of them is heredity. We are not born Osinki Apelsinka, so if your family all of the fair half likely to be overweight, the menopause significantly increases the risk of weight gain. But then again, the presence of large families is not yet 100% conviction, if you keep the process under control, it is possible to fool genetics.
- Another provocateur are formed food stereotypes. Eat more tasty, with some bread, drink all the tea with sugar and sweets. These rules form part of nutrition in early childhood and sometimes accompany the person throughout his life. Naturally, when the body enters menopause, these habits chrevougodnicheskie bearing fruit. Their negative effect is compounded by hormonal "swings", changes in the endocrine system, slowing metabolism.
- The third factor that provokes completeness, is the lack of regular exercise. With age, muscle mass volume is reduced and replaced by fatty deposits. In addition, reduced muscle tone, and body loses the previous forms - figure "spoiled."
Read the article at the link is it possible to lose weight during menopause using folk remedies.
Why growing belly during menopause?
So ordered Mother Nature, that the fat deposits in the postmenstrual period are grouped together in the abdomen and thighs. This is explained by the fact that at the end of reproductive age in the adrenal gland increases production of male sex hormones (androgens), and to develop in the ovaries of female (estrogen) decreases. From here it begins to form male pattern obesity.
But in addition to hormonal features of menopause, An increase in body weight affects (directly and indirectly) a number of factors, interrelated.
- Improper diet can easily top the list of reasons for weight gain during menopause. Abuse of fats, carbohydrates fastest of all kinds, fried and smoked food - all this leads to an inevitable increase in waist circumference. Another factor associated with diet and allows you to answer the question "Why growing belly" can become a chronic problem in the digestive system. Flatulence, goiter, gastritis and other troubles do their work: muscles gradually stretch and rounded belly phenomenon is imminent given.
- Diseases, in particular, endocrine (diabetes mellitus, disturbances of adrenal gland, thyroid gland), lead to failure of hormone, provoking the development of completeness. This is a major reason that requires professional assistance.
- Stress and emotional swings indirectly also provoke an increase in waist circumference. In a state of psychological discomfort, many women begin to seek solace in food. And finding... together with overweight. The habit of calm and reward yourself with food is formed in childhood. Climax - the same time that this belief is extremely beneficial change.
- Lack or excess of vitamins and minerals may also not play a role. Since chromium is accompanied by lack of an irresistible craving for sweets, and overdose with vitamins C and B12 can cause severe bouts of hunger.
- A sedentary lifestyle also can not be discounted. The body loses its tone, the muscles weaken and blur, body weight inexorably rising. Moreover, the lack of physical activity produces stagnation phenomena in the organs, decreased metabolism and therefore triggers weight gain.
Methods of dealing with excess weight in menopause
Forewarned is forearmed! And armed - fight! Not enough to know, you need to apply this knowledge in practice. Only such leadership principles to help cope with the problem of excess centimeters at menostaze.
A balanced diet
To combat weight gain during menopause, it is necessary to revise the diet: to reduce the use of harmful products, reduced calorie, unhealthy foods replace healthy. It is important to observe a certain eating regime and in any case not starve, it is best to give preference to split meals - this good health and a chance at one sitting empty refrigerator is reduced to a minimum, since a strong sense of hunger is simply not It allowed. Check out diet for weight loss during menopause (Menu for the week).
It is necessary to choose a balanced vitamin and mineral complex that covers an organism needs missing substances. Ideally, of course, this should be done in cooperation with the competent expert, and to prevent overdose.
pay attention to tea for weight loss monastery. This product has no contraindications and contributes to smooth correction.
Sedentary life
Secondly, the need to make friends, well, if not sports, then at least with a minimum of physical activity. For starters, you can just start to walk fast, you can make an yoga classes, Water aerobics, physical therapy. Just to move! Even banal daily walks will benefit. Physical activity will help to improve metabolic and hormonal processes in the body, strengthen muscles, and as a result, reduce waist.
Timely visit to the doctor
You need to be serious about your health. Any malfunction in the body must be under the supervision of the attending physician, and prescribed treatment should not be ignored. This applies, in particular, and the hormonal changes that accompany menopause. Reduce their negative impact is possible by means of appropriate therapy prescribed by an endocrinologist, gynecologist or other specialized professionals.
Exception stressful situations
It is desirable to control the psycho-emotional state, so as not to fall for the tricks of the mind and start seizing the hardships of life in different hazard. In order to maintain the nervous system, can resort to mild sedatives vegetable nature, refer to meditation techniques, learn relaxation techniques.
Weight gain during menopause - a phenomenon often enough, but it is not inevitable. In this regard, it is important to time to understand the causes that trigger this process, and then systematically work on getting it fixed. At this stage it is extremely important to regularly and systematically. And very significantly, as a woman applies to her: love Does your body whether it takes, whether is ready to work for the good of their health and longevity. It is a psychological component often plays a decisive role in the success of measures to preserve the harmony and beauty of the body. Perseverance, hard work and positive inner attitude - the main component in the struggle for a slender waist at any age.