- What it is?
- The causes and the provocateurs of the disease
- Symptoms that accompany uterine serozometru
- diagnosis of the disease
- medication
- serozometry uterine treatment of folk remedies
menopause period is often a time of surprises in the internal organs and systems. One of these unpleasant manifestations is serozometra uterus in menopause. Many women is a concept completely unknown. Nevertheless, it is dysfunctional impaired ability to deliver a lot of problems and experiences, so it is important to be aware of the dangers that lurk behind this term.
What it is?
Serozometra uterus in menopause occurs quite frequently. Approximately 40% of the fair sex are faced with this condition. What is this disease is?
Serozometra - is, as a rule, not an independent disease, and concomitant symptom of more serious ailments. This state is characterized by the accumulation of serous fluid into the uterus and fallopian tubes. The fact is that between the muscle fibers and the endometrium exists membrane of connective tissue, which is a large number of small vessels. From the walls of these vessels is a natural separation of plasma (serous fluid). For some reason there is this accumulation of fluid in the uterus. The most frequent - it serozometra in postmenopausal women. This fact can be attributed to the global changes that are undergoing endocrine and reproductive system laid down under the influence of the nature of age-related changes.
The causes and the provocateurs of the disease
The primary cause of serozometry is hormonal imbalance provoked by menopausal changes. This pathology occurs in the reproductive age, but in the postmenopausal period is recorded more frequently.
Read more about menopause itAnd which diseases develop during this stage.
There are several major factors that create favorable conditions for the development of the uterus serozometry:
- At menopause, under the influence of decrease in estrogen levels originate atrophic processes affecting also the mucosa of the genital organs. In this connection, it reduced local immunity, increases the risk of inflammatory diseases, which indirectly stimulates an abnormal accumulation of fluid.
- Deficiency of estrogen and progesterone affects the endometrial condition. With the cessation of menstruation its renewal slows down, which also contributes to the plasma stagnation.
- Narrowing of the cervical canal (atresia) that develops during menostaza causes physiological outflow obstruction of serous fluid from the uterus.
- Changes in acid-base balance in the vagina is also caused by hormonal changes.
- Transferred previously or currently available female gynecological disease It is also able to cause that a woman will develop serozometra in postmenopausal women. Hormonal "revolution" is often the culprit of the occurrence of diseases such as endometrial hyperplasia, polyps, cysts and uterine fibroids. As a result of these pathologies most often fluid retention in the uterus.
Additional factors that may provoke the development of the disease are:
- Sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation processes in the pelvic organs and disruption of metabolic processes.
- Poor nutrition, which causes metabolic disorders, obesity, weakening of blood vessels, resulting in often develops serozometra in menopause.
- Irrational use of hormonal drugs, including the self-appointment medications, eliminating estrogen deficiency during the menopause, may entail serious effects. Hormonal imbalance, which is likely if such treatment can lead to malfunction of the genital organs and, as a result, to the fact that a woman will develop plasma stagnation in the uterus.
- The presence of bad habits.
Symptoms that accompany uterine serozometru
Sirozometra - quite insidious pathology. With a slight accumulation of serous component, it practically does not detect themselves. If the disease progresses, the following characteristic symptoms may occur:
- pulling and bursting pain localized in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
- pain during intercourse;
- Secretions as water odorless yellowish, gray color (sometimes bloody streaks). Especially abundant may be such allocation after sex;
- difficulty in emptying the bladder, caused by compression of the uterus nearby organs, frequent urination;
- increase in abdominal volume, provoked increasing size of the uterus due to accumulation of fluid;
- periodic fever;
- prostration.
diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis sirozometry uterus, as well as any gynecological disease begins with a direct inspection of the doctor. When this disease there is an increase in uterine size varying severity.
The second most important action performed for diagnosis is ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. After the meeting, you can without much difficulty to diagnose. On the monitor, the doctor clearly sees the accumulation of serous fluid, its location and volume. In addition, ultrasound allows to fix the trouble and other symptoms that can be instigators of water retention in the uterus.
Since serozometra is often a concomitant symptom of more serious illnesses, the patient will be assigned a number of analyzes:
- swab of the vagina and the cervical canal;
- general analysis of blood and urine;
- a blood test for the study of hormone levels;
- analysis for the presence of tumor markers.
Therapy serozometry carried out based on the obtained inspection results.
In the first place, it is required to establish a natural outflow of serous component of the uterus. This often applies drainage of the cervical canal.
Another focus of treatment is to eliminate the immediate causes of pathological stagnation. If this gynecological diseases (endometriosis, myoma, hyperplasia, cystadenoma of the ovary after menopause), It is necessary to take measures for their treatment. This will lead to solving the problem of accumulation of serous fluid.
If during the progression of the inflammatory process observed joining, i.e. secretions present traces of pus, antibiotic treatment is applied. The following drugs are commonly used:
- amoxicillin;
- moxifloxacin;
- ornidazole;
- Cefotaxime.
To relieve pain and inflammation used painkillers (diclofenac, naproxen, indomethacin) and antiviral (candles Viferon, Genferon) medicines.
In order to prevent recurrence of the abnormal stagnation use drugs that enhance blood circulation in the pelvic organs (Phibbs, Detraleks), vitamin therapy used, focusing on increasing the intake of vitamin C and B vitamins B.
In the case when triggered by hormonal abnormality warp, can be used with hormonal agents or phytoestrogens.
In the absence of contraindications possible to use physiotherapy.
serozometry uterine treatment of folk remedies
serozometry treatment in postmenopausal women with the help of naturopathy can act only as an auxiliary method. Perhaps with a slight severity of the disease, which is caused by a hormonal imbalance, traditional medicine and capable of neutralizing the abnormal accumulation of fluid, but apply any natural products only with the permission of the attending physician.
Treatment folk remedies such diseases as serozometra may be carried out using the following plants:
- Aloe vera. For the preparation of a therapeutic product necessary to make a paste of 50 g of leaves and mix it with 3 tablespoons honey. Before taking 1 tablespoon the resulting mixture was placed in a glass of warm milk mix, the resulting drink medicine. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
- Viburnum. Juice and infusion of berries of this plant helps to significantly alleviate the condition of women. This berry has powerful anti-inflammatory, hemostatic properties, which allows to neutralize the pathological condition. To prepare an infusion, must make 100 g of berries Viburnum 1000 ml of boiling water, then carefully warmed with infusion container and wait for about 1 hour. Take three times a day before meals for about 14 days;
- Borovaya uterus. A plant whose medicinal properties very successfully used for the preservation and restoration of women's health. For the treatment of serozometry used infusion of this herb. For its preparation 50 g of raw material is poured 500 ml of boiling water and left for infusion for several hours. Receiving means four times per day with 50 ml. Learn more the therapeutic properties of upland uterus in menopause.
- Alleviate the condition of women and to accelerate the recovery may help douching infusion of the following herbs: chamomile, sage, oak bark, St. John's wort, celandine. All herbs should be mixed in equal amounts and pour 2 tablespoons mixture liter of boiling water. Give agents of the present and to carry out syringing warm infusion for 2-3 weeks (1 per day).