- Why the endometrium grows in menopause?
- symptoms of endometriosis
- types of diseases
- diagnosis of the disease
- What happens if you do not treat the disease?
- medication
- operative intervention
- Treatment of folk medicine
Previously it was thought uncommon occurrence of endometriosis, symptoms during menopause, and treatment of the disease most often carried out in the reproductive age. But now signs of the disease are often observed at the initial stage of menopause. During this period, a woman's life is very difficult to diagnose the pathology of the common symptoms of menopause. But the sooner the doctor will determine the presence of the disease, the greater the chances to cure it, because older patients endometrial pathology can have serious consequences.
Why the endometrium grows in menopause?
Endometriosis in menopause is a form of gynecological pathology, during which the growth of the inner uterine cavity layer outside it. Increased endometrial cell division is more characteristic for the reproductive age, but at menopause, the disease can also occur.
Main reasons:
- Significant predominance of estrogen. It would seem, against the backdrop of fading of ovarian function this can not be. But at the beginning of menopause hormonal failure occurs, which can take place in different ways. And in this case may be an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.
- Obesity. With a shortage of female sex hormone body begins to recover missing hormones via lipid tissue (fat). But the fact is that the fat is not able to produce progesterone, which is responsible for balancing the effects of estrogen on the body. And as a result there is an abnormal growth of endometrial tissue.
- Diabetes. Provokes recurrent endometriosis in premenopausal women. Poor functioning of the gonads causes malfunction where even a minimal amount of estrogen causes activation of uterine lining cells.
- Old infectious diseases. Delays in treatment, advanced forms of inflammation creates an additional burden on the reproductive system. Infectious diseases are able to change the structure of the endometrium unnoticed, but when menopause it may become apparent.
- Various surgical intervention. Operations on the genitals, many abortions. It is connected with the remaining scar tissue that serve as a basis for dividing the endometrial cells.
- Hereditary predisposition. This reason is not fully understood, but in some case there is such a connection. This applies not only to the uterus of endometriosis at the climax, but other gynecological diseases.
symptoms of endometriosis
Symptoms of endometriosis at the climax of the disease depend on localizationand the number of lesions.
Among the most common symptoms is to provide:
- Pain (in the morning is very intense, decreasing in the afternoon).
- Extraction (as small precipitates from blood, conventional heavy discharge, and bleeding). Follow the link to view photo selections for endometriosis.
- Dizziness (without systematic).
- General fatigue (disease increases the efficiency decline at menopause).
In addition, quite often there are signs of intoxication:
- feeling the chill;
- nausea and vomiting;
- a sharp rise in temperature;
- High white blood cell count.
Endometriosis in menopause may resemble the common menopause symptoms, so women at risk of the disease to run. Also endometrium proliferation can significantly enhance the unpleasant feelings that are typical of menopause.
types of diseases
The shape of the spread isolated endometriosis:
- Genital. Often the inner and outer. In this case, the cause of pathology are the cell enzymes, receptors, hormones, and gene mutation.
- Extragenital. The growth of the endometrium is not limited to the genitals, but other areas of the body. Most often suffer from abdominal cavity, lungs, liver and heart. Here, the disease provokes overweight, diabetes, the effects of surgery, as well as inflammation.
Also, endometrial hyperplasia can be:
- glandular,
- cystic,
- basement,
- polypoid,
- atypical.
Each type has its own characteristics and methods of treatment. The most difficult to treat basal and atypical endometriosis, but they occur rarely.
diagnosis of the disease
Climax and endometriosis share several common symptoms, so it is frequently observed forms of pathology is running at menopause. You can not rely on their own feelings, because of what is required systematic monitoring by a doctor.
The following diagnostic methods:
- Gynecological examination. The doctor will listen to complaints, examine the uterine cavity and will assign the following types of surveys, if necessary.
- US. Using a vaginal probe will appreciate the general condition of the internal reproductive organs, endometrial thickening install fabrics. On hyperplasia demonstrates thickening of 15 to 20 mm. Indicators are talking about more than adenocarcinoma.
- Hysteroscopy. The specialist makes scraping the uterine cavity to accurately determine the type of endometriosis. The procedure is performed without anesthesia, it is considered to be painless, but may bother some allocation after hysteroscopy.
- Biopsy. Held for further histological examination of endometrial tissue. Due to surgical clipping tissue may occur bleeding after biopsy.
- A blood test for hormones. It is determined by the level of sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and adrenal glands.
- x-ray of the uterus. Quite informative diagnostic method that helps determine the presence of tumors, polyps and adhesions.
diagnostic character is determined on an individual basis after a visit to a gynecologist.
What happens if you do not treat the disease?
If time does not diagnose the disease and do not go beyond the treatment, the endometriosis can cause:
- Severe anemia. Significant bleeding provoke hemoglobin loss. The body can not fully recover the volume and the quality of blood, and if the woman does not ask for help at the hospital, it can even be fatal.
- Peritonitis. If endometrial tissue are distributed on the reproductive system, it can cause severe inflammation of the abdominal cavity.
- Cancer. Cancer tumors can occur in the background running of endometriosis. A cure cancerous tumors is very difficult.
It can be concluded that early treatment of endometrial pathology protects the woman from the very serious consequences that are directly related to the disease.
Endometriosis in premenopausal or postmenopausal women treated with hormone-based drugs. The main task at this stage - is to reduce the effect of estrogen on the body. For this purpose, progesterone, acceptance of which can cause regression of the disease and the remission foci pathology.
But the reception of one-component products is only possible in the absence of other problems, in fact, and so reduced level of estrogen at menopause when the strong suppression may have a negative impact on other organs.
Most often, doctors prescribe a combination of drugs hormone replacement therapy with a small amount of estrogen and progestin for the treatment of soft-effect:
- Triziston,
- Janine,
- Marvelon,
- Anteovin.
It is worth remembering that if endometriosis has grown into malignant tumors, the HRT is not allowed.
Instead of the combined drugs your doctor may prescribe:
Progestin-based agents:
- Iprozhin,
- Norkolut,
- Pradzhisan,
- utrozhestan,
- Duphaston.
Androgens (to reduce the production of estrogen) - Gestrinone, Danazol. These tools eliminate the pain and reduce the likelihood of disease recurrence.
In addition, the need to provide adequate food, adequate amounts of vitamins. Woman should take care of vascular condition, heart and bone tissue, which may be affected by the treatment, if you do not organize them extra support.
operative intervention
Despite the priority operations in the period of menopause, a surgical intervention necessary to resort, under certain preconditions:
- Endometriosis in the ovary.
- Extragenital pathology type.
In these cases, the disease responds poorly to medical treatment, and the risk of complications is very high. Appoints the doctor after undergoing surgery patient the necessary diagnostics.
Also, the method of laparoscopy, which provides for punctures in the abdomen without tissue dissection of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, during reconstruction field such operations are not durable. However, there may be certain allocation after laparoscopyAbout which you can learn more in one of our articles.
Treatment of folk medicine
This treatment is only complementary. Use these herbs only after the permission of the attending physician:
- Borovaya uterus.
- Root red brush,
- Propolis for syringing.
A woman should remember that herbs if used improperly, can only hurt. If there is no need to use herbal ingredients to treat, it is not necessary to resort to them, so as not to aggravate the disease.
female body health depends on lifestyle. If a woman after menopause ceases to take care of your health, you may be experiencing a variety of gynecological diseases and other pathologies associated with the restructuring of the body.