Postmenopausal osteoporosis: osteoporosis prevention drugs


  1. The causes of disease
  2. diagnosis of the disease
  3. Symptoms of osteoporosis in women during and after menopause
  4. Why is it important to organize in advance the prevention of disease?
  5. The primary methods of prevention of osteoporosis
  6. secondary prevention
  7. Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  8. medications
  9. Traditional medicine in the fight against the depletion of bone tissue

During menopause there is a high probability of occurrence of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The cause of this disease organisms acts loss of estrogen, which in turn causes a reduction in bone density throughout the body.
But a woman can avoid this disease, if advance worry about their health and will support your body. To do this, you need to know basic preventive measures, as well as the symptoms of osteoporosis for timely treatment.

Back pain in postmenopausal women

The causes of disease

Reduced ovarian activity is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood. Soon there is a disturbance of metabolic processes in the bone tissue where there is a decrease amount of mineral elements. As a result, bones become more fragile because of irregularities in the assimilation of calcium, and recovery processes take place very slowly.

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Osteoporosis in menopause are diagnosed at a late stage of menopauseBut already at this time is almost nothing you can do with the disease. Therefore, you should pay attention to their health with the initial phase of menopause. Although some women suffer from this disease earlier than others.

disease causes can be:

  • Improper diet. If the diet lacks foods with calcium and vitamin D, the metabolic abnormalities in the bone can occur at any age. Calcium and vitamin D are interconnected, because vitamin calcium provides normal perception tissues.
  • Weight problems. Every extra kilo negatively affects the bones. Excess weight puts extra pressure on the human bones, on which primarily affects the joints and spine.
  • Digestive problems. If the intestine is not capable of stably absorb useful elements, the bone tissue loses calcium, which is directly related bone strength.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Effect on human health of the joints, which creates problems of extra strain on bones on the background of the lack of necessary substances.
  • Hypothyroidism and menopause. The thyroid gland is an important regulator of mineral metabolism in the human body. Therefore, malfunction of the thyroid gland reduces the strength of the skeleton woman.
  • Heredity. If the older generation of women's family had problems with the bones, the prevention of osteoporosis in menopause is urgently required.
  • Bad habits. Accelerated bone loss occurs due to the problem of assimilation of calcium.
  • Steroid treatment. Negatively affect the reduction processes in the bones and blocking the assimilation of mineral substances.

diagnosis of the disease

Modern medicine offers the best and most informative method of early diagnosis of osteoporosis. During X-ray densitometry can determine bone mass to determine predisposition to disease or to determine stage of osteoporosis.

In addition, your doctor may advise to do ultrasound and computed tomography. It is worth noting that a mandatory element of the diagnosis are blood and urine tests.

The survey results will help to know the state of the bone tissue of the body, but to pinpoint exactly how prevent osteoporosis during menopause, you need to figure out the problem of the body, that can cause disease bones.

Symptoms of osteoporosis in women during and after menopause

It is difficult to independently identify the stage where you need treatment for osteoporosis in menopause. Because the disease develops unnoticed, and its symptoms are often fused with the constant feeling of women who decided to write off fatigue.

Primary symptoms of osteoporosis:

  1. Almost imperceptible tension in the spine and extremities, which may be accompanied by short-term pain, even in a state of complete rest.
  2. Fatigue and the inability to maintain the previous level of activity.
  3. The occurrence of discomfort with prolonged stay in one position.

Postmenopausal osteoporosis is enhanced with time, and there are other unpleasant and painful:

  • constant pain in the spine,
  • the occurrence of curvature of the spine, or hump,
  • slight damage lead to very serious injury,
  • bones grow together slowly (sometimes surgery is necessary).

If a woman notices at any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested. You need to take care of timely prevention of osteoporosis in menopause: medications and vitamin complexes, improved lifestyle and a balanced diet.

Discover how much more there symptoms of menopause in women 50 years, by clicking on the link.

Why is it important to organize in advance the prevention of disease?

With proper prevention of osteoporosis in menopause women to organize reliable support for the body to maintain normal physical activity. If at a young age to exclude cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, organizing healthy eating, then the risk of osteoporosis in menopause significantly reduced.

It is worth remembering that the cure osteoporosis is virtually impossible. The complex drugs and therapies only slow the already begun destruction of bone tissue. Therefore, a woman must be at least once every six months to visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and pass the corresponding examinations.

The primary methods of prevention of osteoporosis

Preventive measures are essential, since 35 years, but at a younger age woman can observe the following guidelines:

  1. Reduce the amount of protein and provides the necessary intake and assimilation of calcium by bone tissues. In this regard, it is necessary to give up coffee, and to organize a balanced diet.
  2. We support optimal muscle tone. You do not need to engage in dangerous sports. The best option - aerobic exercise several times a week and jogging. As a result, muscular frame will reliably support the bones and helps calcium is better absorbed.
  3. Fully refuse to cigarettes and alcohol. Bad habits practically nullify all actions of women, aimed at maintaining bone health.
  4. Take drugs with calcium and vitamin D, but only after consulting your doctor.

secondary prevention

At this stage, the woman has a serious need for more preventive measures. In addition to supporting a dense bone structure, need to be concerned about slowing the weakening of bones.

This problem will help to manage hormones, phytoestrogens, bisphosphonates, vitamin sets with calcium. Any medication should be taken only after consulting a doctor, because some medicines simply can not fit, so the only harm the female body.

Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Unfortunately, to cure this disease is almost impossible. The success of any action will depend on the stage at which the disease of bones was discovered. But in the fight against osteoporosis plays an important role while. The sooner you start taking drugs for osteoporosis during menopause, maintain a healthy lifestyle, the more chances to stop or at least slow the loss of minerals by the body.


Considered effective drugs that slow down the thinning of bone tissue:

  • Fosamax,
  • calcitonin
  • Trontsiya ranelate.

It is these drugs have the fewest negative effects even with prolonged administration. By the stronger medications include:

  • Bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, or Reclast Zometa);
  • Forteo (with severe osteoporosis);
  • Denosumab (injection);

Innovative direction in the treatment of osteoporosis during menopause is a group of selective estrogen receptor modulators (tamoxifen, raloxifene).

It is important to remember that any remedy for the treatment of osteoporosis doctor prescribes. Self-medication is not allowed!

Traditional medicine in the fight against the depletion of bone tissue

It is noteworthy that traditional medicine plays an important role in prevention and treatment of disease. Well-behaved show herbal teas on the basis of:

  • mugwort;
  • cottonweed;
  • sleep-grass;
  • wormwood;
  • Woodruff fragrant;
  • dandelion root;
  • colza;
  • Impatiens grass;
  • Field Thlaspi;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort.

Herbs that can help in the fight against osteoporosis in abundance are Tea monastery father George. Follow the link to get full information about it.

But not all the gifts of nature are suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis. There are some products that use is undesirable. These include plants that contain oxalic acid (blocks the absorption of calcium). Contained in rhubarb, sorrel, tomatoes.

It is necessary to remember that osteoporosis is easier to prevent than to fight the effects of the thinning of bone tissue of the body.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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