- The causes of the disease
- symptoms of mastitis
- What inspection may be needed
- mastitis treatment during menopause
- Properties of hormonal preparations
- herbal preparations
- The use of vitamins
- sedatives
- Recipes of traditional medicine
Hormonal imbalance affects the mammary glands of women, this may cause breast. Symptoms of mastitis during menopause and its treatment will have their distinctive than in the reproductive age.
This pathology of mammary glands treated, but a significant percentage of successful cases falls on the first stage of the disease. Therefore it is necessary at the first symptoms to the hospital for tests and passing examinations. The fact that most often occurs during menopause fibrocystic breast disease, in which the women noted a significant deterioration of the general state of health. In addition, this form of pathology without timely and correct treatment can develop into cancer.
The causes of the disease
Menopause is characterized by a subdued performance of the reproductive system. imbalance
hormones in menopauseWhich is not the best way affects the state of breast tissue. As a result, the usual fat tissue in the breast are replaced by connective.But the occurrence of mastitis caused not only by hormonal imbalance. Yet can be distinguished:
- The early appearance of menarche. Precocious puberty is accompanied by a large amount of hormones, which do not correspond to the development of breast tissue. This imbalance can cause problems in adulthood.
- Venereal diseases. Of particular danger are chronic venereal infection.
- Inflammation of the genital organs. The probability of occurrence of mastitis depends on the frequency of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.
- Problems with lactation. The risk group includes nulliparous women, as well as patients who have little or no breast-feeding.
- Abortion. Abortion is always a negative impact on health, causing no natural hormonal surges.
- Problems with the nervous system. Very often, the occurrence of mastitis in menopause is associated with impaired mental balance.
- Impaired metabolism. The menopause is a violation is evident not only in the form of excess weight, problems with the thyroid gland and the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. The emergence of fibrocystic breast disease in menopause may be caused by that imbalance.
- Improperly selected hormonal contraceptives or HRT. This factor has a negative impact on the entire body, causing many abnormalities, including problems with the breasts.
Mastopathy can not only overcome, but also prevented if care of their health. This is especially true of women who have already entered menopause. But the diagnosis can only be a doctor, starting from the test results, patient complaints and testimony after surveys.
Read the link in the article about whether before menstruation allocated colostrum with pressure.
symptoms of mastitis
Breast at menopause differs specific symptoms that women compared to other disorders do not notice. As a result, doctors find disease in the later stages, when the increased risk of serious complications.
A woman must visit a doctor if:
- Felt seals and small nodules (lightly hand check mammary glands).
- feels chest pain.
- There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest (clogged ducts are putting pressure on the nerve endings).
- When pressed on the chest discomfort occur (sometimes additionally arises breast swelling and headache).
- Increased body temperature (indicates the presence of infection in the gland).
- Many women believe that discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy the only scenario of events, but it is not. When mastitis, too, there is an allocation of milk from the breasts, which in turn is a clear symptom of the disease. Incidentally, such a feature may be indicative of other pathologies.
In such manifestations should be diagnosed, and only then with the doctor to select an appropriate therapy.
What inspection may be needed
It is worth noting that some patient complaints is not enough to make a diagnosis. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe:
- detailed examination and investigation of the breast;
- ultrasound;
- mammography;
- puncture;
- tomography;
- MRI;
- biopsy;
- cytology.
Maybe your doctor will recommend to hand over a complete blood count, analysis on hormones in menopause and genital examination to rule out other diseases.
mastitis treatment during menopause
Things to think about before the medical treatment of mastitis? First, let's find out what period of menopause is a woman. Because the treatment is slightly different in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. In addition, an important condition for successful treatment advocates a healthy lifestyle, which may include:
- stabilizing the psychological state;
- Power correction (giving up coffee, limiting the amount of animal fats, eating large quantities of fruits and vegetables);
- solution to the problems with sleep (try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time in a well-ventilated room);
- diversion enough time to rest after any kind of work.
Properties of hormonal preparations
If the woman still remains menstruation, the doctor will prescribe oral contraceptives, but only after confirmation of exactly what hormonal disorders caused mastitis. Among the drugs is to provide:
- Ovidon,
- Silest,
- Diane-35,
- Janine,
- Femoston 2/10, 1/10 and 1/5 conti,
- Mersilon,
- trikvilar,
- Novinet,
- klimonorma,
- Regulon.
But postmenopausal this treatment is not only effective, but also can cause a variety of disorders. Here it is necessary to build on the causes of disease. Most often in this period it requires treatment of mastitis in menopause progestins on the background prevalence of estrogen in the body:
- utrozhestan,
- Progesterone,
- Utrozhestan.
A special place in this group takes Prozhestozhel, which is used for topical application. It contains progesterone, which effectively reduces the compression of milk ducts. A Prozhestozhel also improves absorption of fluid from the tissues.
But the problems with the breast can be caused by even a high content of prolactin. Must be taken to get rid of such a breach:
- abergin,
- bromocriptine,
- Parlodel.
Treat mastopathy hormones to be very careful. Of particular importance is not only the type of hormonal preparation, but also the dosage. If you choose the wrong treatment, the symptoms of breast disease may not only increase, but also develop into a more serious pathology.
herbal preparations
During menopause, not all women can use synthetic hormones due to the nature of its organism and existing diseases, surgeries, etc. Therefore, some doctors prescribe following herbal preparations in menopause:
- Klimakt Khel,
- Klimadinon,
- mastodinon,
- Cyclodynon,
- Hynek Khel.
Their main advantage is that they not only removed the pain and tension of the mammary glands, but also affect the symptoms of menopause. Furthermore, they have strong side effects, which need only allocate individual intolerance active agent and auxiliary elements.
Maybe the doctor will advise it is not just these drugs and their analogs that will be best suited to the particular case.
The use of vitamins
When mastitis to drink vitamins recommended by many doctors. With their help a woman improve the flow of metabolic processes and stabilize hormonal balance in the body. particularly useful in menopause vitamins C, A and E.
Among the nutrients necessary to allocate:
- tocopherol,
- Ascorbic acid,
- Folic acid,
- retinol,
- Pyridoxine.
These components are not only beneficial effect on the state of the mammary glands, but also eliminate other negative factors (problems with the nervous system, metabolic disorders).
It is very important to drink sedatives, which are able to normalize the psycho-emotional state of women. It is desirable to give preference to Drugs, which include:
- Valerian,
- Motherwort,
- Chamomile,
- Mint,
- St. John's wort,
- Thyme.
If these components do not help, but prescribe stronger medications:
- paroxetine,
- Efevelon,
- Reksetin,
- koaksil,
- fluoxetine,
- Velaksin,
- Adepress,
- Velafaks.
- Paxil,
- Fluvoxamine.
Recipes of traditional medicine
If your doctor allows, the patient is treated additionally with folk remedies, but this does not mean that you can forget about caution. The best option from mastitis acts decoction of finished herbal collection, but you can collect yourself the following:
- nettle,
- St. John's wort,
- rosehips,
- celandine,
- valerian root,
- motherwort,
- rosehip berries,
- mint.
According to the recipe, you need to take one teaspoon of collection and pour a liter of boiling water. Drink the broth only after 6 hours of infusion in a dark place. Daily dose is 300 ml. There are other recipes, but in any case not hurt to consult with your doctor, because even folk remedies can harm the body.
Menopause and breast disease is not so terrible if a woman has enough knowledge on this issue. The most important thing - it is timely diagnosis and administration of drugs only under medical supervision. Even popular Prozhestozhel which effectively relieves pain mammary glands at misuse can exacerbate the disease. The key to successful treatment - it is attentive to their health.