Palpitations in menopause treatment: the symptoms of heart failure (tachycardia)


  1. What is tachycardia and how dangerous is it?
  2. As problems with the heartbeat affect the body?
  3. The main causes of tachycardia during menopause
  4. Symptoms of tachycardia during menopause
  5. How to behave during an attack?
  6. When it is necessary to call a doctor?
  7. General recommendations for the support of heart in menopause
  8. The main groups of drugs for the treatment of tachycardias
  9. That will help you relax and calm down?
  10. The effect of HRT on tachycardia
  11. Traditional medicine in the issue of the treatment of tachycardias

During menopause the female body suffers from a lack of hormones. This factor is not only unpleasant menopause symptoms, but can cause disruptions to important organs. Some women report a violation of heart rate during menopause, and treatment of tachycardia is a need in this period. It is worth to take seriously any changes in heart rate, because even minor symptoms may mean the beginning of a serious illness. In any case it is useful to know the basic signs of tachycardia, the rules of conduct during the attack, cardiac support methods. If tachycardia is shown only once and almost immediately stopped, there is no need to worry too much. But if the symptoms start to be permanent in nature, that is an urgent need to consult a cardiologist. After all, this type of heart rhythm disorder can be triggered as a malfunction of the nervous system, as well as serious heart disease.

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What is tachycardia and how dangerous is it?

Tachycardia is a heart rhythm disorders, wherein the patient experiences palpitations intermittent character. For example, in the normal state of the heartbeat rate should not exceed 60-80 beats per minute. But women in menopause should be remembered that a little higher (70-100 beats per minute) for their rate of heart contractions. Also take into account physical activity, which can improve them, but only for a certain time period, after which the number of cuts to be returned to normal.

There is the concept of "pathological tachycardia", which causes problems with the cardiovascular system and other authorities. In addition to the strengthened heartbeat patients note a lack of air and a sense of compactness in the chest. Attack the person has a fast and sudden. It increases the number of beats per minute to 150-200. With regard to duration, the attack can last as one minute, and hour.

Do not leave without attention to such manifestations, because tachycardia may trigger the development of congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, as well as a stop heart.

As problems with the heartbeat affect the body?

Correct operation of the heart - is the key to the healthy functioning of the whole organism. Alternating voltage of heart muscle allows the ebb and flow of blood, as well as the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to all organs. A moment of relaxation in the heart accumulates power for the normal course of the next contraction.
So, between these two function passes certain amount of time. If the body is too often reduced or relaxes, the oxygen just do not have time to spread throughout the body and the heart itself can not relax. The result is a rhythm disturbance, which degrades the overall well-being of man.

During menopause often marked tachycardia, but not excluded, and other problems. But they all have a negative impact on the woman's condition, weakening it and causing a variety of health disorders.

The main causes of tachycardia during menopause

Tachycardia in menopause - a frequent phenomenon. During menopause, the hormonal balance is destabilized. The body no longer produces sufficient amount of sex hormones that are associated with the work of the heart as follows:

  1. Blood. During menopause the blood changes. Increases the number of sodium ions in the lymph, so fluid is delayed. As a result, the volume of blood and its viscosity increases, because the lack of estrogen stimulates the growth of cholesterol. And the heart has to work much harder.
  2. Vessels. It plays a significant role vessels conductivity, which is reduced due to loss of elasticity of the walls. They begin to accumulate fat, increased blood pressure in the vessels.
  3. Emotional instability. In women dramatically change the emotional background, amplified the negative mood, irritability occurs. Strengthening the negative emotions always affect the rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle.
  4. Excess weight. Increase in body fat interferes with efficient operation of vessels and creates an additional burden on the heart.

If you do not deal with the symptoms of menopause, and the treatment of tachycardias will be inconclusive. Therefore it is necessary to provide hormonal support for the body and for a complete examination.

Symptoms of tachycardia during menopause

First we need to find out the particular tachycardia symptoms during menopause:

  • acceleration of the pulse that can be felt in the temples or veins;
  • sometimes there dizziness or loss of balance;
  • a sense of fear, a panic attack;
  • the woman begins to feel clearly how and where her heart beating;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • feeling of intense heat in the upper body;
  • trembling limbs.

In each case, the signs of tachycardia manifested in different ways. All depends on the characteristics of the organism and the presence of other diseases. But under all circumstances it is necessary to try to keep quiet so as not to aggravate an attack.

How to behave during an attack?

First you need to calm down, why, and take various sedatives. In addition, you can not violate the patient's mind. If the attack is repeated again, you must do the following:

  1. Deep inhale air, then it is necessary to hold his breath, if returning the air flow into the bottom of the lungs.
  2. Push hard on the eyeballs, being careful lasting several minutes with a respite for 10 seconds between exercises.
  3. Normalize the heartbeat, you can use very cold water, immerse the face for a few seconds.
  4. At the beginning of the attack, try to cough heavily. In some cases, it helps vomiting.
  5. you can try to stop tachycardia alternate deep breath with a quick breath, continue to repeat steps 5-10 minutes.
  6. Of medicines is very good Corvalol, Valocordin.

When it is necessary to call a doctor?

In difficult situations, the above measures may be useless. If the heart rate and arterial pressure does not come back to normal, you need to quickly seek emergency medical help. In this case, the symptoms are as follows:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • the person loses consciousness;
  • severe shortness of breath and persistent dizziness;
  • very strong decrease in blood pressure;
  • unwarranted attack appearance.

To stop the tachycardia patient administered lidocaine and formulations for stabilization of arterial pressure. In some cases, may require hospitalization followed by a comprehensive examination.

General recommendations for the support of heart in menopause

You can not just tolerate attacks, hoping for their impermanent nature. After all, the problem is not simply worsen the overall health, but can also cause:

  • stroke,
  • heart attack
  • angina,
  • hypertension,
  • ischemia.

Delays in treatment of arrhythmia in the menopause can also cause symptoms of heart failure in women. But all does not begin with medication and healthy lifestyle during menopause:

  1. Balanced diet. The diet of a healthy varied diet should be present. It is important to consume animal fats and enough protein. It is very useful to eat vegetables, fish, seafood, nuts, and fruits.
  2. Physical activity. Women during menopause can not charge too much, but you have to move, do not forget about the rest. You can deal with slow running or fitness, but without the heavy loads
  3. Fresh air. If a woman is to avoid the stuffiness, it will not only have a positive effect on the tides, but will not harm the heart. Especially the need to maintain an environment in the bedroom.
  4. The positive mood. You can not be nervous, trying to tune in to a positive. In some cases, it can not hurt to visit a therapist.
  5. Taking hormones. Women's health is highly dependent on hormonal balance, so you need to adjust the hormonal balance with the use of plant or synthetic hormones, but under the supervision of a physician.
  6. Vitamin complexes during menopause. The body needs magnesium, potassium and calcium, to maintain the health of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  7. Control indicators. This applies to blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  8. Eliminating negative habits. If a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, the effectiveness of any treatment is reduced. This also applies to coffee and strong tea.

All these rules must be observed long before the klimakterialnogo period. It is always easier to prevent disease than to treat it.

The main groups of drugs for the treatment of tachycardias

Impaired palpitation during menopause is based not only on eliminating the symptoms, but also on the prevention of the possible relapse. The list of essential medicines include:

  • Sedatives. Help a woman to calm down, as well as to prevent possible attacks in the future (Valerian, Motherwort).
  • Beta-blockers. Normalize heart rhythm, stabilize blood pressure, as well as a positive effect on the contractile function of the heart (atenolol, carvedilol, celiprolol).
  • Medicinal products with antioxidants. Helps the body to normalize blood circulation and restore the functioning of the myocardium (Preductal or Mexicor).
  • Sodium channel blockers. Have an overall effect on the heart, provide effective regulation of coronary blood flow and blood pressure (Ritmonorm, VFS).

That will help you relax and calm down?

Not necessarily immediately taken for medical products for the normalization of the nervous system. Calm down and relax by using the following techniques:

  1. Breathing exercises. The alternation of deep breaths and short breath and other breathing techniques are particularly useful at the time of the attack.
  2. Yoga. A great option activity. yoga during menopause used as the prevention of various diseases, including heart problems.
  3. Meditation and other relaxation techniques. Lack of hormone provokes an unstable emotional state. A mood swings are not the best way affects the state of the cardiovascular system.

The effect of HRT on tachycardia

In this regard, only a doctor can determine what caused tachycardia. And if its cause was the lack of hormones, it is necessary to hormone replacement therapy. If a woman is already undergoing hormone replacement therapy, the doctor orders new analyzes and reviews complex hormonal drugs. It can be a means in the form of:

  • tablets
  • gels,
  • straw,
  • patches,
  • candles
  • ointments.

Also worth noting is that HRT may be based on:

  1. Combination preparations (klimonorma, Angeliq tablets, Divina, Aktivel, Kliogest).
  2. Monotherapy (estrofem, Estrozhel, Ovestin cream).

Take these drugs only when necessary delivery of analyzes on hormones prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine in the issue of the treatment of tachycardias

To combat tachycardia should choose herbs that not only soothes, but also help fight the symptoms of menopause. In this case, you not only eliminate the lack of nutrients in the body, but also to maintain their heart rate. Among herbal medicine is to provide:

  • valerian,
  • St. John's wort,
  • rosemary,
  • sagebrush,
  • sage,
  • hawthorn,
  • motherwort.

You can prepare your own tincture or buy ready-made facilities at the pharmacy, which include herbs listed.

Tachycardia requires timely treatment, so that the violation did not develop into a more serious disease. Women during menopause frequently disturbed cardiac disorders, so you need to choose the right HRT lead a healthy lifestyle and visit the doctor in time to prevent the negative consequences body.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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