Uterine fibroids, the signs and symptoms during menopause: changes in the body in women


  1. The essence of the disease
  2. The causes of uterine fibroids
  3. hormonal imbalance
  4. Heredity
  5. infectious diseases
  6. low immunity
  7. Operavitnoe intervention
  8. stresses
  9. OK
  10. types of fibroids
  11. uterine fibroids at menopause: the main symptoms
  12. Diagnosis of the disease during menopause
  13. Can fibroids alone disappear during menopause?
  14. Possible treatment options
  15. drug therapy
  16. Surgery
  17. prevention

Menopausal women often presents many negative surprises. Hormonal changes in menopause leads to the fact that all systems and organs become vulnerable reduced immune defense, which leads to the development of various pathologies. Do not sidestep trouble and activities of the reproductive system. In this article we will talk about what a uterine fibroid in menopause, about the features of the flow of the disease at this stage of a woman's life and possible methods of combating it.

uterine fibroids in postmenopausal

The essence of the disease

Myoma - a benign tumor that forms in the myometrium - muscle layer of the uterus.Otherwise, this formation is also called fibroids, fibroid or leiomyoma

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. It should be noted that in the International Classification of Diseases was approved by the last version of the name.

This pathology is not strictly age, moreover, in recent decades, it is much "rejuvenated". Today, the disease can be diagnosed and 25-year-old woman, has not yet experienced the joy of motherhood, and women over 50 experiencing the apogee of menopausal changes.

The size of tumors can vary widely - from several millimeters to tens of centimeters. The value education over time, often changing: increasingly upward, but there are cases when the tumors, in contrast, dissipate. Needless to say, that keep the disease without attention dangerous?

The causes of uterine fibroids

hormonal imbalance

The main cause of fibroids during menopause is a rapidly changing picture of the hormonal status. In particular, the main culprit for the formation of nodes in the myometrium becomes skewed in a proportion of the main female sex hormone - progesterone and estrogen. The fact is that in the place where the fibroid is formed, an increase in ER and PgR, which provokes increased cell division.


Uterine fibroids can be formed under the influence of hereditary factors.

infectious diseases

Gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes in the uterus may also provoke the occurrence of uterine fibroids in postmenopausal.

low immunity

Can cause tumors and decreased immunity, as well as metabolic disorders, which often occur during menopause.

Operavitnoe intervention

Abortion and curettage, ie processes that violate the integrity of the endometrium and cause hormonal imbalances - a common cause of the disease.


Severe stress too often the catalysts for the emergence of formations in the uterus.


Inadequate contraception, including the use of emergency methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

types of fibroids

There are several types of leiomyomas, differing in their localization in the thickness of muscle fibers:

  1. Submucosa: located in the inner uterine cavity directly beneath the mucosa. The appearance of this type of tumors is often accompanied by pain and bleeding.
  2. Subserous: striking the outer muscle layer of the uterus, located directly under the peritoneum. These tumors often do not behave any symptoms.
  3. Interstitial: grows within the muscle fibers. This is the most common subspecies of formations. In this type of the disease, a characteristic increase in the size of the uterus.
  4. Mezhsvyazochnaya - dangerous type of tumor that affects the space between the ligaments that support the uterus. Removal of the growths can damage nearby organs and important blood vessels.
  5. There are also stalked fibroids form when education develops in a characteristic "stem". Dangerous feature of this type of education is the ability to bend the legs, accompanied by severe pain.

uterine fibroids at menopause: the main symptoms

It should be noted that often the symptoms of uterine fibroids during menopause may be entirely absent. Very often, uterine fibroids does not manifest itself, especially at the initial stage of development. Only 20% of patients noted a characteristic clinical picture. However, there is the following characteristic signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids during menopause, the presence of which should alert a woman:

  • premenopausal woman may experience heavy menstrual bleeding gain and intensity of pain;
  • increase or decrease in menstrual cycle (although during the onset of menopause, such deviations may be due to no disease, and hormonal changes);
  • appearance metrorrhagia - unscheduled bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle phases;
  • standing pain in the lower abdomen and lower back during menopause, Sacrum (pulling or aching);
  • increase in abdominal volume and a sense of inner fullness;
  • difficulty in urination, defecation, pain in the implementation of these processes (with the significant size of the tumor and their corresponding localization);
  • pain during intimate contact.

For more information about signs of the disease in women and about secretions of uterine myoma you will find the link.

Diagnosis of the disease during menopause

If a woman during menopause noticed at some manifestations of those that have been listed above, the first thing she should do - consult a physician-gynecologist.

First of all, he will ask about symptoms troubling the patient, the time of their appearance, features of the functioning of the reproductive system in the course of life, past illnesses and pathologies.

Then, a direct pelvic examination on a chair. At this stage, an experienced doctor can already make a preliminary diagnosis, because the uterus myoma affected, often increases in size. Often in the course of the inspection the expert uses a hysteroscope.

The next item is a diagnostic ultrasound of the pelvic organs. At this stage, waving any doubts. Ultrasound helps determine the precise location of units, their size.

Laparoscopic examination indispensable if fibroids difficult to distinguish from ovarian tumors.

Necessarily be assigned a blood test to detect levels of hormones, taking material samples for histological examination.

When detecting a large-sized tumors can be administered computed tomography or magnetic resonance. However, these methods of examination used in extreme cases, since they are quite expensive. In addition, ultrasound allows to obtain not less than reliable information.

Can fibroids alone disappear during menopause?

Climax and fibroid - related concepts. Sometimes this relationship brings negative results, and sometimes, on the contrary, positive. Can uterine fibroids disappear without any treatment? In some cases, fibroids small size can spontaneously disappear. As a rule, changes in the size of the fibroids often small size - up to 2 cm.

This can be explained the reduction in estrogen levels in the body, which in this case has a beneficial effect. Very often, however, with the beginning of therapy of estrogen deficiency, fibroids may again vary in size upwards. Thus, menopausal changes can influence the state of fibroids in unpredictable ways.

Possible treatment options

Selecting treatment the doctor considers a variety of factors:

  • age of the patient;
  • myomatous neoplasms seat arrangement;
  • tumor size;
  • number of tumors;
  • dynamics of fibroids;
  • associated symptoms that accompany the development of fibroids;
  • influence of the presence of fibroids in the menstrual cycle when monthly bleeding still occurs;
  • comorbidities;
  • the presence of the patient's wishes in the future to become a mother.

Modern medicine offers two main methods of treatment of uterine fibroids, which can be used in menopausal:

  1. Drug treatment (usually, with the aid of hormones). It can lead to either stop the growth of tumors, or to ensure that the tumor had completely resolved;
  2. Surgical treatment, which may include surgery, implying full uterus removal or organ-intervention, allowing only to remove the affected area. Read in one of our articles on how the rehabilitation period, and what isolation can be after removal of the uterus or cervix.

drug therapy

If the size of fibroids small, and the woman does not experience the discomfort of its presence, it is possible to carry out medical treatment. In some cases, it is possible? It is carried out under the following conditions:

  • formation size is not more than 2 cm, and uterine size - less than the size corresponding to 12 weeks gestation;
  • node size does not change in the direction of increasing or formation begins to dissolve;
  • a woman no dysfunctional bleeding;
  • neoplasm has no pathological effects on vital processes.

Subject to these conditions favored the tactics of monitoring the status of the patient, as well as the provision of hormonal support.
With the help of some drugs made treatment of uterine myoma and its symptoms in menopause?

One alternative therapy is the use of oral contraceptives, on the background of which is very often there is a "fading" node (node ​​sometimes even resolves itself) and stabilization of the size of the uterus during the period menostaza.

Often the patient is prescribed administration of drugs based progestogens (Norkolut, Djufaston, 17-ET), which neutralize the production of estrogens. Read about the application Duphaston menopause in the treatment of fibroids.

Buserelin, Diferelin, Zoladex - drugs, including in its membership agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which can reduce the synthesis of gonadotropins, thereby helping to reduce the size of the uterus and assemblies at myoma;

Androkur, Finasteride - drugs that are based on anti-androgens. These substances help to minimize the symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia and reduce the chances of an increase in the size of fibroids.


Very often, fibroids after menopause poorly amenable to drug therapy. In this case it is necessary to resort to surgical treatment of disease:

  • Laparoscopic removal of nodes;
  • hysteroscopic myomectomy - the remote node through the vagina and cervix using a hysteroscope;
  • laparotomy - Elimination myoma formations through an incision in the abdominal cavity;
  • hysterectomy - removal of the entire body through an incision in the vagina or by performing open surgery.

Currently often used to remove fibroids, the so-called minimally invasive techniques, which include:

  1. Embolization of the arteries feeding the fibroids. In this procedure an artery is entered special substance which prevents blood supply myoma node;
  2. FUS ablation of fibroids, ie remote destruction of tumors using ultrasound exposure;
  3. Laser removal nodes.


It should be noted that any specific prevention education fibroids does not exist. As with any other disease, the important role played by adherence and healthy life, competent contraception, avoiding sexually transmitted infections and abortions, the presence of a regular sexual life.

It is important during menopause visit the gynecologist at least 1 time in six months, because at this time of fundamental changes taking place in the reproductive organs which require constant monitoring. Timely diagnosis would prevent advanced disease stages of development and makes it possible to limit medical therapy and organ-treatment techniques.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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