Urinary incontinence in menopause in women, treatment: frequent urination


  1. What are the symptoms of urinary incontinence in menopause
  2. Causes of the normal process of urination when menopause
  3. The symptoms of impaired urination
  4. The dangerous failure to cure the disease?
  5. The role of the female body at such disease diagnosis
  6. Drug treatment of diseases
  7. Non-pharmacological methods of treatment
  8. The importance of personal hygiene
  9. How can I prevent problems with urination when menopause?

The onset of menopause is accompanied by unpleasant changes in the body, including impaired urination. Many people think that the treatment of urinary incontinence in women in menopause is almost impossible, so suffer and physiologically, and psychologically. But to get rid of urinary problems is quite possible, especially if you will take care of this issue in advance, organizing prevention.

Incontinence Menopause

What are the symptoms of urinary incontinence in menopause

Urinary incontinence in menopause can be shown in the following embodiments:

  1. Stress. This type of incontinence occurs when laughing, coughing or sneezing.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Urge. It manifested in the form of allocation of small amounts of urine. First, there is an uncontrollable contraction of the muscle of the bladder, after which there is a painful urge.
  4. Painful. Incontinence is accompanied by internal burning and pains. The most common cause are the infectious diseases.
  5. Palpitations. Urine occurs frequently, but in small quantities. Especially increasing the number of urge at night.

It is worth remembering that during menopause the body's disharmony occurs, which reduces the resistance to infections and germs. And if we add the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, lack of hormones, the likelihood of urethral syndrome in women in menopause is very high. If for 55 years only 30% of women are starting to have problems with the bladder, then to 75 years suffer from this disease almost 75%.

Causes of the normal process of urination when menopause

Even if you have never experienced such discomfort and strictly monitor their health, incontinence in menopause may still occur. This is primarily due to hormonal changes. Lack of estrogen provokes the loss of strength and elasticity of tissues, which interferes with the normal functioning of the bladder.

There are several causes of frequent urination in women during menopause:

  • Loss of muscle tone of the pelvic floor. Muscle due to loss of collagen is no longer able to fully control urination.
  • Overweight. During menopause, a woman's body can gain weight, and every extra kilogram creates an additional burden for the pelvic floor muscles, which are already suffering from the loss of elasticity.
  • The loss of elasticity of the tissues of the bladder. The cause of urinary incontinence Menopause can be a bladder tissue, which age badly stretched and become stiff. All this causes irritation, which cause the body to fall at the slightest physical activity.
  • Lack of mucous secretions. Dryness of mucous in menopause It leads to thinning of the fabric, which in this state can not effectively deal with the infection without passing them into the body.
  • Changing the position of internal genitals. The reason for frequent urination during menopause may be vaginal or uterine prolapse due to the weakening of the walls. Therefore, the female body changes its location, providing an irritating effect on the bladder.
  • The presence of disease. Irregularities in the urinary system can be caused by problems other organs (kidney problems, diabetes, indigestion).
  • Uterus removal. Doctors are not yet fully studied the relationship of the uterus loss incontinence in menopause, but this issue may well arise after surgery.

It can be concluded that menopause and incontinence binds to a number of factors, and this problem occurs quite often. So do not be ashamed to see a doctor for help.

The symptoms of impaired urination

Menopause may be accompanied by several stages of urogenital disorders. Therefore, the doctor can not tell immediately what to do with frequent urination during menopause until it determines the exact degree of severity. They are:

  1. Easy. Urging occur to six times a day, but may occur intermittently painful.
  2. Average. Conserved quantity urgency (up to 6 times), but at a voltage woman can not retain urine.
  3. Heavy. Occur uncharacteristic changes state and functioning of the genitourinary system. Number of urgency to the toilet may exceed ten times per day, while the urine is released in a very small volume.

Urination disorders in women during menopause can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • involuntary discharge of urine at the slightest stress,
  • excretion of urine on the way to the toilet,
  • frequent occurrence of urinary tract inflammation,
  • frequent urge at night,
  • urine immediately after the urge.

The dangerous failure to cure the disease?

Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopause is quite real, but many women from ignorance continue to put up with the problem of suffering from discomfort. It becomes the cause of psychological stress. In addition, frequent urination, without timely treatment can easily escalate into a more serious disease, cope with that will be much harder.

The role of the female body at such disease diagnosis

Incontinence Treatment of menopause is based on complaints and discomfort women. Still need diagnosis, during which the ultrasound scan:

  • Bladder;
  • kidney
  • ureters,
  • pelvic and uterus.

In addition, it is important to distinguish between normal urinary from other diseases of the urinary system, as well as mental disorders.

Drug treatment of diseases

Drug treatment of urinary incontinence in women in menopause, suggests taking certain types of drugs, the choice of which depends on the basic symptoms:

  • Increasing urethral tone (Detruzitol, and Spazmeks Driptan).
  • Support elastic and muscle tissue elasticity (Nivalin, Ubretid, Neuromidin).
  • To deal with stress (duloxetine, or Cymbalta).

Sometimes the doctor prescribes hormones just to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause:

  • Premarin,
  • estradiol,
  • Ovestin,
  • Divina,
  • Angelique.

For correction of urination problems during menopause are also used homeopathic agents (Klimaksan tablets and granules, Remens).

Drugs and the nature of the treatment determined by the attending physician, because only after the diagnosis can accurately determine the cause of impaired urethra operation.

Non-pharmacological methods of treatment

It is also important to organize full support to the body while the problem:

  1. Practicing the urethra. The physician advises the patient to make a specific schedule urination, gradually increasing intervals.
  2. Strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Systematic Kegel exercises are able to solve the problem, if there is no co-morbidities.
  3. We resort to physiotherapy. Warming up, micro-current and other techniques to block the stagnation in the pelvic area.

It should be noted that these recommendations can observe even before the disease, thereby organizing a kind of prevention of frequent urination during climax.

Another remarkable fact that it is a frequent and excessive drinking reduces the concentration of the urine, and not vice versa.

The importance of personal hygiene

Uncontrolled urination causing general discomfort, making it difficult to live a normal life. To avoid psychological stress, unpleasant odor and skin irritation, it is necessary to increase the number of cleaning the wear hygienic urological pads and choose the best means of intimate hygiene.

How can I prevent problems with urination when menopause?

For the prevention of urinary incontinence need to resort in advance, without waiting for the onset of menopause. There are several basic methods:

  • struggle with excess weight,
  • regular implementation of the relevant exercises
  • a balanced diet,
  • complete abstinence from alcohol,
  • systematically examined by a doctor.

With the help of these recommendations to minimize the risk of problems with the bladder, without suffering from the involuntary discharge of urine, even during menopause.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 28
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