Pathological menopause, diagnostics, treatment of climacteric syndrome


  1. Causes of pathological syndrome in menostaze
  2. Symptoms and consequences of pathological menopause
  3. hot flashes
  4. Headache
  5. bleeding
  6. Breast Disease
  7. Tachycardia
  8. Changes in the urogenital system
  9. Obesity
  10. hypothyroidism
  11. Osteoporosis
  12. Depression
  13. Aging
  14. diagnosis of the
  15. disease treatment
  16. Prevention of severe menopause

The word "menopause" has Greek roots and means "step ladder". And really, this comparison is very correctly characterizes this period. The onset of menopause is certainly a new stage of a woman's life, but where are these steps - up the stairs the life and down - sometimes depends on how rapidly this process takes place, and what the consequences of leaves themselves. If this stage of the biological causes substantial harm to health, then talk about the phenomenon of pathological climax. Its symptoms are familiar to many women who have stepped threshold of 45 years.

pathological menopause

The very understanding of menopause is associated with our consciousness to the process of decay, which to some extent is natural, because its essence lies in the gradual extinction of the reproductive function of the body. Those women who have already gone through this difficult time, there is no need to explain what surprises may lie in wait in this segment of life. And for those who are just approaching his prime, will be useful to get more information, because forewarned - is forearmed.

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Causes of pathological syndrome in menostaze

Menopause The essence lies in the fact that the process of depletion of follicles in the ovaries begins. In other words, the body stops ovulation, follicle place is replaced by connective tissue, respectively, gradually completely stopped menstruating. All these changes lead to the fact that significantly reduces the production of female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. This process, the duration of which ranges from 3 to 5 years, and the combined term "menopause". It is not necessary to draw a parallel between this condition and the disease. This inherent nature of the process, and to treat it should be that way. Another issue is that the symptoms can be so hypertrophied that significantly reduce the quality of life of women and undermine her health.

What is the cause of such adverse dynamics of the natural processes in nature?

  • The main reason - hormonal changes taking place. The reduction of estrogen - the most significant provocateur of adverse events. Drastic hormonal changes explains the whole complex of pathological symptoms.
  • One of the reasons may be heredity. If a family representative of the female half of hard transferred menostaza period, the certain danger of repetition of this scenario there.
  • Early or, conversely, late onset of menopause - is also a risk factor. At any stage of life has its legitimate age range, and if they are violated, for whatever reason, then the consequences can be expressed more sharply. The best time to start menostaza considered the age of 45-47 years.
  • Malfunction of the pelvic organs, menstrual problems during the reproductive period, complicated pregnancy, abortion, pronounced PMS - all of which can affect the intensity symptoms. In general, you can conduct the following parallel: the fewer health problems have been a woman for life, the easier it usually carries a transition to post-menopausal.
  • The presence of excess weight exacerbates any disease, not the exception, and it becomes a given time.
  • Endocrine disorders, failures in the central nervous system, work in hazardous occupations, intoxication by toxic substances are also stimulating factors.

Symptoms and consequences of pathological menopause

Symptoms of the climacteric syndrome can be quite varied, but their distinguishing feature is the high intensity and negative currents.

hot flashes

Tides - one of the most widespread manifestations of the climacteric syndrome vasovegetative. This short-term bouts of searing heat in the upper half of the body. They is rolled like a sea wave, and are accompanied by redness of the chest, neck and face. Duration of an episode may be up to several minutes. Ending tide characterized by a backlash - a woman throws in a cold sweat, there is a weakness, dizziness. This phenomenon is dangerous that provokes the development of hypertension.


Migraines, headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders are also often accompanied by pathological climax. They can reach abnormal manifestations, such as when the pain becomes intense and prolonged, there are loss of consciousness.


Heavy menopause often accompanied by the appearance uterine bleeding which occur either between periods in premenopausal or amid completion menses. This phenomenon is called metrorrhagia, menopause. It is not considered a variant of the norm, as it can indicate not only a substantial hormonal imbalance, but also trouble in the female genital organs. The reason may be, for example, the presence of polyps, erosion, and other diseases.

Breast Disease

Very sensitive to surges of hormones is breast. The fall in estrogen levels is often a precipitating factor for of mastitis and different breast tumors.


Interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system are expressed in the form of tachycardia, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Explainable by the fact that estrogens maintain the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels, protect the past from deposits of "harmful" cholesterol, and with a reduction in their amount of the above-mentioned negative start change.

Changes in the urogenital system

One of the most vulnerable to the impacts of menostaza systems is urogenital. The menopause symptoms are frequent such as the weakening of the tone of the genital organs and the walls of the bladder muscles, change in the state of the mucous membranes, itching, irritation, dryness and discomfort in the intimate climax when Hone.


Increased body mass index - a very characteristic feature of which is caused by hormonal processes and aggravated by unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits. Weight gain may reach 10-15 kg on average, and sometimes more.


The thyroid gland is very sensitive to any changes in the body. It was at this age are often found failures in its work. Metabolism disorders, hand tremors, sweating, palpitations, irritability - all signs of trouble in the functioning of the body.


Osteoporosis - another complication of menopause, which consists in the leaching of calcium from the bone, which greatly increases the risk of fractures. Read on the treatment of osteoporosis in menopause.


The development of depression, bouts of tearfulness, irritability, loss of interest in life.


Menostaz can accelerate the aging process, it is also considered to be directly dependent on the production of sex hormones. Find out, that take in menopause in order not to grow old in one of our articles.

diagnosis of the

Diagnosis of climacteric syndrome is not particularly difficult. As a rule, after the announcement of the patient of his age and transfer of disturbing her symptoms, we can safely say about the arrival of menopause. Another question that not only identify himself menostaz is more important to determine how serious the damage already apply the changes. After all, in times of hormonal changes a person becomes vulnerable to many diseases, including cancer, which often are hormone-dependent. In particular, special attention should be paid to survey the state of the breast and pelvic organs.

For the purpose of diagnosis, women should consult a physician-gynecologist who will prescribe the tactics of the survey. As a general rule, it includes:

  • direct examination;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • ECG;
  • Pelvic ultrasound, and breast, mammography.

In the presence of suspicious conditions or specific complaints on the part of the patient to any changes in the body, prescribed consultation with appropriate experts followed by a specific examination, which is placed after the appropriate diagnosis and therapy assigned echoes the heavy menopausal therapy syndrome.

disease treatment

Treatment of climacteric syndrome can be done by farmapreparatov and using medicinal plants.

  1. medication treatment is aimed at eliminating the imbalance in hormone levels. There exist two possibilities: either the use of lighter preparations based on vegetable components, or implementation of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Selecting solely depends on the severity of symptoms and characteristics of a particular case.
  2. When using means on the basis of plant extracts containing natural estrogens, there is a softer, but also more lasting in time adjustment hormone levels. Examples include such agents: Klimadinon, Qi-Clim Estrovel et al. Unfortunately, sometimes the violation is so pronounced that you can not wait that long. For example, if heavy bleeding, critical indicators of blood pressure, repetitive fainting, outages heart. In such cases, the patient has to be treated using hormone therapy, supplemented by auxiliary herbal remedies. It is important to remember that the treatment of pathological menopause hormones should not continue for too long, because you can trigger the development of various tumor entities, including, and Cancer character.
  3. Therapy with medicinal herbs is often as an aid, because the level of discomfort women are too critical and poses a threat to her health and well-being. In this case, for the normalization of psycho-emotional condition and improve sleep, can be assigned herbal extracts, prepared on the basis of plants with sedative and tonic effect. It may be mint, lemon balm, valerian root, motherwort, hawthorn, echinacea, chamomile, and many other plants. Select the appropriate composition of the best, together with the doctor who is knowledgeable about the patient's problems.

Prevention of severe menopause

Prophylaxis of climacteric syndrome requires women to understand and tselenaravlennogo approach. How can prepare for the coming of menostaza to the more easily you can overcome this rung of the ladder of life?

  • Firstly, to form in his mind the right attitude to the coming changes. Not "cheat" themselves - the nervous system at a given time, and so is the excessive voltage. It is necessary to avoid stress and learn to relieve stress. The important point is skill to distract yourself with something interesting, the presence of a hobby. Occupation favorite thing magically distract from bad thoughts.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle. This is one of the fundamental points. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and benefit of the movement. This improvement in the metabolic processes, and eliminates stagnation, and a positive effect on mood, and body weight control, and more.
  • Nutrition, aimed at meeting the needs of the organism - the key to good health. You need to eat often and in small portions to keep the weight under control and do not overload the body. Better to give preference to natural products that not only provide calories, but also enrich the body with useful substances.
  • It is desirable to give up strong coffee and black tea to herbal. Caffeine is a stimulant, so they should not be abused in the nervous system.
  • Observance of optimal mode of work and rest is essential. Restful sleep - is one and the components of well-being at any age, but especially at menostaze, t. To. the problem of insomnia It is among the most common complaints in menopausal period.
  • It is necessary to eliminate bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine are not only poison the body, but increased the negative symptoms.
  • The habit to monitor the status of their health, supported by regular surveys in the hospital - a very important component of prevention of pathological menostaza.

Menopause, burdened by negative symptoms - a complex phenomenon that requires close monitoring and the correct choice of treatment. But do not despair, because these troubles are temporary. The main thing is not to lose the positive mood, which in itself is an excellent basis for the treatment, and be sure to take timely examination and strictly comply with the instructions doctor.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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