Arrhythmia and menopause: heart pain in menopause (premature beats)


  1. What accounts for the changes in the heart during menopause?
  2. arrhythmia types
  3. Drug treatment of arrhythmia during menopause
  4. sinus
  5. ectopic
  6. ciliary
  7. heart block
  8. The dangerous arrythmia during menopause and how to treat it?
  9. Meals women with arrhythmias
  10. Herbal heart rate failure at menopause
  11. How to prevent the occurrence of an arrhythmia?

In women of reproductive age cardiovascular system is protected by estrogens. That is why arrhythmia during menopause occurs five times more often than before menopause. If before the effect of estrogen receptor was realized with the help of all the structures of the cardiovascular system, in time of menopause hormonal changes entail major changes of all organs of the body, including heart. That is why a woman of this age should take good care of their health, more closely to respond to the slightest change in his state of health.


What accounts for the changes in the heart during menopause?

Symptomatic manifestation of menopause and changes in the heart on the background of menopause have a double impact on the overall functioning of the body.

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Any disruption of the heart rhythm causes the deterioration of the human being. And if we add more and reduced hormonal activity, it turns out that the body does not have time to rest and to distribute oxygen and other important components.

As a result, the arrhythmia and menopause following changes were combined:

  • Decrease in the concentration of sex hormones cause cholesterol increase. Is changing the composition and physical characteristics of the blood, which becomes more viscous, there is an increased load for the heart.
  • Shell vessels become less elastic, and a deferred even further complicate the work of the heart. Therefore knotted outflow of blood increases the pressure on the blood vessels.
  • Not the last role is played by the change in the emotional background. Menopause makes women more irritable, anxious and even fearful. Disturbed sleep, and rapid mood changes and the emergence of negative emotions affect the heart rhythm.
  • Overweight. It is known that a woman's body resists depression working ovaries, so trying to compensate for the lack of lipid cells of estrogen. As a result, excess fat increases the load on the heart muscle, thereby preventing the vessels efficiently.

It turns out that in this period of a woman's life rhythm of the heart is almost can not stay the same (normal), if you do not help your body. To properly respond to the disease and support the heart during menopause, you need to know the kinds of arrhythmia that occurs during menopause.

arrhythmia types

Arrhythmia menopausal women leads to an increase in the number of heart rate for a specific period of time.It may also relate to the intensity of contractions, and this entails a major changefunctioning of certain areas of the heart.

There are several types of arrhythmias that may occur during menopause:

  1. Sinus. They cause disorders of the sinus node. There distinguish tachycardia (acceleration) and bradycardia (heart rate reduction amount).
  2. Ectopic. The main characteristic of the disease appearance performs additional excitation bodies in the cardiac conduction system. The result is an extraordinary contraction of the heart muscle. Such a reduction is called beats, and disease - arrythmia during climax.
  3. Atrial. This type of arrhythmia caused by hyperexcitability of the myocardium and decrease its conductivity. Variations of the disease depends on the number of heart beats per minute: tahiaritmicheskaya (120-160) bradiaritmicheskuyu (less than 60) normosistolicheskaya (60-80).
  4. Flicker and flutter and atrial. In the first case only cut the individual muscle fibers and ventricular systole is completely absent. The second variety of disorders of heart rhythm is not based on compressing the atria and ventricles work is characterized by spasmodic.
  5. Heart block. There are three classes, depending on the impulse conduction along the cardiac system. Impulse can only slow down or even stop.

Drug treatment of arrhythmia during menopause

Do not be amiss to mention that only a qualified specialist can properly diagnose and prescribe the right treatment, so consult a doctor for arrhythmia in the background of menopause is needed. Self-medication can worsen the condition or cause even more serious consequences. Therefore, for any complaints on the heart need to see a doctor, go through the proper diagnosis.

arrhythmia treatment is determined by its appearance:


tachycardia treatment It begins with sedatives, then administered verapamil, Bellaspon, and beta blockers. In the treatment of bradycardia well itself shows Bellaspon, alupent, aminophylline, and in severe cases may need pacing.


Sometimes it does not require medical treatment, but more often than prescribed Cordarone, disopyramide. If encountered symptoms appeared after the use of cardiac glycosides, the doctor cancels their use by the patient, but only temporarily.


If you want to lower the heart rate, the prescribed digoxin. A normalization of the rhythm can be used quinidine, procainamide, verapamil, disopyramide.

heart block

It helps atropine, izadrin, alupent, aminophylline. When complete blockade must conduct electrical stimulation of the ventricles (may be permanent or temporary).

The dangerous arrythmia during menopause and how to treat it?

Beats - it's the sudden contraction of the heart muscle. The person feels more shocks (shocks) in the area of ​​the chest, which are a consequence of ventricular contraction. It is worth noting that this disease is not always evident at the time of menopause. The main risk group - women with addictions (coffee, alcohol, cigarettes).

But no less dangerous factor is the fatigue, lack of sleep, increased physical activity, systematic experiences. If you do not begin to deal with the disease, it can cause various pathologies of the heart.

Treatment of arrhythmia is possible only under strict medical supervision, because only an expert can determine the form of the disease and its localization.

Meals women with arrhythmias

When the woman heard that the pain in the heart during menopause may be caused by being overweight, then it begins to starve. Thinking that goes well, the woman actually deprives itself of nutrients and trace elements, the lack of which has become one of the causes of unpleasant by-catch, dizziness, Irritability.

So you need to make a balanced diet. If difficult to cope with it on their own, you can hire a nutritionist, which based on the current health status and characteristics of the organism will be adequate nutrition.

The diet should be present animal fat and a significant amount of protein.

Very useful for the heart the following products:

  • Vegetables (raw and cooked)
  • Nuts,
  • Seafood,
  • Fish (undesirable roasted)
  • Fruits.

If you adhere to this rule with the rest of the recommendations of the doctor, a woman may not know what the arrhythmia and climax in one bottle.

Herbal heart rate failure at menopause

Pain in the heart during menopause can be eliminated, and natural treatments using a variety of herbs. But we must remember that in most cases, herbal calming the mind, so go arrhythmia. But if there is a serious heart disease, you will surely need to consult with your doctor, because the grass will be powerless. The main thing to remember is that herbal medicine acts as a support body.

The following plants will help improve the psychological state:

  • valerian;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • fruit and blackberry shoots;
  • motherwort;
  • St. John's wort;
  • wormwood;
  • hawthorn.

How to prevent the occurrence of an arrhythmia?

It is always better to prevent a disease than to cure it later. First of all you need to worry about the hormonal balance in the body, because it is the hormones are the first advocate of women's health. The primary objective - is to maintain a normal vascular conductance and the smooth operation of the heart as a whole.

If the pain in the heart during menopause due to reduction in the amount of estrogen, you should consult your doctor about the following medicines hormone replacement therapy:

  • Femoston 1/10,
  • Divina,
  • Angelique,
  • Proginova.

Such treatment removes the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, Thereby blocking the changes in the blood vessels and flushes. In addition, using these drugs is possible to significantly reduce the production of cholesterol, which has a negative impact on the state of the blood vessels and conduction.

It is worth noting that there is a certain list of tips on how to support the heart during menopause:

  • a balanced supply (described above);
  • active lifestyle, but without overload (right alternate active sessions with rest);
  • It is not in a stuffy room (the best friend of women in menopause - it's cool fresh air);
  • in any situation, try to avoid stress (nervousness negative impact on the heart);
  • to comply with the doctor's recommendation (As for the correction of hormonal therapy and other purposes);
  • provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals (important to take potassium, calcium and magnesium);
  • say "no" to bad habits (applies not only to cigarettes and alcohol, but also coffee, strong tea);
  • surround yourself with only pleasant things (the smaller stimuli, the less suffering heart at the climax).
  • Oct 18, 2019
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