- The causes of neurosis during menopause
- Symptoms of the climacteric neurosis
- Stages of development of neurosis, menopausal
- How to start treatment of a disease?
- Restoring hormonal levels to combat neurosis
- therapy role in the treatment of disease
- Prevention of mental disorders in menostaze
Under climacteric neurosis meant the general state of mind of a woman with an expression violations autonomic nervous character. Such changes are only partly related to the changes in hormonal levels of the body. Have a greater impact the functioning of the hypothalamic lesions and other centers of the nervous system.
Climacteric neurosis - is a serious disease that needs to be timely diagnosis and treatmentii. If in the early stages of the healing process runs smoothly, the advanced stage appear serious consequences, up to change the structure of the human personality.
The causes of neurosis during menopause
Almost 60% Women in menopause suffering from climacteric neurosis. If before the doctors associated with this disease lack of hormones, but now experts are increasingly paying attention to the age-related changes in the hypothalamus.
Of course, the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are caused by changes in hormonal levels, affect the psychological the woman's condition, but they are the kind of amplifier climacteric symptoms of neurosis rather than its main cause.
In addition, the important role played by such factors:
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Characteristics of the human person.
- The stress of the past situation (present).
- Weak immunity.
- Continuous overvoltage body.
- Irregular lifestyle.
- The lack of nutrients in the body.
- Chronic pereutomlyaemost.
- Sleep disturbance (systematic lack of sleep).
Climacteric neurosis may be called as a cause and a combination of factors. To establish an accurate picture of the disease can only be a specialist. That doctor will review the situation, select the appropriate treatment. Because under the innocuous symptoms can disappear not only a violation of metabolic processes, but also the autonomic-vascular as well as severe mental disorders.
Symptoms of the climacteric neurosis
In neuroses in menopause have a number of characteristic features:
- chronic fatigue,
- general irritability,
- sweating during menopause,
- sudden awakening during the night (difficulty falling asleep)
- hypertonic disease,
- sharp pressure peaks,
- heart problems,
- mood swings,
- the occurrence of tinnitus,
- unstable emotional state.
- apathy,
- negative perception of their appearance,
- dizziness during menopause,
- appetite loss.
Climax and neurosis are not considered related concepts, because some women have a mental disorder does not occur at menopause. Yet there is a connection, especially if you pay attention to the behavior of women in this period of life and their perception of the world.
It is worth remembering that the neurosis of menopause can include one, several or all of the following 4 types of mental disorders:
- Asthenic (memory impairment, fatigue, a sharp decrease of efficiency).
- Depression (mood change in a negative direction).
- Hypochondriacal (obsessive, excessive anxiety about his health, the attribution of the "extra conditions").
- Hysterical (instability to the least stressful situations, increased expression of sensitiveness, moodiness, tearfulness).
Early treatment of climacteric neurosis protects against many negative consequences that are often irreversible.
The hypothalamus is responsible for many of the activities of the autonomic nervous system. For example, it affects the stability of the exchange process, the violation of which during menopause can cause a serious condition such as osteoporosis.
Stages of development of neurosis, menopausal
Neurosis during menopause passes through three stages of development. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of precursors neurosis. At this time, the woman feels the first symptoms that can appear unstable, so rarely seriously pays attention to such changes in behavior, writing off their fatigue. The second stage - this is the height of the disease. Women at this stage are beginning to seriously worry about their health and go to the doctor. If at this stage not to organize the appropriate treatment, the disease goes into the third stage of chronic disease. Here there are characteristic changes in the structure of personality, and even the well-chosen therapy can not fix the situation.
How to start treatment of a disease?
Character treating climacteric neurosis depends neglect disease. In the early stages there is no sense to resort to potent drugs, and should pay attention to:
- The right diet. A diet based on vegetable, dairy products, vegetables, fruit. It is not allowed the use of cholesterol-rich foods on. Alcohol is completely eliminated, an abundance of spices, strong coffee, and tea.
- Proper rest and sleep. If a woman does not get enough sleep, the treatment of neurosis would not give almost no results. It is recommended during the day to arrange short breaks.
- Regular walks in the fresh air. Constant trips positively affect the general psychological state. Still not prevent a spa treatment.
- Physiotherapy, massage. A beneficial effect not only on the state of mind, but also on the physical performance of the body.
With regard to preparations for the treatment of neurosis at menopause, they are chosen strictly individually. Without sheer necessity does not make sense to take powerful drugs that are more likely to harm than help.
Doctors believe that the early stages of neurosis can be overcome with the help of sedatives that pulse stabilize, improve blood pressure, have a positive effect on sleep and reduces the frequency and strength tides.
Important! Drug therapy is possible only after consultation with a physician and under his strict supervision.
Restoring hormonal levels to combat neurosis
Neurosis during the menopause, as mentioned above, may not be associated with changes in hormonal levels. But it is undeniable that the tides and other unpleasant symptoms of menopause do not affect the psyche of women. So it makes sense purpose of hormone therapy.
Hormonal drugs are divided into two categories:
- synthetic (artificial)
- Homeopathic (plant hormones have a softer impact).
Such treatment is not only to improve the state of hormonal levels, but also stabilizes the psychological state of women.
therapy role in the treatment of disease
Treat menopausal neurosis need complex. You can not only take medication, hoping for a quick and painless improvement. At the core of neurosis can lay serious psychological problems and trauma, to overcome which will help only a qualified psychologist.
Psychotherapy with the right approach and the integrity of the patient is able to solve several problems at once. Surprisingly, sometimes psychologists unable to stabilize her condition, even without attribution serious neuroleptics and sedatives.
Regular visits to a psychologist during menopause is as important as the trip to the gynecologist. After all, mental health disorders often provoke physiological disease.
Prevention of mental disorders in menostaze
Women's health during menopause needs constant support. The body no longer young, so it is more difficult to cope with difficulties. If you take the climacteric neurosis, in the first place is the ratio of women to itself.
If you accept the changes in their bodies, regularly visit doctors and react to the slightest indisposition (seriously, not hysteria), then your body is already protected. The advantage of this way of life lies in the timely treatment of emerging diseases.
The basis of the prevention of climacteric neurosis - is a healthy way of life, a stable sleep, proper nutrition and a positive attitude to life.