How to survive the menopause: how to cope with menopause (women reviews)


  1. Symptoms of menopause and how to deal with them?
  2. violation of menstruation
  3. tides
  4. Heartache
  5. Sleep disturbance
  6. Discomfort in the vagina
  7. Headache
  8. That makes it easier to move menostaz?
  9. Discard the bad habits
  10. Organize proper nutrition
  11. Maintain an active lifestyle
  12. You should visit a gynecologist and follow its instructions
  13. How to survive the menopause: Women reviews and advice doctors

To everyone's regret, it is impossible to remain forever young, and entering into old age is inevitable. Particularly acute onset of old age care about women. This notion of the fair sex is associated with the onset of menopause stage, since it is considered a direct forerunner of decay. That's because the climax - it is a process of transition to a complete cessation of the generative function of puberty. Comes this period about 45-47 years of age and lasts from one to five years, causing unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings. Violated the important processes in the body, deteriorating health, the mood becomes very erratic.

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The sudden change, provoke panic or depressive mood, and as a result women have to wonder: "How to survive the menopause?"


Symptoms of menopause and how to deal with them?

Among the most common signs of menopausal flushing is isolated (55%), pain and discomfort in the heart (25%), insomnia (21%), irritability (16%) dryness in the intimate area (15%).

violation of menstruation

The main symptom of menopause is irregular menstruation. There have been abundant and irregular vaginal bleeding, and only less than half of the monthly women disappear suddenly.


Flushes of heat to different parts of the body: the head, the torso, to face - the same unpleasant side of this problem. But how to survive hot flashes in menopause? To better cope with these unpleasant symptoms can be used a method of thermoregulation. This means that you need to take a contrast shower and get dressed, "multi-layered", so that when hot flashes, could get rid of unnecessary things. Doctors can prescribe the drug "Mensa". It can be used daily or before important things / events to prevent the manifestation of the tides. French non-hormonal drug "Abyufen" also regulates the tides in menopause, according to reviews it is very effective. It is also proved that the strengthening of hot flushes is a stimulant, like coffee. Reduce your consumption of it, because it just affects the calcium content, which is at the climax, and so is not enough.


When the pain in the heart gynecologists recommend that a sleep and work, avoid abrupt changes of temperature and climate, as well as making the body rubdown. Such measures may not be enough to stop the unpleasant pain in the heart. We recommend to be examined by a qualified technician.

Sleep disturbance

If you are concerned about insomnia during menopauseThen you should definitely take action. Do not grasp the sleeping pills, but just go and see a doctor. To return to healthy sleep, observe proper nutrition and avoid tricks heavy meal or exercise, Organize comfortable sleeping Fill the room fresh air to adjust the temperature (which must not exceed 20 degrees).

Discomfort in the vagina

Vaginal dryness can be removed with special creams, gels and candles, as well you should not wear tight synthetic underwear and hygiene products to use with dyes.


that to get rid of headaches during menopause, Apply compresses and do a head massage. Do not forget about breathing exercises!

That makes it easier to move menostaz?

It should be understood that the climax - a new stage in every woman's life and the normal behavior of the body reacting to the enormous changes, not the disease. Such steps are and adolescence, and pregnancy and childbirth. Ie, menopause - it's just the beginning of the adaptation to the new conditions.

To move more smoothly menopause, you need to follow simple rules:

Discard the bad habits

Categorically give up smoking. Smokers feel much more uncomfortable and all the discomfort of menopause, as against those who do not use tobacco products.

Reduce your alcohol intake to a minimum or totally abstain from them

Organize proper nutrition

Make your diet from a fractional power: about 6 meals a day in small portions. Uporeblyayte calcium. Remove animal fats from the diet or minimize their use. Prefer light food. Drink more water: up to 2 liters per day. Forget about rigid diet, but proper nutrition.

Vitamin E can greatly ease the menopause. You need to either enrich your diet products with this vitamin, or to take special drugs that you can write down your treating doctor.

Maintain an active lifestyle

Do not forget about the sport, follow the daily quota of physical activity. On the Internet there are specially designed sets of exercises, pay attention to it. This will help keep your body in good shape.

Aerobics, simple exercises for 30 minutes a day will give a great result!

Lead an active sex life. Libido fades, the vagina appears dry, it can stop the desire to have sex, but if you use a special lubricant, that sexual intercourse can bring previous experience.

You should visit a gynecologist and follow its instructions

Drugs such as "Klimased-clinics", "Remens" and "Klimaktoplan" contain phytoestrogens. This homeopathic medicine, the use of which can significantly reduce the unpleasant sensation in climacteric. Such a preparation as "Klimadinon", manufactured by plant-based, most efficiently copes with symptoms of menopause. But it is easier to move without such menopause hormonal drugs? The answer is simple: to actively deal with them, his favorite hobby, in any case do not go in yourself and enjoy your life. Such alarming and unstable period will help to push the second set of lesson plans.

Personal gynecologist and regular check-ups will give actionable recommendations, as only "their" doctor notice in your body abrupt changes (early menopause) and will be able to choose the high-quality treatment.

To a woman's body does not suffer from a deficiency of hormones, doctors can prescribe different hormonal agents. It may be tablets, candles, special plasters and other medications. It is worth remembering that the therapy has a number of disadvantages, as well as contraindications, which categorically prohibit such treatment. Determine whether to have the reception of such medicines will be able to identify only gynecologist possible.

BUT whether there is in men menopause? Find the answer to this question in this article, follow the link.

How to survive the menopause: Women reviews and advice doctors

Menopause does not ignore almost any woman. And the famous stars from Hollywood also suffered from this problem.

"How to cope with menopause?" - reviews women:

Jane Fonda is so much worried about how to survive the menopause, even decided to leave Hollywood. She describes that she felt so bad that I could not practice his art and his career, it's very, very difficult period for women. Due to hormonal disruption, it has a nervous breakdown, Jane has become very vulnerable.

American singer Tori Amos described menopause as "very difficult road", because self-esteem and a real sensitivity can disappear. Menopause for it was a real struggle, but thanks to their efforts and the above tips, she was able to get rid of problems.

The famous TV host Oprah Winfrey said that most of the women, whom she had invited to his show, the climax is considered the end of everything, the end of life. But personally, she says, it's a new beginning, an opportunity to discover the "new" itself and its second breath.

Read also in one of our articles, that says a well-known TV presenter Elena Malysheva about menopause.

Clinicians are advised to understand and accept the fact that the climax came, more or less adequately, because it is the nature, and from it can not escape. Their recommendations also included the use of phytoestrogens. It garmonozameniteli, they are very popular among women have entered the menopause, because they give excellent results.

Worrying about how to cope with menopause, do not forget that this is a natural phenomenon, so you should not worry too much about its occurrence. The main thing do not go overboard in their desire to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, and not to harm your good healthStrongly. Any drugs are taken only with the purpose of your physician.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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