How to stop hair loss during menopause: treatment, drugs for baldness


  1. Causes of hair loss during menopause
  2. Why do cosmetic products do not solve the problem?
  3. Medication methods of treatment of alopecia during menopause
  4. Herbal medicine and folk remedies to combat hair loss
  5. What hair dye can be used in menopause?
  6. Care curls during menopause
  7. Nutrition and healthy habits to maintain a head of hair at menopause

In the female body with age begin to occur major changes that cause many unpleasant symptoms, including loss of scalp. But if you know how to stop hair loss during menopause, it is possible not only to maintain excellent hair, but also make your hair healthier and more attractive even after 50 years.

Hair loss

Causes of hair loss during menopause

Hair loss during menopause occurs in 50% of women and more often it svyazvno with hormonal imbalance.

It all starts with the reduction in estrogen levels that support women's attractiveness. It is these hormones give the skin elasticity, keeping also the density of hair.

Another reason may be an overabundance of testosterone. As a result of hormonal imbalance causes disturbances of metabolic processes in the body, and this may result in not only a reduction in the density of hair, but also cause baldness.

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Alopecia (hair loss existing in violation of the new growth process) can be caused by other detrimental factors:

  • constant stress,
  • anemia,
  • disturbances in the functioning of thyroid gland during menopause,
  • receiving inappropriate drugs, including hormones,
  • the wrong diet,
  • circulatory disorders,
  • other diseases
  • improper care of hair,
  • bad habits,
  • the abuse of strong tea and coffee.

It can be concluded that all of the reasons are strictly individual, so you need to treat hair loss, after consultation with the doctor who will assess your overall health and make recommendations. But the prerequisite is the correct way of life, adequate nutrition and good care.

Why do cosmetic products do not solve the problem?

When the hair starts to fall during menopause, a woman does not know what to do with this problem. Out of habit, first there is an emphasis on cosmetic products, which helped at a younger age. But it is worth noting that during menopause skin problems and hair loss associated with internal changes, and not from external influence.

Of course, the need to adhere to proper care, but no treatment of internal failures the problem with the hair is not going anywhere. Therefore, cosmetics, shampoos and masks are used as maintenance therapy. A woman needs to remember that even the most expensive care products do not decide until the end of the problem of hair loss during menopause, where just need to complete the treatment.

Medication methods of treatment of alopecia during menopause

Restore volume hairstyle is very difficult, especially during menopause, so you should think in advance about the health of the organism, organizing maintenance therapy.

Hair loss during menopause involves the treatment of internal problems. In particular this applies to hormone deficiency. In this case, can help with estrogen drugs:

  • Premarin,
  • estradiol,
  • mikrofollin,
  • Ovestin,
  • Divigel,
  • estrofem,
  • Klayra,
  • Divina,
  • Angelique.

Another assistant among the drugs for baldness during menopause can be:

  • Estrovel,
  • Klimadinon,
  • Remens,
  • Ovariamin,
  • Femivell,
  • Bonisan.

Important! Some drugs are a group of combined means of hormone replacement therapy, while others contain only estrogen. Therefore, you must be examined by a doctor and pass appropriate tests.

Experts advise taking Metformin in menopause, but only under strict medical supervision.

The main rule in this issue - drugs have the effect of treating only when used properly. If you violate the period of use or drink the wrong drug, you get the opposite of the desired reaction.

Herbal medicine and folk remedies to combat hair loss

Asking the question, whether at the climax of hair began to fall, it is worth remembering especially his body in his youth. If such symptoms appear earlier, menopausal hair loss becomes even more problematic.
But if the loss of hair on the head is just beginning to emerge, you can try folk remedies. Masks, tonics and shampoos at home recipe - it is only a helper method that does not correct the underlying cause of hair loss.

can be treated with the help of hair:

  • herbal concoctions,
  • honey
  • berries,
  • dairy products,
  • cosmetic oils,
  • apple cider vinegar.

Important! Before use, you need to test for an allergic reaction, which only takes a couple minutes.

What hair dye can be used in menopause?

Hair loss during menopause needs treatment, but if a woman continues to dye your hair, the long-awaited effect did not occur. This does not mean that we should completely abandon the paint, but it can be replaced by a more lenient means.

Must be absent ammonia and hydrogen peroxide content does not exceed 3%. Some even sparing paint and treat the scalp due to the presence of a complex of vitamins and microelements. Another outlet for women during menopause can become a hair tinting.

Some women during menopause prefer to dye their hair with henna and Basma. These herbs strengthen the hair and give the desired shade.

Care curls during menopause

Optimal care even though it does not eliminate the problem entirely, but it helps to significantly reduce the number of fallen hairs:

  1. Pick the shampoo itself (preferably proven firm of Pharmacy).
  2. Discard the water with high chlorine content.
  3. Never brush immediately after shampooing.
  4. Use a hair dryer and other appliances only in extreme cases.
  5. Protect (oil after washing, spray).
  6. Do not resort to the use of cosmetic products very often.
  7. Make a constant massage to improve blood supply to the head.

Nutrition and healthy habits to maintain a head of hair at menopause

That repents power, it is necessary to refuse from aggressive dieting, not to deprive the hair of beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to focus on the products with protein and fatty acids. You need the following vitamins and elements:

  • vitamin A,
  • B vitamins,
  • zinc,
  • iron.

By focusing on drugs for baldness during menopause, do not forget about good habits:

  • permanent outdoor exercise,
  • normal sleep (at least 8 hours)
  • receiving additional vitamin complexes,
  • aromatherapy,
  • elimination of stress,
  • exercise (30 minutes a day).

To avoid problems with the hair during menopause, you need at a young age will take care of your health, which will directly depend on the condition of your hair during menopause. Simple rules for the care, healthy lifestyle, and correctly selected hormone therapy help once and for all to understand how to effectively stop hair loss during menopause.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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