- The causes of sleep disturbances in menopause
- The dangerous lack of sleep during menopause?
- psychological factor
- Immune system
- autonomic manifestations
- Changing lifestyles, as a method to combat sleep disorders in menopause
- Getting rid of the sleep problems in using folk remedies
- Treatment of nocturnal sleep during menopause using medicines
Menopause - a period marked by large-scale changes in the activity of the organism. This hormone-dependent process is shown at each representative of the fairer sex in varying degrees of intensity, but few for whom it goes completely unnoticed. One of the most common complaints during menopause is a violation of the rhythm of sleep. Let's look at what is insomnia during menopause than it is dangerous and how you can cope with it.
The causes of sleep disturbances in menopause
Everything has a cause and its effect. And the emergence of problems with sleeping during menostaza does not arise out of nowhere and goes nowhere. What triggers this condition in women at this stage of life?
All the causes of this problem can be divided into three groups:
- Hormonal causes that are directly related to the biological metamorphoses that take place in the depths of the female body. The imbalance of female hormones provokes a lot of unpleasant symptoms that have a direct impact on the quality of sleep: there bouts of nocturnal hot flashes, Sweating, rapid heartbeat episodes. Reducing the amount of estrogen provokes snoring, often is the appearance of short-term bouts of respiratory failure - sleep apnea. Reduced levels of progesterone, one of whose functions is to regulate the sleep process, gives rise to difficulties in this area.
- Psychological factors are inextricably linked with the first group. A woman can not help experiencing the onset menostaza. It hurts vulnerability to threaten to change, inability to stop their own efforts, unintentionally frighten thoughts of approaching old age, frightening possibility of losing an attractive look and tantalized experiences for their own health. All these negative thoughts can take second place in the daytime, but in the midnight stillness they achieve giant size, not allowing to fully sleep.
- Additional reasons why developing insomnia during menopause, could be:
- overweight;
- bad habits (alcohol and nicotine addiction);
- abuse of caffeine;
- passive lifestyle;
- stress and anxiety;
- violation of work and rest.
The dangerous lack of sleep during menopause?
psychological factor
The first thing that threaten vigil - a negative impact on the functioning of the nervous system, which is already experiencing increased load. Woman becomes more irritable, whining, emotionally unstable, lacks the internal resources to execute current affairs. Since menopause usually occurs at a time when the working life women are not completed, the absence of normal leisure provokes decreased performance and concentration. And then a vicious circle: on the complexity - not a wink of sleep at night, and there is no rest - on the negative dynamics. The final stage of a systematic lack of sleep, aggravated by life's troubles, is the development of menopausal depression.
Immune system
Impaired night's rest undermines the immune defense, the body he just did not have the strength to resist negative factors, and in fact menostaz - now quite dangerous because many hormone-dependent diseases "raise head. " At this time, more than ever, important is the ability of natural immunity to a full-fledged fight back ailments.
autonomic manifestations
Not only sleeping person at risk to make problems with the cardiovascular system. As a consequence there are irregularities in the heart of developing hypertension, vascular spasm occur, possibly stroke.
When a violation of the quality of night rest is sporadic, then talk about the potential threat to health there is no reason, because the general condition of a person can be influenced by many factors. But if the problem takes a global character, then the question arises: what to do with insomnia during menopause?
Changing lifestyles, as a method to combat sleep disorders in menopause
To start a purposeful struggle with the disease, should be carefully examine the conditions of development of the phenomenon, its laws and the importance of those same additional factors. There are several basic rules that indirectly help to neutralize the problem of night waking.
- Pay attention to the temperature room mode. It is well known that a person sleeps only best in cool and well-ventilated room.
- Eliminate factors that irritate the eyes and ears. Dripping faucet, a blinking LED on the audio display, lantern, guide the light directly in the window, and many other provocative moments are able to do so, that slumber "as the arm lift." But during menopause, this problem is exacerbated in times and without provocation from outside.
- Do not overeat in the evening. Prefer light food that is quickly absorbed. Fermentation processes, the severity of fatty foods impede the natural process of relaxation.
- Go to bed around the same time. My daily routine itself is able to fix the problem or greatly facilitate, especially in the case not started.
- Pay attention to physical activity. Any kind of moderate load good. However, they should not be practiced in the evening to avoid overstimulation of the nervous system. The only exception may be the quiet walks.
- Reduce the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, try to drink less coffee. These three depending knock nervous system out of balance, causing her excitement.
- Avoid not only physical but also emotional overload at bedtime. Crime reports, action movies, overly emotional talk show - a guarantee that you are uncomfortable night's sleep.
- Resort to a relaxing evening rituals: noggin soothing tea, warm (! In any case not hot) bath, several pages of a favorite work or listening to an audiobook with a quiet plot can sometimes work wonders.
If all these measures do not help, you should consider methods of treatment of insomnia during menopause more deeply. The decision can become like farmapreparatami therapy and help folk remedies.
Getting rid of the sleep problems in using folk remedies
Folk remedies for insomnia during menopause - the preferred step in the fight against the lack of sleep, which is not yet excessive in nature. In such cases, other than assistants could be herbal based his famous soothing properties of plants: lemon balm, mint, chamomile, hops, Leonurus, Hypericum, root valerian. These herbs help reduce tension, relieve muscle cramps and clamps, helping to relax after a hard day.
Another well-known tools that are designed to treat a violation of lack of sleep a night, you can call the manufacturer of bags, filled with the same soothing charges. Its fragrance will positively affect the activity of the nervous system, relieving tension and ensuring proper rest.
An excellent embodiment can be relaxing baths with herbal broths or adding aromatic oils such as lavender, rosemary oil or sandalwood.
Sometimes a glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey, passed the night, is also able to improve the quality of rest at night.
Treatment of nocturnal sleep during menopause using medicines
It must be said that the reference to medical resolving the issue should be left for emergencies and self-not to engage in any case.
Correct and efficient can only be a concerted action with the attending physician. Medication as prescribed may be sent:
- First, the adjustment of the hormonal changes with the help of the combined preparations of the directed action, combining a mix of both essential vitamins and minerals, and herbal ingredients that positively affect the synthesis of sex hormones (Mensa, Klimadinon, Chi-Klim, Orthomol Femina et al.). In particularly severe cases, to stabilize hormones and restore peace, will have to take hormone drugs.
- Second, as a means of helping to overcome the chronic disorders of night rest, doctors prescribe sedatives. They help calm the nervous system and then fully to sleep. Among the most common drugs can be identified Phenibutum, Afobazol, Roser, Zopiclone. Stronger drugs, namely sedative, effectively working in 15-20 minutes, can be purchased strictly on prescription. Their purpose, and receive specialist should be strictly controlled, as such, they can be addictive and have side effects on the body.
Often, only a set of activities helps to establish the mode of night rest during menostaza. An important point in the fight against this problem is a positive attitude. It should not be too hung up on this issue initially, that it is not turned into a chronic ailment. We need to try to live a normal life with the understanding that all of these processes are temporary. If the disease does not allow normal life, the most reasonable is to look for help from a specialist.