Constipation during menopause in women: violation ZHKG, diarrhea, prevention and treatment


  1. What is the relationship between constipation and menopause?
  2. Possible causes of constipation during menopause
  3. What is the risk of constipation and how to treat them?
  4. Prevention of constipation
  5. Hemorrhoids during menopause
  6. Other problems with the menopause in women with GI
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Flatulence
  9. Metallic taste

menopause is characterized by a huge number of changes in a woman's body. Some of these are the problems with a chair, that is, constipation. Digestion becomes much worse, organs of the gastrointestinal tract work is not so intense. Constipation during menopause in women become chronic in 35% of cases.


What is the relationship between constipation and menopause?

Everything happens because of the hormonal nature of the menopause: the ovaries that do not work as a young man, dramatically reduce runningaway estrogens and progestins, which provided work and the flow of vital processes. Besides, the above hormones affect the production, and other substances. An example of this - serotonin, known to many as the hormone of good mood or happiness hormone. But its problems are, and quality work of the digestive tract. It is easy to understand that with age, the production of serotonin is reduced and, therefore, the processes of evacuation chairs deteriorate.

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After all, it reduces the activity of all the organs of the intestine, decreases the motility rate of the rectum, which leads to difficulty of movement of feces.
Therefore, reduction of sex hormones at menopause is directly connected with the problems in the digestive tract.

Possible causes of constipation during menopause

Many women have a question: "Can be in menopause failure in the digestive tract?" Our answer is clear, and it is a pretty common problem. And their specific reasons:

  1. menopause occurs in women around the age of 45-50 years. And it is quite logical that the body no longer receives such physical activities as in 20 years. This sedentary lifestyle leads to inactivity of the intestine, due to which there is and constipation.
  2. Frequent pregnancies and birth injuries, weakened pelvic floor, hypovarianism, Hypothyroidism during menopause - it also can serve as the beginning of serious problems with the digestive tract.
  3. The passion to follow a diet to maintain a slim figure as reflected in the intestine. Diet - unhealthy diet, and it leads to the fact that the stool acquire dense texture, it does not allow them to move freely through the intestine and complicate the process of defecation.
  4. Symptoms of menopause can cause women's cravings for sweets and starchy foods. This will not only provoke the appearance of extra kilograms, but also score the intestines.
  5. Surprisingly, decreased libido and lack of sexual activity leads to constipation. Why? Since there is no stimulation of the anal sphincter and rectum.
  6. Violation of the nervous system and the constant stress are developing a number of serious problems, including the digestive tract.
  7. Metabolic disorders are very characteristic of menopause. This failure cleavage of carbohydrates and protein digestion, which promote a change in stool and hardening and after their exit from the body.
  8. Difficulties with defecation arise due to changes in the position of the reproductive organs. Due to lack of release of hormones, they lose their elasticity, and childbirth and abortions committed in his youth, lowers the uterus and vagina. All these processes do not remain unnoticed by the other organs. Intestines - is no exception. His motor skills is slowed down, and difficulty in emptying worse.
  9. Intestine is permeated vessels and veins, infringement of which is directly dependent on estrogen production. Once these hormones affect the elasticity of the tissue in the digestive tract and yet allow them to wash down. As we have seen above, in the climax of this hormone is produced weak and the lack of it leads to weakening of vascular walls, which promotes the formation of protrusions - peculiar to exit barriers feces.
  10. Women are much more men are taking antidepressants to restore peace of mind, especially at menopause. This adversely affects the health of the intestine.

What is the risk of constipation and how to treat them?

When menopause constipation is dangerous to many factors. For serious complications include:

  1. Increasing the likelihood of injury to the rectum and of the intestine, and prolapse.
  2. Possible risk of getting infections and diseases of the internal organs.
  3. Due to the extremely hard feces that irritate the sphincter may appear anal fissures.
  4. ileus, which develops as a consequence of fecal peritonitis, can occur due to the very long-term constipation.
  5. There is the risk of a malignant tumor of the intestine, because mucous gastrointestinal organs because of the constant being there stool constantly irritated.
  6. The food is digested poorly, leading to a deficiency of vitamin and minerals. This adversely affects the strength of bones and the condition of the mucous membranes

To avoid all these hassles, doctors do not recommend the use of laxatives. In turn, they cause bowel habit not work independently. Examination by a doctor - the best solution to the problem. Prescribe drugs with hormones will save you from unpleasant constipation for a long time. Also, you can prescribe drugs suppositories, tablets or syrups. Remember constipation during menopause do not pass on their own, this problem needs attention and a responsible attitude to prevent severe complications.

Prevention of constipation

In the treatment it has an important role physical activity, but without too much effort - everything in moderation. The most useful swimming and water aerobics. On the Internet you can find a set of exercises designed to improve the functioning of the intestines. Follow the rules of a healthy diet: Include a list of used kislomolochku products, cereals, and fruits and vegetables, as they are high in fiber. It is advisable to keep the sex life, if possible, to strengthen the pelvic organs.

Hemorrhoids during menopause

The menstrual cycle is a big influence on a disease like hemorrhoids. From adverse factors, it may at times worsen, and a major cause of inflammation of hemorrhoids are monthly during menopause.

With regards to menopause, such inflammation diseases associated with hormonal changes and grasp of sex hormones. During menopause, as already described above, the woman becomes inactive and is actively gaining weight, causing the outflow of venous blood from the worsening of the corpora cavernosa of the rectum. This encourages the development of centers of hemorrhoids. Uterine fibroids make the situation worse. But hemorrhoids can also occur due to another, the main culprit - constipation, which can not be ignored, as we have noted.

Treatment of haemorrhoids during menopause can provide those drugs that use at any time to get rid of these unpleasant and sensitive issues. Flebodia advised to use tablets which have no restrictions in terms of reception, unlike suppositories and ointments with corticosteroids. Be sure to go and see your doctor!

Other problems with the menopause in women with GI


Diarrhea (in medicine - diarrhea) - a condition of the intestine in which speeded defecation may occur. Chair becomes very liquid and is accompanied by pain in the abdominal region, and a strong urge fecal incontinence. What does it happen?

Since in the gut wall is strongly stretched and the volume of its contents is significantly increased, there arises a problem such as diarrhea. With diarrhea in menopause drink 1/3 cup of herb St. John's Wort tincture before meals. If you need to cure diarrhea with a strong flatulence, then take 3 times a day 3 grams of powder of sage leaves.


This concept includes increased accumulation of gas in the intestines and all related disorders. Flatulence during menopause in women occurs due to constant fluctuations of hormones in the body. This symptom in menopausal gives the feeling that the stomach is full and swollen due to the delay of gases and liquids. As "side effects" there is a lack or loss of appetite and abdominal pain. There may be excessive flatulence and inherent flatulence, belching.

Key features of bloating during menopause:

  • Abdomen greatly increased
  • You gained weight dramatically and quickly
  • He appeared uncomfortable and unpleasant pain in the abdomen during a meal.
  • A feeling of heaviness at bedtime.
  • Constantly feeling of overeating
  • belching

It is manifested mainly in the daytime, and his main reason - the avoidance of a healthy lifestyle and not following proper nutrition. With this problem you need to understand and fight! Eliminate from your diet coffee, carbonated drinks and revise all their food.

Remove obsolete products such as:

  • legumes
  • Baking and rye bread
  • mushrooms
  • canned goods
  • Fatty meats and broths
  • Pickles
  • Spicy pickles
  • Dumplings and dumplings
  • smoked food

Treatment bloating during menopause begins with examination of primary pathologies. Before the use of drugs acting on the improvement of work and gut motility, consult your doctor. He is obliged to prescribe a strict diet and medication from this problem.

This symptom can serve a number of occurrence of very serious diseases. It is not necessary to ignore this problem and let things take their course. Such taste in the mouth is not normal, because the taste buds just do not produce something on the similarity. Thus, this symptom may signal the disease in the body, or any other non-pathological conditions (pregnancy, hormonal crash)

If you feel this taste after drinking, the reason lies in the chemical composition of the water itself or condition of pipes. If you feel the taste of iron in the mouth after eating, then in the order you check the condition of the digestive tract. Since when menopause occurs hormonal failure and disrupted the digestive tract, metallic taste in the mouth - a frequent phenomenon.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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