Tampons Lu Li MejTan (reviews): composition, action, method of application


  1. The composition of the tampons Lu Li MejTan
  2. Effects on body
  3. Contraindications
  4. Dosing herbal tampons
  5. important recommendations
  6. Reviews of Lu Li MejTan

Chinese traditional medicine is famous for its long-standing recipes health and beauty for women. One such company MejTan used in the manufacture of medical tampons. These funds are known for their natural composition and effective impact on many diseases. Below is more talk about the area of ​​the impact of tampons Lu Li Maitai, and a review of their application, as well as look at some recommendations regarding such treatment.

Lechebnay swab Lu Li MejTan

To get an idea about this tool, we suggest to check out reviews of Chinese women tampons different brands.

The composition of the tampons Lu Li MejTan

Ordinary tampons with products Lu Lee MejTan have a common application zone. And in appearance, shape and orientation of action is completely different products. Said remedy - is a collection of medicinal plants and their extracts. For more convenient use, they are compressed into a spherical shape.

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Used in the production of "Luli" plants can be divided according to the sphere of influence on the body:

  • urological problems: incense, kochia broomcorn, Smilax root - help to eliminate the negative symptoms of diseases of the urinary system;
  • in infections, acute or chronic diseases of the sexual sphere: Sophora flavescens, myrrh extract, ginseng root;
  • in case of problems in hormone levels: angelica root, Ginseng, Smilax, safflower, myrrh extract, Sophora flavescens - are used for the cystic formations, infertility, lead to normal hormonal women;
  • in case of problems with menstruation: angelica root, turmeric, motherwort, Acacia catechu, safflower - normalize the cycle, reduce pain, reduce premenstrual syndrome;
  • gynecological tumors: ginseng, the root of Smilax, turmeric.

Said composition is completely harmless to health, if there is an individual intolerance of components or allergy to one of them.

Effects on body

Contemplated products from MejTan act specifically in the field of internal and external genital organs, i.e. locally. In addition, plant extracts quickly cover the entire body. Components Used eliminate toxins, improve blood circulation and metabolism in the genital area, and normalize the vaginal flora and tissue regeneration of mucosa. In addition there is a positive effect on the skin as a whole.

Products are indicated for use in:

  • thrush;
  • vaginitis, cervicitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • cervical erosion;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • infectious diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis);
  • cystic neoplasms type;
  • endometritis;
  • various problems with menstruation.

Reviews of women say that they provide a high level of protection against infection. A similar range of effects caused by the widespread use of make up products of medicinal plants and extracts, which have long been well established in the treatment of diseases of the urinary and sexual systems.

Many women, tested this hygienic means noticed both during the wearing out different selection. Manufacturers explain this process of cleaning the body.


Tampons Lu Li Maitai, in spite of its natural composition, and has a number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstrual period;
  • virginity;
  • diabetes (increased risk of infectious diseases);
  • allergy or intolerance to the components individually.

Buy specified products only when we are sure that there are no events listed above. Before applying best to consult with your doctor.

Dosing herbal tampons

Because no absorbent material within the swabs are not contained, while wearing is released medicinal extracts. Manufacturers claim that keep the body it means you need three days. This is the time needed to happen a positive effect of extracts on the body.

Before the introduction of the product is necessary to conduct a series of hygienic procedures: undercut, wash your hands. After remove the swab from the packaging and unwinding a thread. Become in a comfortable position as the introduction of any tampons, and introduce it into the vagina is not a depth of 5-7 cm. The thread has to stay outside for easy removal.

Keep the product within 3 days. It does not prevent the process of urination and does not bring discomfort during movement. the swab is removed at the end of the specified time. After that, it is recommended to douche chamomile extract to normalize the microflora of the vagina and the purification of the remaining emissions.

Before the introduction of the new product must pass the day. The usual prophylactic course of 6 tampons. Repeat it can be 3-4 times a year. In the treatment of a particular disease can be held 3-4 courses at intervals of 1-2 months. It depends on the type and stage of the disease.

important recommendations

In addition to the above actions, the statement contains a number of recommendations:

  • swabs should not be used for three days before and after menstruation;
  • while wearing items prohibited sexual activity;
  • to have sex can be three hours after extraction of the product and douching.

Compliance with all the rules of use should contribute to a speedy recovery, or the effectiveness of preventive therapy.

What if the disease had to menstruation? Learn how to methods of recourse when treatment of thrush during menstruationBy clicking on the link.

Reviews of Lu Li MejTan

Production has both positive and negative customer reviews. All due to the fact that the body of every woman reacts differently to the collection of medicinal herbs. Many can not even guess at the intolerance of a particular component, as previously never encountered them. So before you buy a healing tamponchiki, you should consult your gynecologist.

Check out Reviews of Clean Point tampons, Which are analogous to the product in the article here.

The majority of the fair sex confuses hygiene genitals after the introduction of the product. Conventional tampons for menstruation can keep within a maximum of 8 hours, and here the whole 3 days. However, this is due to the product lineup. Healing does not absorb into any selection, but only of extracts belonging to the plant, so they can be kept in the vagina for a long time without harm to health.

In any case, give preference to Chinese traditional medicine or not - your own decision. Approach to this issue should be responsible. If there are serious health problems, the therapy should appoint a specialist, otherwise you run the risk of development of complications.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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