- Artificial Conception at menostaze
- Conditions for in vitro fertilization during menopause
- Possible fertilization program
- Preparation for the procedure in menopause
- Stages fertilization procedures during menopause
- Risks and hazards of artificial conception during menostaza
Fate sometimes presents the person different surprises. Fortunately, they are not always negative. It happens that people already included in a fairly mature age, suddenly find each other and decide what really want children together. And it happens and so, that the circumstances, life tragedy pushed a woman to think about the birth of a child during menopause. Every story their motives, but the desire to give life to a new person always deserves approval and support. Is it even possible IVF at menopause?
Artificial Conception at menostaze
The onset of menopause in terms of anatomy - is the process of completion of the reproductive function of the female body. The ovaries number of follicles is exhausted, monthly almost gone, the egg gradually cease to ripen, and the ability to bear children is lost.
Relatively recently, there could be no question of artificial insemination after 45-50 years. But modern reproductive technology are advancing by leaps and bounds. Today, the probability of conception in menopause is real.
Even if the natural ovulation is not possible - it is not a sentence. In this case, a shaped donor egg, which artificially fertilized seed partner material and placed in the uterus of a potential mother. With accompanying hormone supported body's ability to carry and to give birth to a healthy baby at the time of menopause.
Conditions for in vitro fertilization during menopause
Extracorporeal fertilization method - a serious process that requires careful preparation and analysis on the state of health of the participants data.
Referring to the expert, it is necessary to provide information that may be important for a successful carrying out fertilization (presence of hereditary diseases, chronic diseases, surgeries). If a woman already has children, it is important to talk about during pregnancy, problems, if it was accompanied by. On the basis of the picture the doctor will decide if you need additional testing and adjusting the preparation and maintenance of drug therapy.
General conditions for artificial conception to menopause are:
- The lack of absolute and relative contraindications. By absolute include for dangerous organism diseases (HIV, hepatitis, severe diabetes, the presence of serious cardiac pathologies, oncology any location, kidney disease). In this case, it can only go about bringing a surrogate mother. For relative contraindications include the states of the organism, which can prevent proper leak in vitro conception of the process, but does not make it a priori impossible. After the elimination of these reasons, you can return to the idea of artificial conception. These include infections, endometriosis, uterine tumors and appendages whose removal may be conducted by conserving surgery, acute illnesses.
- The presence of the patient the possibility of an independent childbearing. Here is the absence of congenital or acquired gynecological pathologies, whose presence physically impossible to do so (removal of the reproductive organs, endocrine diseases and in severe t. d.).
- The absence of contraindications for hormone replacement therapy, because it is conducted on a segment the woman's life when the natural pregnancy and child bearing is not provided by nature, and, therefore, does not contribute to hormonal prosperous natural course of events of pregnancy and requires stimulation outside.
Possible fertilization program
Is it possible to do in menopause IVF particular patient, the doctor decides on the basis of medical history and current condition of the reproductive system. Using the survey results, the expert can offer to do a certain variant of in vitro fertilization:
- with the donor material (sperm);
- with someone else's eggs;
- Banking own oocytes;
- use krioembrionov (were frozen earlier).
When you save more of their own menstrual cycles (premenopausal) or artificial menopause is a woman egg collection program for a few months. If ovulation is not possible, the only solution in favor oocyte donation.
Preparation for the procedure in menopause
To prepare the artificial fertility during menopause in many respects similar to the procedure, carried out in the reproductive age, but requires a more responsible approach to the nature of the menopause.
Binding studies that appoint women are:
- general and biochemical blood test;
- general urine analysis;
- tests for infection;
- blood test for hormones;
- cytological examination of the cervix;
- fluorography;
- mammography;
- ECG;
- US of a thyroid gland, kidney, adrenal, pelvic, heart;
- Hysteroscopy can be assigned to assess the ability of the body to accept the embryo.
The following studies are intended to be the future father:
- tests for detection of infections;
- semen;
- Analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor.
Stages fertilization procedures during menopause
Once a woman has passed the comprehensive examination and received the approval of relevant experts, the next stage begins.
First appointed by the expectant mother hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Alignment of hormonal women to a level allowing the embryo and securing his safe nurturing - a fundamental moment of success of in vitro fertilization.
But due to some drugs, especially in the long protocol IVF after menopause occurs even in women of reproductive age. Therefore, consultation, treatment is necessary to obtain reliable clinics where specialist gives certain guarantees and professionally selects conception program.
If the body of the patient, planning motherhood, still capable of ovulation, the HRT makes the pursuance of their own eggs fertilized females. If there is a stable cessation of menstruation, the only chance is to use donor oocytes (eggs).
Eco with donor oocytes comprises the following steps:
- The choice of the donor oocytes for certain indicators. It is not only the requirements for health, but also the characteristics of appearance, complexion and other characteristics.
- Synchronization of donor cycles and potential mother.
- Stimulation of the maturation of follicles in women donors and their subsequent withdrawal.
- Obtaining seed from the father or the donor.
- Fertilization of the egg and embryo cultivation.
- The transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity with subsequent control over the process of development, followed by hormone therapy.
Conception using native oocytes women is similar in character except for selecting the starting carrier material. In this case, it becomes a carrier of the mother herself.
Read on secretions after IVF embryo transferBy clicking on the link.
Risks and hazards of artificial conception during menostaza
- The embryo can not take root even with the first and second times. Naturally, during menopause roads every day, and a month, loss of time inevitably reduce the chances of a successful completion of the plan. It often becomes a heavy psychological stress for a woman who believes and dreams of motherhood.
- Since during the procedure the uterus carries several embryos, it increases the risk of multiple pregnancy. During menopause it is highly undesirable because significantly reduces the chances of success by increasing the load on the mother's body. In such cases, a reduction of - Department of embryos that developed in parallel.
- HRT is able to induce ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which can be dangerous to life and health of the mother and fetus.
- Sometimes hormone therapy has a negative impact on patient health. Most often it suffers from the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system. Often this reproductive technology and is accused of provoking the development of cancer. This risk can not be denied, especially if there is a predisposition.
- Toddlers 'test-tube' percentage of birth defects is somewhat higher. "Cleft lip", "cleft palate", heart defects, hypoplasia of the esophagus occur in these children more often. For the prevention of serious genetic disorders and chromosomal conducted preliminary survey all participants in the process, as well as additional control states implemented embryos before implantation.
IVF in menopause - a rather ambiguous thing. On the one hand, it is often the only chance to become a mother, on the other hand, the application of this technology is fraught with certain risks. Each individual case requires an individual approach. Only joint work of experts and prospective parents can give the desired result, namely, the birth of a healthy and strong baby.