What is a tampon, why they are needed, types, how to choose (reviews)


  1. What is a tampon?
  2. What are the hygiene products?
  3. classification of products
  4. How to choose tampons?
  5. How to enter a tampon?
  6. With applicator
  7. without applicator
  8. Restrictions on the use of tampons
  9. Side effects
  10. Tampons and virginity: yes or no?
  11. Choose tampons
  12. Obi
  13. Tampax
  14. Koteks
  15. Terms of use of literacy

There is hardly a person in the modern world who at least once did not hear the word "tampon". Thanks to the media level of education of the population of all genders and ages in this delicate matter has increased substantially. However, this is only at first glance it seems that the fairer sex know all about tampons. Unfortunately, many women, especially young girls, have a fairly limited information on this hygienic device, which often leads to misuse, discomfort and ineffective protection.

Let's talk about what a tampon, how to apply it, how to choose the best form of hygiene, to avoid disappointment.

What are tampons

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What is a tampon?

Tampons have been known since ancient times. The ancient Roman women used pieces of matted hair in the days of menstruation. And in the XVIII century the first mention of the ancestor of modern means - the adaptation of the shaft with a rope, made of absorbent material.

Modern tampon - better design, which is used by women during the menstrual cycle. In fact, a small roll of a length of about 5 cm and a diameter of 1.5-2 cm., Which is inserted into the vagina during menstrual flow. The material that forms the basis of this device can be different: wool, viscose. In any case it is tightly pressed into a compact tube, and its fibers are tightly interconnected. Featured extraction roll of a cord, which is securely sewn into its foundation.

What are the hygiene products?

Why tampons, because there are also sanitary napkin - more common means of feminine hygiene products? Some women use only gaskets, others only tampons, and others - combine both versions or use menstrual cups. It is a matter of preference, convenience, temperamental, situation nuances.

Due tampons woman can lead a normal life, without regard to the presence of critical days. The use of these devices allows you to play sports, go swimming, dance, wear light clothes, without fearing for their appearance. Tampons, unlike the gaskets are absolutely invisible under clothing. If you choose the right size, the product does not cause discomfort. And if you choose the right degree of absorbency, it is possible not to worry about the flow.

go test on the date of the first monthlyBy clicking on the link.

classification of products

Classify data hygiene tools can be in two ways:
on design features. In this context, they can be represented by two species:

  • with the applicator means;
  • means, without applicator.

by the degree of absorption. In this category there are the following types of hygienic products:

  • Mini (Lites) - used for scarce menstrual flow, as well as in adolescence;
  • Regular (Normal) - devices for discharge of medium intensity;
  • Super - ideal for women, allocation of which are abundant in nature;
  • Super plus - they are used in intensive menstruation.

How to choose tampons?

The woman picked up their best view of the sanitary product will need to focus on their own feelings and to ensure optimal protection.

The main indicator for the selection is the profusion of menses. If initially there is any doubt, then start the experiment with the best option, having an average degree of absorbency (Normal), and then select the type of product according to their own sensations.

Tampons should not be felt by the woman after administration hamper movement and quality required to protect against leakage - this is the main selection criteria.

At the beginning and end of menstruation, when less intense isolation, the product should be applied with a lesser degree of protection.

Choosing a care facility for very young girls, it is necessary to give preference only to the minimum size (Mini).

How to enter a tampon?

Speaking of administration technique, it is desirable to differentiate the use of means with or without an applicator. Be sure to watch the video below, demonstrates how to insert and remove the product.

With applicator

Products with an applicator are introduced as follows:

Introduction tampon applicator
  1. Carry out hand hygiene and intimate area.
  2. The product is exempt from individual package.
  3. Take a comfortable position (optimal to do it standing up, putting one foot on the platform).
  4. Tampon take over the middle (the place where the two merge its components) and the spout applicator is introduced into the vagina to a depth of 4-5 cm, directing it at the waist.
  5. Other hand slowly pressed on the bottom of the tube, thereby propelling the product disposed within the applicator body depth.
  6. Carefully extract the applicator.

In fact, the introduction of the principle of operation resembles a syringe (see. animation and video below).

The use of such structures are more comfortable and more hygienic, since reduced to a minimum contact of hands and mucous membranes of the genitals. On a trip or at work, this advantage could be decisive in the selection of feminine hygiene tampons

without applicator

Products without an applicator are introduced analogously:

Photo 1 instruction

Conducted hygiene of hands and the intimate area;

Photo instruction 2

The product is removed from the individual package;

Photo Instructions 3

Find a comfortable position for the procedure and carefully introduce the subject of hygiene in the vagina to a depth of 7-8 cm with your fingers, leaving the lanyard outside.

Photo instruction 4

Before the introduction of the product without the applicator requires a much more thorough hand hygiene and intimate area required to prevent the entry and spread of infection.

By getting rid of your used product, wrapped it in a package or paper.

Restrictions on the use of tampons

  • Postpartum period. In this case, the tampons may interfere with the natural outflow lochia (spotting after delivery), as well as contribute to inflammatory processes.
  • Features of the structure of the reproductive organs, preventing the use of comfortable means.
  • Inflammatory processes and genital infections.
  • The emergence of earlier symptoms of toxic shock syndrome.
  • An allergic reaction to the materials from which the product is made.
  • Children's age (menarche).

Side effects

TSS (toxic shock syndrome) - the most dangerous side effect which can be expected from the use of these hygiene products. The woman's condition at its development resembles flu-like fever that is accompanied by chills, temperature rise to 40 oz., weakness, dizziness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, convulsions, rash, often localized to the palms and soles feet. TSS is rare, but is a real threat not only to health but also to the woman's life.

Reviews of medical professionals suggest that tampons can provoke the development of pathogenic microflora. When TSS into the bloodstream (through microdamages) fall bacteria and toxins, which causes pathological condition. Particularly contribute to this large size products (Super and Super plus).

Irritation and inflammation, including candidiasis (thrush) can be called as an allergic reaction, and the same multiplication of microorganisms.

Tampons and virginity: yes or no?

For most women, the question of whether it is possible use tampons young girls are not sexually active, it has a negative answer. But is it really? To answer this question, we should recall what the hymen is and how it can prevent the use of these remedies.

Hymen is a barrier of connective tissue, which precedes the entrance to the vagina. It's kind of a ring having at its center opening for menstrual blood outflow. This hole in a teenage girl has a diameter of about 1.5-2 cm. that allows you to easily enter a tampon into the vagina, without damaging the integrity of the hymen.

Young girls make better use of tampons labeled Mini or special types created for virgins. So positive reviews earned Kotex Young products and swabs Ola Teens. They provide reliable protection during menstruation, taking into account the physiological characteristics of a teenager.

Socket size, properly administered, and timely replacement of the subject of hygiene, young girls can easily use such products without worrying about their appearance. A mother can with no trouble putting my daughter in a gorgeous robe, and let her go to gym class. The main thing is to teach the young women to properly use this device hygiene.

Choose tampons

In today's market of goods for personal hygiene are a wide variety: different price categories, structures and properties. However, not all of them are trustworthy. Which is better to buy tampons?

The most popular and the best recommendations to the following brands:


Ob tamponso.b. - the products have won recognition and praise from the regular use of their women. Manufacturer perfected this sanitary fixture longitudinal grooves which provide a more comfortable insertion and increased protection against leaks.


Tampax tamponsTampax - a well-known brand, which one of the first appeared in our country. It Tampax products allow Russian women to understand how good the tampons with the applicator. The convenience and reliability of products from this brand reviews confirm a huge number of real women.


tampons koteksKotex - Compact design tamponchiki in a positive, also received positive reviews potrebitelnits. Despite the funny design, this brand has long earned the trust of the vast number of women confirmed that their demand in the market of hygiene products.

Read also about the Russian sanitary products - Anna tampons.

Terms of use of literacy

  1. Use tampons only in those cases where it is really needed.
  2. Choose tampons, depending on the intensity of emissions.
  3. If the product is picked up and put right, then his presence is imperceptible.
  4. How to determine whether it is time to change a tampon? Gently pull on the cord, and if the product is easy to succumb to this movement, it is time to replace. If the swab is responsible to the impact resistance, it is possible to wait for his change.
  5. Change your tampon not less than 4 hours. For more time to leave the swab is not desirable, even if it is not completely soaked.
  6. Night sleep with a similar hygiene products - not the best idea.
  7. Follow the rules of hand hygiene and the genital area. Clean - the guarantee of intimate health.
  8. No need to change the hygiene article after every visit to the toilet.
  • Oct 18, 2019
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