- The reasons for weight gain during menostaze
- Lose weight during menopause: the basic principles of success
- Food
- drinking balance
- Physical activity
- Folk remedies
- pharmacy drugs
Menopause is often a woman for a real challenge. Under the influence hormonal changes in a woman's body there are serious changes. And they concern not only the internal organs - they are reflected in the appearance. One of the frequent problems menostaza becoming obese. We can say that menopause and overweight often march hand in hand. Sometimes, at this time there is quite a significant weight gain - up to 10-15 kg. Additional complexity becomes that overcome the added kilos during menopause is much harder. figures change problem experienced by the fair sex is hard enough. Therefore, one of the most popular queries on the web remains: How to lose weight during menopause? Let us understand why women in menopause there is a tendency to a set of extra kilos, and how to deal with this problem.
The reasons for weight gain during menostaze
On weight gain during menopause affect a variety of reasons, but they all, in one way or another connected with the internal transformations that occur in the body.
- Lack of exercise and overeating - banal satellites obesity at any age. It is the lack of regular activity, combined with gluttony, can be called the root cause of obesity at menopause.
- Another explanation for why so often there is extra weight in menopause is hormonal changes. Gradual ovarian failure associated with decreased female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. That lack of estrogen can be called the main culprit of the problem. Estrogen deficiency results in disruption of the metabolic processes and absorption mechanisms nutrients, so, even while maintaining the same amount of calories, the body weight inexorably increases.
- Another set of indirect cause of overweight during menopause is the ability of fat cells to produce estrogen. Such substitution function has a downside - the body tends to increase the amount of adipose tissue, as if creating additional sources for the reproduction of these hormones.
- Reduction in progesterone can also affect the appearance of excess body weight. The lack of this hormone stimulates fluid retention in the body, causing deviations in the direction of arrow weights increase.
- In addition to weight change during menopause in women can be affected by endocrine disorders: diabetes, malfunction of the thyroid gland. After 50 years, these diseases develop very often. In endocrine pathologies woman can, how to lose weight, and, conversely, to dial it. During menostaza women often recorded insulin resistance, ie reduced sensitivity of cells to insulin resistance. This leads to disruption of assimilation of glucose and increase fat reserves. The situation is aggravated by eating "fast" carbohydrates.
- During menopause increases androgen levels, which leads to the fact that the woman is a redistribution of fat tissue - it is now localized in the abdominal area (male pattern).
Itself begs the question: Does losing weight during menopause? And is it possible to prevent an increase in weight after 45 years?
Lose weight during menopause: the basic principles of success
To understand how to lose weight during menopause, you should pay attention to the basic aspects of life. It is in their adjustment lies the answer to the eternal feminine question: How not to gain weight during menopause?
Proper nutrition during menopause - a point which should be given maximum attention. Weight loss is impossible without amending this sphere of life.
How to get better during menopause or how to lose weight during menopause at age 50 with the help of adjusting power? Go to the article describing diet during menopause by day for weight loss.
Note the number of calories. With age, the daily intake of calories needed is reduced, so the diet should be revised in accordance with the optimal parameters.
No less importantly, what products are the basis of the power of women. Thus the use of excessive amounts of carbohydrates can cause excess weight menostaze. Fats should also be limited. The diet should prevail foods high in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Cereals, vegetables, fruits, dietary meats and fish, nuts and dried fruits, dairy products - is the basis of a healthy diet during menopause, which provides weight loss.
It is necessary to pay attention to cooking methods. Food is better to cook, stew, steamed, but roasting is best avoided.
In order not to gain weight you do not need to overeat. It is better to stick to the principles of fractional power, that is to eat often, but slowly.
What to do if you still hunger by surprise? Be sure to satisfy the desire arose, but not cake or a hamburger, and nuts, apple, banana, unsweetened yogurt.
Overeating in the evening - another cause of the problem. After 18-19 hours is better to limit the use of light, low-calorie foods.
At the climax not to provoke weight gain, consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided because they not only increase the appetite, but also disrupt the assimilation of food, which leads to the fact that the weight starts gain.
Diet for weight loss during menopause - this is exactly what should be avoided. Unless, of course, it is not intended to be a way of life. After all, the constant image of power that implies certain restrictions, can also be called a diet. But if this term is meant severe restrictions in the diet over a period of time, similar experiments during menopause are fraught with even greater aggravation of the situation.
An artificially created shortage of nutrients by the body is perceived as a threat, and it tends to increase the reserves of adipose tissue. This is not the effect that you want to achieve. Therefore, a diet in the classic sense of the word, a woman aged 40-50 are simply forbidden. Often after they recover the fair sex even more.
drinking balance
Another answer to the eternal feminine question "Why do I gain weight?" May be a lack of drinking water. It is fraught with slowing of metabolic processes, problems with work gastrointestinal menopause, Deterioration of general health. In the fight with redundant kilograms is extremely important to drink more. Water allows you to tame your appetite, accelerate metabolism, as well as a substitute for high-calorie drinks. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water throughout the day - a great habit that will help lose weight during menostaza.
Physical activity
This is an important moment in the struggle for a slender figure in any age. weight loss during menopause is not possible without a regular activity. Benefit of sport and physical activity can not be overestimated. This increased muscle tone, and the conversion of fat in muscle, and increase the energy capacity, and increased metabolism and blood oxygen saturation.
It is important to choose the kind of physical activity, which will meet the following criteria: the temperament of a woman, her food preferences and health. For someone perfect load at menopause will be jogging, for someone - water aerobics, for someone - Yoga exercises during menopause. The main thing to remember, exercise should be regular, if a woman does not have to worry about the fact that she has recovered.
Compliance with these simple guidelines will help counter dialed kilograms during menopause, and additional help with this can have a variety of drugs.
Folk remedies
How to lose weight during menopause folk remedies quickly? - a burning question for many women faced with the problem of excess weight. And it is easy to explain, because it is traditional medicine the preferred option in the fight against overweight. Naturopathy operates smoothly, but if observed regularity of the application, can achieve significant and sustainable results.
Let's look at the most popular plants that are used by women during menopause to lose weight.
- With the help of fennel, buckthorn, corn stigmas, the mountaineer bird, spirulina, marshmallow roots, flax seeds can affect the sensation of hunger.
- Parsley, dill seed, fruit, anise, licorice (root), horsetail, cranberry leaf, cornflower, chamomile - Plants having a diuretic effect.
- Endowed with laxative effect: herb senna, thyme, birch leaf, chicory root, prunes.
- To enhance the disintegration of body fat and optimize the metabolic processes can be influenced by such plants as ginger, aloe, rose hips, parsley.
To win overweight, each of these herbal ingredients could be used as a solo artist and as part of complex fees.
An excellent embodiment troubleshoot body weight can be a combination of the above components with the plants, which are present in the composition of phytoestrogens. Such a combination makes it possible to influence not only on metabolic processes, but also at the root cause of the emergence of the trend towards weight gain at menopause - estrogen deficiency. An example of herbs with plant estrogens may be: shepherd's purse, upland uterus, red clover, Sage, and black cohosh medicinal plant red brush.
An effective therapeutic agent which comprises the listed grass - Monastic slimming tea.
pharmacy drugs
Of drugs for weight loss during menopause - perhaps the most controversial issue. On the one hand, such systems exist, they are really able to help people lose weight, what's more, their acquisition is not a problem - they are legally sold in pharmacies. But on the other hand, it is no news, what sad consequences of obesity may result in therapy-like drugs.
Often after their admission in women developed serious metabolic disorders, pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, mental changes. Real cases of death after receiving the like. Reasonable to avoid such methods of regulation of body weight. It is better to follow a longer but safer way, than not to gain weight at the expense of their health.
However, there are a group of drugs that are based on vegetable components. These tools allow you to avoid weight gain due to the replacement of natural estrogen produced by the ovaries, the same substances contained in medicinal plants - phytoestrogens. Smoothing hormonal imbalance creates the conditions for a successful fight against excess weight, neutralizing one of the main causes of the problem.
Drugs with phytohormones earned numerous positive responses of patients treated with them. Among this group of agents are the following complexes: Estrovel, Klimadinon, Klimaktoplan, Remens, Qi-Clim Inoklym drug, Mensa et al.
Each aforesaid reception means requires long, resulting in a reduction in the severity of symptoms associated with menopause. The body is no longer experiencing an acute shortage of estrogen, and as a consequence, the need to create additional reserves of fat is eliminated. At the climax of 50 years of such therapy is justified and effective.
Summarizing all the above, it may be noted that in order not to put on weight during menopause, you should stick to the basics of healthy lifestyles, and to use the beneficial properties of an additional support medicinal plants. When menopause more important than ever with the care and attention to the needs of the organism.