Is it possible to lose virginity swab: to break the hymen?


  1. Using tampons virgins: it is possible?
  2. Correctly select the product size
  3. Popular brands of tampons for the girls
  4. Important rules for using feminine hygiene products
  5. Instructions for virgins
  6. Some difficulties in adolescents
  7. General conclusions

Upon the occurrence of the first menstruation women face not only the unusual sensations, but also the problem of choosing a suitable intimate hygiene products. the question arises most often on whether it is possible to lose virginity swab or still use pads. Modern gynecologists are confused by the fact that the girls do not know the basic structural features of the female reproductive system. In this case, such issues would not have arisen. But it is worth all the detailed understanding of the subject and to dispel all the myths.

Virginity and a swab

Using tampons virgins: it is possible?

To answer the question, is it possible to lose virginity swab, it is necessary to understand some of the features of the genitals.

Hymen is very elastic, and it has a special small hole (2-3 cm) and natural menstrual secretions. In addition, some women the hymen is broken only at birth.

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Here it is worth paying attention to the individuality of each organism. The distance from the entrance to the vagina hymen is 2-5 centimeters. In addition, hymen may have a different shape, and even multiple small openings.

Also, many women do not know that the folds of mucous membrane plays an important protective function, protecting young organism by various harmful germs and infections, because the protective microflora develops in the area of ​​18-19 years.

Break the hymen during the process the introduction of tampons almost impossible. It is important to use the appropriate means, and to comply with all its conditions of use.

Correctly select the product size

Means of personal hygiene decided to pick up, starting from the abundant selection. This factor depends on the characteristics of the organism and the particular day of the cycle. There are the following sizes:

  1. Mini. Suitable for the first and last days of menstruation, when the allocation of a minor. Considered optimal one for young girls.
  2. Normal. Used in scarce or moderate secretions, excellent protection against leakage.
  3. Super. Designed for heavy menstrual period, but the length can be no different from the previous two options.
  4. Super plus. Fit girls who have observed a very intense month.

When you select a product you need to rely on their own experience. The tool should not proceed, and felt inside the vagina. But do not use a very large tampons, if the girl is afraid to lose his virginity. With strong secretions better to use spacers. In addition, gynecologists do not recommend constant use tampons.

Popular brands of tampons for the girls

It is important to choose a manufacturer of tampons for girls, so little known brand better get round to do no harm to their health.

For many years, the leaders of this sector are the following hygiene:

  • Tampax tampons.
  • Cotex.
  • OB.
  • swabs Ola.
  • Libress.

Young girls on the subject may consult with mom or your gynecologist. The tool should not cause discomfort, and the choice of the brand is important to pay attention to their feelings.

Important rules for using feminine hygiene products

Not only just to choose the right tool, because even need to know the peculiarities of its use, so just do not be afraid to lose their virginity. When pain sensations occur burning and other unpleasant sensations should stop using tool and consult a doctor for more information.

Tamponchiki for virgins are considered safe only under the following rules:

  • The process of insertion and extraction is carried out with clean hands.
  • In emergency situations, you can use the tool with an applicator.
  • You can not use more than 4 hours.
  • Use only during menstruation.
  • You can not retrieve, if the tool is not completely soaked.
  • After administration need to check the control rope outside.

So you should ask your gynecologist is not only questions about that, and if you can tear the hymen swab, but also to ask about all the nuances of using this tool.

Instructions for virgins

Accidental defilement pad is completely eliminated in compliance with the instructions, which also provides the comfort and safety of the procedure. you must:

Try to relax to the vaginal walls are not too tense.

  1. Wash hands neutral means.
  2. To take a comfortable posture for the implementation of the procedure (squatting or with one foot on a hill).
  3. Remove the protective packing (to scroll backwards).
  4. First, remove the lower part of the package, and then the top.
  5. Carefully check the control rope.
  6. Gradually introduce the swab into the vagina until it completely is not there.

If there is discomfort, the agent and gets thrown out. Then you can try again to enter a tampon, but from a different angle or in another position. Optimal place for money - this is the second third of the vagina. If you enter a tampon too deeply, it may damage the hymen (very rare), but in most cases it simply stretches. And when there is insufficient depth of introduction is often a discomfort and even pain.

Some difficulties in adolescents

Even if the membrane has been damaged and there is no experience in this regard, there are other problems faced by women:

  • "I can not get it." When a strong voltage is often difficult with the introduction of tools, so it seems that it stuck. No need to panic, because the experience will only aggravate the problem. You can try to shift the injection angle or simply change the position.
  • "Severe pain." Although tampons are not deflower the girl may very scared when pain occurs. The reason for such discomfort can be a strong muscle tension, lack of or too much depth introduction.
  • "I tore off the control rope." Do not worry, because this problem is also solved. To get started is tighter to swab down below, and then clean fingers to try to remove it. If all else fails, you should consult your gynecologist, because the means can not permanently leave the vagina.

General conclusions

If she still doubts that her hymen remained intact after tampons, you should visit a gynecologist to check for sure. But manufacturers are constantly certify their products, so gynecologists argue that if used properly swab:

  • can not damage the hymen;
  • It is not causing harmful sexual habits;
  • It does not block the outflow of menstrual flow;
  • It does not alter the intimate microflora;
  • It does not cause serious gynecological diseases;
  • It does not affect the duration of menses.

Lose virginity tampons fear many young girls. Perhaps this is due to the lack of basic knowledge about their anatomy. But even in today's world do not cease debate about whether it is possible to damage the hymen tampons or is it just a myth. The most important thing - is to follow the rules of use, and to choose the optimum time to visit the company's office gynecologist. In this case, there is no risk young body health.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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