Can I sleep with the ball: which is best for the night (Use Policy)


  1. common misconceptions
  2. Tampons for night time of day
  3. Terms of Use swab night
  4. Contraindications to the use of tampons at night

Among the most popular myths in the network, a special place is the question whether it is possible to sleep with a tampon. This theme is concerned with a lot of women who are accustomed to use it is this hygienic means. What caused such a heated debate, and what constitutes night tampons - discuss in this article.

tampons night

common misconceptions

The danger of using this product hygiene during the night due to a number of reasons:

"For all night for this product within the vagina can create a favorable environment for growth of microorganisms."

In fact, this fact is not supported by any formal research. Moreover, the same can be said about the use of shims. Allocation, which remain on the surface of the night, can be as conducive atmosphere for the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

"We have no control over movements in sleep, and the wrong position can contribute to injury of the vaginal walls, or allow the agent to penetrate the genitals."

instagram viewer

Introduced the subject firmly held the vaginal walls. As the absorption liquid, it increases in size, which contributes to an even better fixation. There is also a misconception that the 8 hours it can get lost inside the genitals. Such rumors are caused by elementary ignorance of human anatomy: the opening of the cervix is ​​too small and does not miss such an object inside.

"Hygienic too quickly fill up, and the rest of the blood flow out."

For use at night you need to choose a product of larger size. Once it is full, it does have the possibility of a small flow, but this can be avoided by placing a panty liner. By the way, while you sleep, amount of bleeding is reduced due to low activity of the body. Therefore, a similar problem has a low chance of appearing.

Tampons for night time of day

Among the many well-known brands, only one produces a special night swabs - Obi (Ob). Their structure makes the most of their comfortable use. Products more hygroscopic in its structure and has special wings that provide extra protection against leakage. Recent designed for maximum copy anatomical shape of the body with the help of absorbent fibers which are quickly collected and fed into a liquid sanitizer.

Obi «ProComfort Night» presented as absorbency Normal, Super and Super + Comfort. Products tested by gynecologists. Leave the swab in the night can be quite safely. Normal size is possible to use the girls are not sexually active.

With such a production issue if you can sleep with a tampon at night, simply disappears. But not necessarily for the purpose it is to choose products Obi, because under certain rules, any product is safe for the health of the woman.

Terms of Use swab night

To use this hygiene during the night there are a number of recommendations that must be followed in order to avoid health problems:

  • tent you must immediately before bedtime, while respecting all the rules of hygiene as described in the instructions;
  • use it is necessary according to a suitable size and level of absorption;
  • immediately after awakening agent used must be removed, it is desirable for this to happen after a maximum of 8 hours;
  • with abundant secretions need to further use pads, which are most suitable for the amount of liquid.

The choice of the product itself should be implemented on the basis of their own preferences. Are permitted to purchase conventional products of the appropriate size, and special night tampons.

Learn also about proper use of gaskets in the days of menstruation.

Contraindications to the use of tampons at night

Taking under consideration hygiene products should take into account a number of contraindications. So, put the swab is prohibited in the following periods:

  • after delivery to the healing skin and restore the natural menstrual cycle;
  • in inflammation or infection of the genitals;
  • after surgery in the pelvic organs.

May also be contraindicated especially in some of the body structure. To find out whether you are allowed to use this kind of product, you can at the doctor-gynecologist. With him it is possible to consult on whether it is possible to use tampons at night and how to do it right.

For some women, the gasket better as hygiene during menstruation, for others - other hygiene products. The choice is purely individual, and do it reasonably necessary, given the characteristics of your body, especially if you plan to use this object in the night. How well do you fit such a product - can be judged only in person.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 53
  • 152