Tampons for girls: Can virgins use tampons


  1. Myths and misconceptions
  2. It is possible to lose their virginity by using a swab
  3. Such an absorbent article is delivered discomfort
  4. The tampon may fall out of the vagina
  5. The tampon may be stuck inside the body
  6. Why virgins to use this type of feminine hygiene products?
  7. The sanitary products for teenage girls are different from normal?
  8. At what age can use tampons?
  9. How to properly use this virgin hygiene?
  10. Choose the best tampons for girls

In the life of every girl once there comes a crucial moment, which is considered the first step in the transition from childhood to adulthood. This is the first menstruation. And the main concern of mothers at the time - to help the girl to take the changes in her body, and teach her how to properly respond to the external manifestations of their growing up. It is important to pay special attention to hygiene especially in critical days. Use pads during menstruation (Especially in adolescence) - the most familiar to most women's post-Soviet period, however, Modern manufacturers are introducing in life more innovative idea - pads for girls not yet sexually life.

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In this article we will talk about whether the girls can use tampons? How old can use tampons? What hygiene products are suitable for young girls? And also dispel the myths that surround this delicate subject. Follow the link to learn about the dangers of tampons for women.

virgins tampons

Myths and misconceptions

The use of tampons girls who do not have a sexual experience, fanned by a large number of myths. Let's look at the main misconceptions regarding this sensitive area.

It is possible to lose their virginity by using a swab

Perhaps this is the most common misconception regarding this care product. To refute this ingrained myth is necessary to recall the anatomy of the female body.

Hymen - a barrier of connective tissue, located in the vestibule and performs primarily defensive function. The hymen is not an impermeable film, it has an extension for the outflow of menstrual blood and a natural physiological secretions. The diameter of this extension is about 1.5-2 cm. Moreover, connective tissue itself is sufficiently elastic, so the introduction of the tampon (diameter about 1.5 cm) does not pose any difficulty. The main thing is to choose the size of the product correctly. Learn how to choose hygienic means to eliminate defloration swab.

Such an absorbent article is delivered discomfort

It is rather a question of the correctness of the choice of size of the product, as well as the physiological characteristics of the particular girl. If the opening of the hymen is sufficiently narrow, the insertion of the tampon may be accompanied by some discomfort. But most of the blame for unpleasant sensations is incorrectly selected size of the product. Use tampons girls the best of the following types: Mini (Lites), Normal,or special types made specifically for young girls.

The tampon may fall out of the vagina

The girl, who has never enjoyed such a hygienic device, often fears it may inadvertently fall out at the most inopportune moment, for example, with active sessions sports. This fear is in vain, because the vagina, where the self and the tool is firmly holds its muscular corset. Such trouble can happen only if it is not fully inserted.

The tampon may be stuck inside the body

It is absolutely excluded. Firstly, it has a special cord, through which the outside can be easily removed. Chance that the cord may come off, is extremely unlikely. However, if we imagine that all this had happened, the product can easily remove yourself with your fingers.

Why virgins to use this type of feminine hygiene products?

Many women have a legitimate question: why teenage girls use such a device is hygienic? And whether virgins use tampons at all? These questions probably arise because the use of gaskets in the critical days - the most familiar to our compatriots variant behavior. However, time and progress inexorably moving forward, and to deny this trend is simply unreasonable.

Today's teenagers quite intense rhythm of life. They are engaged in dancing, swimming, cycling, gymnastics and other types of physical activity. Girls using during the critical days of the gasket are forced to limit themselves in charge of their traditional way of life. In turn, the pads make it possible not to look at the arrival of menstruation, as they are not only absolutely invisible under clothing, for example, that for some sports is crucial (gymnastics, swimming), but also protects against leaks.

The sanitary products for teenage girls are different from normal?

In large tampons for virgins are not much different from similar products for adult women. The only difference - is the size. For young creatures exist hygiene items Mini, Lites format. In addition, many manufacturers offer special series of hygiene for adolescent girls: Kotex Young, Bella for Teens. These products can often have a special silky coating that facilitates its penetration deep into the body through the hymen.

At what age can use tampons?

How old can use tampons? This question interests of both the adolescents and their mothers. Use tampons girls to have the very first menstrual period, ie 12 or 13 years.

The size products for virgin physiological characteristics allows for a young organism and intensity discharge, inherent in this age period (usually they are mild).

How to properly use this virgin hygiene?

Responding to a question about how to use tampons for girls, it must be said that their use of a girl and a grown woman, in fact, not much different.

Consider how to insert a tampon:

  1. Before you use the product, you need to wash your hands thoroughly and conduct hygiene in the intimate area procedures;
  2. Remove the absorbent article from the individual package;
  3. Adopt a comfortable position. Most women carry out the procedure more comfortable standing with one foot on a dais;
  4. Dilute the labia with one hand while the other gently shove a tampon into the vagina (to a depth of 4 cm), so that it was completely hidden inside the body. Enter it at the angle you need, mentally directing the center of the sacrum. The main symptom, which should be guided using a tampon - no uncomfortable sensations after administration.

If the product has an applicator tip that it is necessary to enter into the vagina to a depth of 2-4 cm, directing approximately at the center of the sacrum, and then slowly push in the lower part of the device by promoting the product deep into the body.

Change hygienic means girls be made as necessary, but to leave it inside the body 4 more hours gynecologists are not allowed to avoid the development of such undesirable phenomena as toxic syndrome shock. Used tampon must be wrapped in packages or paper and throw it away. Find out, is it possible to go to the toilet with a tampon insideBy clicking on the link.

Wear pads are best not constant, but in those times when you need to get not only reliable, but also by the invisible protection. For example, on the physical training lessons at the swimming pool, dance sessions, while swimming in the sea and in other situations where the use of seals can not be. At night, it is desirable to avoid the use of hygiene products.

Choose the best tampons for girls

Receiving a response to a question about whether you can use tampons virgins should talk about a particular brand of products, which are presented today in the market of sanitary products.

Most manufacturers try to keep up with the times, focusing on the needs of consumers and to make progress. The most popular choices for girls, including those who started menstruating at least one year, are:

o.b. ProComfort Mini - one of the most popular brands of sanitary items, offering its potrebitelnits quality and reliable protection. Coating SilkTouch provides easy insertion and removal of the tampon, and special spiral grooves direct blood products deep isolation, preventing leakage.

tampax Mini. Procter & Gamble Company one of the first entered the Russian market with a similar hygienic products. That trademark Tampax introduced the women of our country with such a device, such as an applicator which can significantly ease the insertion of the tampon. Girl applying the goods of this brand, can say: "I use a reliable and proven means!"

Bella for Teens - product focused directly on young girls. This type of product the company TZMO S.A. quite recently appeared on the market of hygiene products. These tampons for teens presented in two versions - Mini and Regular. They take into account the anatomical features of the body of a young girl, providing a high level of protection against leaks. In addition, the price of the product is sufficiently democratic. Chiatyte well as Daily laying Bella.

Kotex Young normal - product sold known trademark. These products are specifically designed for teenage girls who are not sexually active and have a moderate menstrual flow. They are also very popular among Russian buyers, since they combine the high quality and reasonable price.

Answer the question "Will my tampons and virginity?" And "How old can use tampons?" Should It noted that, in any case, to apply or not the data hygiene during adolescence - a decision purely individual. One may argue on this topic, but it is necessary to focus on the question of the need, convenience and feasibility of this method of protection during menstruation for each individual girls.

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