Frequent urination before menstruation: often I go to the toilet on the small


  1. Frequent urination before menstruation
  2. PMS
  3. The probability of conception
  4. additional factors
  5. Delay and frequent urination
  6. Frequent urination at the beginning of the cycle
  7. signs of
  8. Possible reasons
  9. violation of menstruation
  10. Frequent urging after critical days
  11. Incontinence and urinary retention

With the approach of monthly bleeding woman in his life often feels uncomfortable. One of the main problems in favor frequent urination before menstruation and at other times of the cycle. Such a change may be due both to natural causes, and various disabilities in the urogenital system.

Frequent urination during menstruation

Frequent urination before menstruation

More frequent visits to the toilet before menstruation - this is a normal physiological phenomenon. Shortly before the start of menses in women there is a decrease in progesterone levels. The predominance towards estrogen stimulates fluid retention in the tissues. Therefore it is not strange that the kidneys are trying to bring in emergency mode all the excess from the body.

Another natural cause frequent desire to go to the bathroom on the small - high tone of the bladder.

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Body increases, causing more urination per day. Influence on the process can be relaxed vaginal muscles and tissue irritation mochevika.

No need to worry, if fits into the overall picture of the following features:

  • the absence of pain and burning sensation;
  • the total number of desires does not exceed 10 times a day;
  • urine has a normal hue;
  • no admixture of blood and pus.

Under normal circumstances, women feel stabilize by the end of the month. But symptoms may come back again shortly before the start of the next menstrual cycle.


Frequent urination before menstruation is a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome. PMS help to understand the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • irritability and apathy;
  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • swelling of the face, hands and feet;
  • pain in the head;
  • increasing pressure;
  • nausea (rarely vomiting) or diarrhea before menstruation;
  • discomfort in the abdomen, tingling;
  • frequent urge to the bathroom.

Such discomfort is not a disease, but it causes women and girls to see a doctor.

The probability of conception

Even before the delay menstruation, when you want more than usual to visit the ladies' room, it can be assumed pregnancy. For successful fertilization of the egg indicated by the following signs:

  • aggravation of smell;
  • change in eating habits;
  • breast enlargement;
  • mild nausea;
  • a sharp decline in performance;
  • bloating;
  • slight separation of blood.

Due to the individual characteristics of each organism is impossible to identify the feelings pregnancy. A woman can expect a delay, and then do the test. For the earlier receipt of the result will have to take a blood test for hCG.

additional factors

When a woman tells a doctor, I often go to the toilet on the small before menstruation, a specialist rarely involves pathology. There are other reasons for non-hazardous pollakiuria in the middle and end of the cycle:

  • premenopausal;
  • receiving diuretics;
  • Slimming by means of tablets;
  • drinking herbal tea;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • hypothermia;
  • a lot of stress.

The problem with a lot of urine disappear after elimination of the above mentioned factors. The exception is the approach of menopause.

Delay and frequent urination

Hormonal failure can cause not only a delay, but also frequent urination on the background of the negative test for the following reasons:

  • negative impact on the psyche;
  • Climate change and the daily schedule;
  • abuse diets;
  • the lack of useful minerals;
  • hormonal fluctuation;
  • long medication;
  • improper use of oral contraceptives;
  • consequence abortion or miscarriage;
  • recovery after childbirth;
  • recently transferred colds.

Another delay and frequent urination can cause various pathologies:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • luteal cyst (corpus luteum);
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney problems, mochevikom and urethra;
  • cardiovascular disease.

What is at issue cycle and frequent urination establish a doctor. In each case, a specific list of symptoms, and can not do without complex diagnosis.

Learn how to change the characteristics of monthly with ovarian cyst Article link.

Frequent urination at the beginning of the cycle

When the critical days are on normal schedule, but quickens the release of urine, a woman should evaluate their condition. In most cases, this condition is normal because of changes in the body. In the absence of pain and sensations of pulling, itching, burning probability of disease is minimal. Still need to take into account that at the beginning of the monthly cycle, the uterus increases, creating pressure on mochevik.

signs of

Pay special attention should be when menses are accompanied by the following features:

  • a sharp increase in blood or complete disappearance of the discharge;
  • menstruation changed its color to yellow, bright red or dark brown color;
  • critical days have become longer than usual to go;
  • I felt nausea, headaches;
  • constantly having discomfort in the abdomen and lower back.
  • cycle marked urinary incontinence, or often to the bathroom (10 times more).

It is not uncommon occurrence cystitis during menstruation. The disease is accompanied by frequent urination with cutting.

Possible reasons

When monthly frequent urination can be triggered by the following health problems:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • bladder tumor;
  • stones mochevike;
  • benign tumors in the uterus;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes in the urogenital system.

Any of these diseases require treatment.

There is a list of symptoms for which it is important to urgently visit the medical facility:

  • painful urinate even after receiving the special preparations;
  • in menstruation appeared incomprehensible clots;
  • cutting sensation during urination;
  • unbearable pain in the abdomen;
  • change in urine color and appearance of bad smell;
  • high body temperature;
  • systematic nausea and diarrhea.

violation of menstruation

Often patients complain of that month only come when urinating. This problem is noted in 50 years, and at an earlier age. The reason may be hiding in the following:

  • poor uterine tone;
  • abnormal genital organ position (bend, etc...);
  • stenosis and stricture of the cervix;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the approach of menopause.

Well, if in this case the woman went to the hospital for diagnosis. The earlier the doctor determines the reason for rejection, the sooner will be able to solve the problem.

Frequent urging after critical days

The sharp onset and continuation of frequent urination after menses often associated with the following:

  • individual structure bodies;
  • the use of a large volume of liquid;
  • predominance salt diet, acute or fatty foods;
  • abuse of alcohol and other drinks;
  • receiving diuretics;
  • emotional stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal changes.

Do not worry if such a condition is noted only a few days. For pathological participation urination characterized by pain, itching, burning, changing the nature of urine. In such a situation already required diagnostics and therapy. Without timely treatment, even a minor breach may trigger a chronic disease with constant relapses.

Incontinence and urinary retention

If incontinence is mainly suffering from the female audience, the delay urination characterized by more men. Each state has its own development factors.

Inability to empty the mochevik can be caused by the following:

  • compression of the urinary tract;
  • BPH;
  • blockage of the urinary tract;
  • urethral injury;
  • fracture of the pelvis;
  • spinal cord;
  • drug intoxication;
  • infectious complication.

Incontinence is often attributed to the poor performance of the muscles of the urogenital system. Random urine under physiological processes and physical activity is not a violation. Diagnosis requires systematically repeated recurrences that are not associated with the menopause.

find out whether it is possible to pass a urine test during menstruation.

Frequent urination is not a serious illness. But only if a rare occurrence on certain days of the cycle. Necessarily should be examined, if delayed menstrual bleeding or there is severe pain when going to the toilet. Observation of the patient at the doctor have a positive impact on health and can help prevent more serious violations.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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