Signs monthly (symptoms before menstruation): PMS (types, stages)


  1. Features woman's menstrual cycle
  2. PMS: what it is and how to recognize
  3. types of PMS
  4. Neuro-psychological change
  5. the appearance of edema
  6. Neurological or cephalgic failures
  7. krizovoe manifestations
  8. mixed display
  9. Atypical manifestations are rare
  10. physiological symptoms
  11. psycho-emotional symptoms
  12. PMS stages
  13. PMS or pregnancy?
  14. pathologies
  15. Warning signs before critical days
  16. Ways to minimize pain

onset of menstruation makes women uncomfortable. This is due not only to the physiological characteristics. During the critical days of the girl must comply with special rules of personal hygiene and a diet. Separate monthly signs to determine when to start discharge, and be prepared for it. The content of this article is designed to help members of the fairer half of humanity to understand the symptoms prior to the beginning of menstruation.

signs monthly

Features woman's menstrual cycle

A woman's ability to conceive, carry and give birth to a child is largely determined by the stability of the menstrual cycle. Periodic changes in hormonal and reproductive systems provoked organism preparation to conceive.

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The beginning of the cycle is the first day of the month. During this period it rejected lining of the uterus. The level of hormones is at its lowest level. After separation of endometrial body begins anew ready for fertilization, ovulation occurs. During this period, increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant. Standard menstruatsionny cycle lasts 21-28 days. He stabilized in the second year after the first period and consists of 4 phases:

  • menstrual - bleeding from the vagina;
  • follicular - oocyte maturation;
  • Ovulation - the egg output;
  • luteal - the accumulation of the endometrium.

During the last phase of the most evident signs of approaching regulation. Introduction of special calendars help women accurately enough to calculate the beginning of the critical days, and to minimize the impact of premenstrual syndrome.

PMS: what it is and how to recognize

At the end of the luteal phase of the cycle, a few days before the beginning of menstruation, most women experience discomfort called premenstrual or cyclic syndrome (PMS). It manifests itself as a collection of these symptoms:

  • emotional instability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • failure in feeding behavior (zhor before menstruation);
  • conflict.

The causes of these manifestations are different. Most often they are triggered by hormonal changes, allergic reactions, water intoxication, excess aldosterone and psychosomatic disorders.

Similar sensations before menstruation occurs more frequently in women, who are more exposed stress, lead inactive lifestyle, or have suffered a number of gynecological operations, including scraping.

Among the risk factors also produce bad habits, use of oral contraceptives, craniocerebral trauma. Inflammation and infectious diseases increase the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

types of PMS

Every woman precursors monthly manifested individually tailored to genetic predispositions and characteristics of the organism. Distinguish the following types of PMS.

Neuro-psychological change

Destabilization emotional state expressed unmotivated aggression, depression and excessive touchiness. Changes occur in the central nervous system.

the appearance of edema

Edematous manifestations associated with fluid retention in the body of women in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation swell feet, face, itching may occur. It is these symptoms monthly provoke swelling of the mammary glands.

Neurological or cephalgic failures

These changes are characterized by headaches, nausea or vomiting attacks. Often dizzy before menstruation.

krizovoe manifestations

Krizovoe symptoms worse in women before menopause. Often occur sympathadrenalic crises, which are accompanied by a failure in heart rate, increased blood pressure.

mixed display

It is a combination of several types of PMS at the same time. Supplemented edematous form unstable emotional state.

Atypical manifestations are rare

In this case, the combined atypical symptoms: asthma and migraines, allergic reaction, and vomiting.

physiological symptoms

Key features of the upcoming month appear one week before the start of discharge. Timely fixing them to minimize pain. Girl should listen to the signals of the body. There are more than 200 manifestations of PMS symptoms. Most discomfort causing unpleasant physical changes:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache in the temporal lobe, migraine;
  • weight gain;
  • irregular heartbeat - palpitations;
  • limb swelling;
  • sore ovaries before menstruation;
  • chest pain and lower back;
  • hypertensive crises;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea, violation of a chair;
  • fever;
  • thirst;
  • uncontrollable appetite;
  • sweating;
  • numbness of the hands;
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • acne;
  • increased sensitivity to light and sound;
  • often denoted before menstruation bloating.

Physiological PMS symptoms are provoked by a lack of magnesium in the body, or vitamin B6.

Similar symptoms that come before menstruation should be systematic. Individual symptoms may indicate a breach in the other systems of the body.

To determine the exact PMS need to keep a special diary of introspection, as well as to consult a gynecologist.

psycho-emotional symptoms

The main reason for the arrival of the next menstrual period is hormonal changes. Fluctuations in the level of estrogen and progesterone have a direct impact on the emotional state of a woman, her mood. Luteal phase menstruatsionnogo cycle characterized by low levels of estrogen and high - progesterone. minimum - serotonin indicator. These indicators cause psycho-emotional symptoms before menstruation. The main ones are:

  • mood swings;
  • sudden irritability;
  • bouts of crying;
  • a state of anger, aggression symptoms before coming month;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • feeling depressed;
  • apathy;
  • constant fatigue;
  • lethargy and a general weakness before menstruation;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • emotional outbursts;
  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness;
  • lack of interest in daily life;
  • the decline of spiritual strength;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • drowsiness before menstruation.

About premenstrual syndrome evidenced by the presence of 5 or more a sign for several months.

PMS stages

Every woman has PMS symptoms manifest differently. Specialists are three main stages:

  1. Compensated stage is characterized by mild negative changes. Pain disappear in the first day of discharge. This phase is stable over a long period of time.
  2. Subcompensated form has painful symptoms that are enhanced over the years. The duration of PMS can be up to 1 month.
  3. Decompensated phase of PMS comes after a month.

Signs critical days are manifested in varying degrees - from mild to severe. It depends on the general health of the woman, as well as heredity.

PMS or pregnancy?

The woman's condition before critical days it is sometimes difficult to distinguish from pregnancy. The first signs of successful conception are similar to premenstrual syndrome: it's fatigue, mood swings and irritability for no reason.

If the symptoms of PMS symptoms of menstruation occurs, it is necessary to exclude or confirm the pregnancy. It is enough to do the test at home or pass a special blood test called a study of the level of hCG.

The first signs of pregnancy also include dizziness, nausea and sharp response to odors. To understand PMS or not, come and whether menstruating woman should listen to your body. Pregnancy may be associated with a small amount of bleeding in the form of droplets in the middle of the cycle.

Painful changes may arise as a result of hormonal failure. Typically, hormone imbalance common in women before menopause. For several cycles are observed failures of bleeding, pain is very pronounced. Such manifestations are similar to signs of impending menstruation.


The lack of critical days of PMS may indicate a serious disease of the genitals. Among the most common are called ovarian cysts, endometriosis, adhesions disease. In the event of the first suspicion of the presence of the disease should visit the hospital. When menstruation It begins to be delayed or stopped altogether, and PMS symptoms become too painful before menstruation should consult with a physician.

Warning signs before critical days

Every woman knows the signs and symptoms of the onset of the luteal phase menstruatsionnogo cycle. Noticing irregularities, it is necessary to find out why there was a change of symptoms. Often this indicates the presence of a number of diseases. Many are concerned about abnormal discharge. Their color speaks volumes:

  1. White spotting is a sign of thrush. Isolation accompanied by itching, irritation starts the external genitalia.
  2. White thin mucus before critical days in combination with painful itching is possible with diabetes. Grayish-white copious signal of bacterial vaginosis. They are characterized by a specific fishy odor.
  3. Bloody spotting can be a sign of the presence of tumor, tumors, cervical erosion.
  4. Black marks on underwear may appear after pregnancy. They are normal, if there are in the first 2 or 3 months after giving birth to the beginning of mensruatsii.
  5. Yellow-green copious can be attributed to the most dangerous. They indicate the presence of inflammation or infection of the genitals.
  6. The elevated temperature for a long period of time before critical days is also a sign of inflammation. Lest complications should contact a medical facility.

Ways to minimize pain

Signs of female menstruation, which appear a few days before discharge, often very painful and complicate the lives of women. Sometimes back pain or lower abdomen is so strong that it is impossible to move. How will occur discomfort can not be predicted.

There are several ways to minimize the discomfort. Before treatment is necessary to visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist and a neurologist to rule out the likelihood of the presence of pathology. General information about the health of women will help to find the optimal way of ICP correction.

To eliminate the pain faced by a woman during menstruation, antispasmodic drugs are appointed. Sometimes one tablet is enough to eliminate the nagging and nagging pain. Sedatives herbal minimize aggression and irritability. The tablets have a cumulative effect, it is better to take two or more months to achieve the desired result.

After menses come, must refrain from receiving the fatty foods and establish a mode of day. Herbal teas are used for correction of psycho-emotional state.

Sometimes you need additional treatment, why in the particularly difficult cases, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy.

A woman must take responsibility for their own health. Every day you must answer honestly: "As I now feel? Do I recognize and understand the signals the body? "Attention to symptoms of anxiety will maintain the health of the reproductive system.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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