Acne before, after, during menstruation: Causes appear, how to deal


  1. The causes of acne before menstruation
  2. additional factors
  3. Prevention of skin problems
  4. What if there were pimples perd monthly
  5. aids
  6. Methods for emergency measures

How many adults ladies and girls faced with the problem of acne before menstruation? Practically each. Moreover, depending on the characteristics of the organism, such displays are equally may spoil the mood like before menstruation and during or after it. Experience has shown that acne is poured at all. From such troubles are not insured owner of even the most perfect skin. And if the skin before menstruation was not perfect, then the appearance of new redness, inflamed pimples or rashes may not only permanently deprive of confidence, but also cause stress or apathy. But do not give up. Answering the question why before menstruation pimples on the face, today it is possible to successfully deal with them. Article Submissions will help to understand these causes and to consider effective methods to combat acne.

Pimples before menstruation

The causes of acne before menstruation

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So why pimples popping up just before menstruation? All women are well aware that their body is designed and works in a specific pattern. Its essence lies in the production of eggs, creating an enabling environment and prepare for possible gestation. If conception occurs, the body is cleaned by means of menstruation, and the cycle repeats. It can be divided into two parts:

  1. Follicular. This is the first phase. It begins on the first day of menstruation. And from the first day it has already begun the formation of the next follicle which produces and egg. Phase lasts much before ovulation.
  2. Luteal. This phase occurs immediately after ovulation and is accompanied by the formation of the corpus luteum at the site of the follicle from which the egg out. The main task of this substance - maintaining hormones at levels sufficient to maintain the fertilized ovum prior to the formation of the placenta. If fertilization does not occur, female reproductive system goes into desquamation, ie rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus, and this is monthly.

At each stage there is a continuous change in hormonal levels: development of new, reduced concentration, replacement of some other hormones. But the main "players" still are estrogen and progesterone. During the cycle, the concentration of these hormones changes, causing changes occur throughout the body.

But how is it connected with rashes on the skin before menstruation? It's simple. In the period that precedes menstruation (luteal phase), the level of androgen and progesterone is at its peak. They are responsible for the preparation for the possibility of conception, but also have other effects on the female body. Including trigger the sebaceous glands. Estrogen begins to actively produced in the follicular phase, and it just affects the skin but exactly the opposite. Increasing its concentration in a woman's body for several days reduces sebum.

Before menstruation, progesterone provokes an increase in the amount of sebum. Mixed with dead skin cells and dust, it clogs the pores and causes the appearance of acne. This is one of the reasons why there are spots during menstruation. Subcutaneous same eels emerge not only in the face, but also on the whole body.

additional factors

However, in cases where the cause of skin problems is only one, very scarce. Most often there are several hormones, and in addition it can be:

  • teenage changes in the body;
  • the failure of the endocrine system;
  • improper care of the face;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • digestive problems;
  • inopportune climate (moisture, dry air, Accommodation in metropolitan areas and industrial areas);
  • frequent stress, pereutomlyaemost;
  • independent squeezing pimples.

All of the above can cause the appearance of acne, not only before but also after a month.

Cause problems with the skin can also be a sharp decline in immunity in women. Reducing the protective properties happens both by hormonal changes, which have already been mentioned, and from the newly transferred viral infections (colds, sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia and others.).

Skin problems may occur while taking hormonal contraceptives. However, do not just give them up. The sharp interruption of receiving such drugs would not be good. Many doctors do not cancel, but rather prescribed hormonal medication to combat the rash. Therefore, if you have a drug causes a negative effect, it is possible you just do not fit, then it should simply be removed and replaced by another.

Prevention of skin problems

If the causes, we figured out how to deal with acne before menstruation is not clear. Today, there are three methods of struggle. And the first of which will be discussed - is prevention. It is always better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences. This tactic can be very effective in the fight against rashes on the body before menstruation. But where to start? First, we should remember the simple truth: we are what we eat. And sometimes the revision of nutrition helps to get rid of skin problems. First of all it is necessary to restrict or remove:

  • all oily and spicy;
  • sweet foods;
  • alcohol;
  • allergens (nuts, citrus fruits, honey, chocolate).

Quitting smoking and drinking at least a liter of plain water every day also helps prevent acne before and after menstruation. You need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, introduce dairy products, medicinal infusions and decoctions. Natural yogurt or yogurt help restore the intestinal flora and to establish digestion. Decoction of nettle and chamomile help to strengthen the body. All this can help in the fight with rashes on the face before menstruation.

Many ladies are familiar PMS detrimental property when as a tool to fight against bad mood stands just tasty, but unhealthy food. In such cases, you can search for the replacement of those products that help fight PMS symptoms.

Sweets can be replaced with dried fruit, nuts or candied fruit. If cardinal rejection of anything is impossible, we should start to eat high quality products: a kilo of cheap candy tiles replace expensive and high-quality chocolate.

Alcohol solution of salicylic acid is also a great ally in the fight against skin problems. This solution is 1%, 2% and 5%. They can wipe face.

The main thing to remember that any alcohol solution or lotion dries the skin and women with sensitive or dry skin such prophylaxis may not be suitable.

What if there were pimples perd monthly

Well, if prevention gave results. But how to deal with acne before menstruation, which have already appeared?

First of all, you need to mentally prepare for the fact that one treatment will not save the situation, and while the woman will have to contemplate the unpleasant manifestations on his face.

The second and most important rule to be followed - under no circumstances should you push the acne. It should be remembered that the inflamed subcutaneous acne - a hotbed of infection, which are actively occurring inflammatory processes. On opening a pimple that has not got a woman at risk to bring the dirt, which will lead to even more inflammation. And because of this can begin to arise more and more acne. These open sores are longer to heal and leave behind scars.


To prevent such an outcome, you must defeat the place punctually treated with iodine or by any other means, which removes inflammation and dries the skin.

If a woman is the owner of oily skin, getting rid of blackheads can help her tar soap. As well to acne treatment ointment Zener, calendula tincture, or boric acid. All these facilities are decontaminated hearth and promote faster healing of acne. Using oils from leaves of the tea tree as well helps acne. It can be applied punctually, on the entire face or add a mask.

Methods for emergency measures

Such methods of control and prevention, in most cases, provide an excellent, but not the fast results. Usually, the effect is not seen earlier than in a month. If there is no time to wait or problem skin causes great discomfort, there are more radical methods of struggle:

  1. Autogemodializ - this procedure is the transfusion of autologous plasma. It helps cleanse the blood and fight with rashes on the face before menstruation.
  2. Hormonal treatments. We already talked about what a properly fitted hormonal contraceptives not only help to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but treat pimples that occur during the menstrual cycle.
  3. Subcutaneous administration of drugs under the foci of inflammation. So treat acne is very risky, because in contact with infection in such procedures repeated inflammation can not be avoided. Independently make such a procedure also is not recommended.

All these radical options may have a positive effect for several weeks. However, the decision on their application should be a personal choice of each woman.

Acne month after, during and before them - this is not a punishment, but a physiological characteristic of the female body. If you are caught up with such trouble - do not drop the hands, especially if the scale of the defeat of the essential. Yes, this situation could undermine confidence, but modern methods of treatment and constant preventive methods that are described on this website, will help rid you of these manifestations.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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