How to stop (detain) monthly for a few days if they are long


  1. The consequences of stopping or transfer the onset of menstruation
  2. When it is necessary to defer monthly
  3. What to avoid when you stop menstruation
  4. Preparaiy to accelerate the completion of menses or delay their onset
  5. How to hold monthly hormonal preparations
  6. Traditional recipes for menstruation

Each girl got into a situation where "these days" started at the wrong time: the wedding day, wedding, moving or long-awaited vacation. And though the regularity of the menstrual cycle is an indicator of good health, yet difficult to argue with the fact that sometimes they delay or advancement is a vital necessity. This article describes how to how to safely hold menstruation, how to stop the monthly correctly, and when this can not be done.

month delay

The consequences of stopping or transfer the onset of menstruation

The menstrual cycle - is extremely delicate and complex process, which is accompanied by physiological and hormonal changes. Postpone it for the sake of a couple of days holiday, to say the least, unwise. It is always possible to do tampons and take pain pills. If, however, there is such a need, afford to spend such a one-time experiment is only absolutely healthy girls can have consequences. Otherwise, forcible displacement cycle (depending on the method) can result in:

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  • a failure and lack of menstruation for several months or more;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys;
  • rise to thrombosis and other diseases of the venous system;
  • to a violation of women's hormonal levels.

When it is necessary to defer monthly

There are a number of objective reasons why doctors advise not to delay or stop the transfer of menstruation. These include:

  • too copious;
  • intense and sharp pain in the first days of menstruation;
  • overly long menstrual flow.

Normally for women during menses to save from 50 to 150 ml of menstrual blood. If the selection is large, it may be indicative of some pathologies of the reproductive system or a malfunction of the whole body, such as:

  • growths in the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • low rate of bleeding, anemia.

Another important indicator is the presence / absence of pain. Severe pain will signal as an abnormal state of health. Aching pain at the beginning of menstruation are the norm and are quite acceptable. But every lady should be wary if the pains are too strong and sharp display, alarm on the other days of the cycle. This can be a symptom of many diseases, including indication of the presence of benign or malignant tumors.

Prolonged bleeding can also be a symptom. Loss of control over the duration of menstruation can say:

  • a serious hormonal failure;
  • a disease of the endocrine glands such as the thyroid and adrenal glands;
  • a disease of the uterus, ovaries, accompanied by bleeding;
  • of complications of abortion, difficult births.

Loss of a large volume of blood can cause anemia, nervous system problems, the failure of the heart, brain and other vital organs.

Normally, critical days should last from four to seven days, but not longer. If after this period of menstrual flow is not stopped, the woman should consult a doctor immediately. After all, the reasons may be disruptions in the hormonal background, bleeding caused by tumors or infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Before figuring out how to delay or stop them monthly, you should look closely at the problems that caused this need. And if they are closely linked with problems in health or poor health girls in this period - a hike to the gynecologist should be the first in the list of important things to do.

What to avoid when you stop menstruation

Menstruation - is a process of exclusion and elimination of the endometrium of the uterus inner cavity after mature egg was not fertilized. All the work of the reproductive system during this period aimed at the peaceful removal of this tissue to create in its place a new one. Figuring out how to defer monthly for a few days or interrupt them, the main thing to remember that this should in no way provoke a delay of the endometrium in the uterus. Otherwise inflammation can develop, the consequences of which can be very serious.

Preparaiy to accelerate the completion of menses or delay their onset

How to make that monthly quickly end? When the month has come, the safest thing is not to interrupt or delay the cycle, and medication to stop or accelerate their course. Why do this? It is often a situation in which the decline in heavy discharge helps to reduce the pain of the first days or avoid them. But how can you suspend monthly? There are a number of products developed just for the monthly pass quickly or their intensity decreased. However, as in the case of any other medications before starting receiving these funds, you should consult with your doctor. Most of them have a number of contraindications, since the effect of these drugs is built on the increase in the viscosity of the blood. Menses stop to go to the following medsredstv:

  1. Vikasol - the drug as a solution. The basis of enhanced concentration contains Vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. It can shorten the extra month that went. Already after 10-12 hours after the start of receiving heavy menstruation gradually decreases, and then they are stopped. It is the most appropriate solution to the question how it is possible to stop the monthly urgent. To stop the heavy discharge of his prescribed course of 4-5 days. Contraindicated for women who suffer from thrombosis, thromboembolism, with a history of heart attack or stroke.
  2. Tranexam - it's pills that stop menstruation, developed on the basis of tranexamic acid. It helps to regulate profusion and duration of menses. Tranexam also helps to alleviate pain during menstruation and to establish a cycle. But these pills sometimes cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and disturbance of color vision. And they are contraindicated for people who have had a kidney problem.
  3. Dicynone - a stimulator of platelet production. Effect of the drug is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increase blood viscosity. The drug is also prescribed for heavy menstrual flow, when it is necessary to monthly stopped abruptly. It is a potent tool. admission courses are held only once a year and under strict medical supervision.

All these drugs can help, not only to speed up monthly, but also do a good job in dealing with questions about how you can stop periods if they are long.

How to hold monthly hormonal preparations

If the termination had already begun menstruation built on increasing blood clotting, it is necessary to use hormones to delay. All of them are divided into several categories:

  1. OK (oral contraceptives) - the so-called mini-pill, which contain progesterone. The increased concentration of this hormone does not pose a threat to health, but only delays the start of menstruation process. Such pushes the critical days of drugs not only help to avoid pregnancy, but also to control the cycle, alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The course usually consists of 21 tablets. Between courses do weekly to monthly breaks. They come 2-3 days after discontinuation OK. There is a 28-day course OK. But there the last 7 pills do not contain hormones and placed in the packaging only for the reception of convenience. If a woman takes the tablets, and it needs to delay the onset of menstruation, then a break between courses do.
  2. COC (combined oral contraceptives) - a kind of hormonal contraceptives, whose purpose is to adjust the concentration of estrogen and progestin. Hormonal contraception - is hindering the development of the follicle drugs. And with their help, it hinders the development of the endometrium, ovulation suppression. They are capable of thickening the cervical mucus and make it impenetrable to sperm. Assigned to daily administration. In the month does not occur within this period. Next, a woman should stop taking the 7-day period for menstruation, after which the procedure is repeated. Combined hormonal are one-, two- and three-phase. If a woman takes COCs for the delay menstruation she should just continue taking them without interruption in the flow of blood. The action of the drug will continue to be suppressed menstruation. If the drug is monophasic, it is enough to start a new pack. In case of receiving three-phase preparation - should start from the third phase tablets cycle.
  3. Preparations based on hormones. This drug, which are not birth control pills and do not protect against unwanted conception, and aimed at restoring the hormonal levels. Many of them have an effect on ovulation and may make an effective method in how to defer monthly for a week. One such preparation is called Djufaston. It is prescribed to women to deal with endometriosis. Components of the drug affect the formation and rejection of the endometrium and increase the content of progesterone. Thanks to these properties, is able to delay the beginning Djufaston menses. Start taking the drug must be in the third part of the cycle - 3 days before the regular 2 tablets daily.

It should be noted that the term of the extension of reception OK and COCs contraceptive properties of the tablets reduced and in order to avoid pregnancy, it is useful to use additional methods contraception. Also not recommended to extend the acceptance of contraceptive pills for longer than 2 weeks.

Traditional recipes for menstruation

Like at home month delay for a few days yet we know our mothers and grandmothers. As before, these folk remedies have helped shift the onset of menstruation. They are popular today. If a woman has no desire to disrupt the regular flow of blood from the reception OK or COCs, but the delay time of the month you need, there are a few popular recipes that can help with this:

  1. Increased dose of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the first position in the list of tips on how to stop home monthly. The use of two fresh lemons daily for three days before the bleeding could lead to the fact that menses will start 3-7 days after the due date. Whole fruit can be replaced with half a glass of drink and lemon juice or ascorbic acid ready. The desired dose of vitamin for the desired effect - 1 g per day. Contraindications to receive increased doses of agents are gastric ulcer disease, allergy problems with the tooth enamel.
  2. nettle decoction is also often positioned as a tool that can delay monthly for a week. To do this, prepare a decoction cool (to 1 cup of boiling water - 4 hours. l. nettle) and drink it instead of tea twice a day for 400 ml. The principle of operation is built on a broth of nettles ability to increase the density of the blood. Such means is contraindicated in women with thrombosis and those who suffer from heart problems.
  3. Water pepper - a popular tool that will help answer the question of how to hold monthly for a few days without potential adverse health effects. To monthly detainee broth (5 Art. l. + 200 g boiling water) must drink twice times a day before meals. The course continued for about 5 days. Tincture smartweed at monthly It is also used to reduce the intensity of emissions.

Before you make any intervention in the physiological process, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons. In fact, such experiments may eventually lead to big problems. Because doctors are not highly recommend self-medicate, and, if necessary, cause a delay or cope with non-standard symptoms of menstruation (heavy, painful, prolonged release), not wasting precious time. It is better to immediately seek emergency help from a doctor.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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