Monthly 2 weeks (10-16-20 days) after a month: over and started again


  1. Why cycle is broken
  2. pathological causes
  3. Color will tell about the problem
  4. diagnostic procedures
  5. therapeutic measures
  6. Is there a problem

Menstruation - a kind of indicator of women's health. When they do not come on time, the woman begins to worry. Even more strangely, when after the last menstrual period begins next 2 weeks. Rarely, this situation is not abnormal. In other situations, the same it is necessary to find the reason why the monthly went early. Pathology, leading to disruption of the cycle, require the diagnosis, because the situation which has been started to drift, able to even lead to infertility. Most often unscheduled bleeding - a symptom of uterine diseases. But there are other reasons for a week or two after the end of the month again begun menstruating.

Month after month

Why cycle is broken

There are many factors that violate the cycle and causing monthly 2 weeks after menstruation. Many almost no danger to life and are the norm. Among them:

  1. Hormonal contraceptives. Effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but often leads to the fact that menstruation due to hormones begin earlier and the cycle goes astray.
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  2. Hormonal disorders. For this reason, bleeding are irregular and hard to predict and calculate when the next start. This happens in the postpartum period, menopause, and so on. D.
  3. Ovulation. The most favorable time for conception accompanied follicle rupture and the oocyte yield. Perhaps a little bleeding as a consequence of vascular injury. This process does not carry health risks and applies to normal.
  4. Pregnancy. In early pregnancy, when the embryo attaches to the uterus, bleeding may occur. The woman did not know about their situation, takes them for intermenstrual, but the reason - previous fertilization. Such isolation are not too heavy, and even start after 4 or six days after the termination.
  5. Forming cycle. In the beginning (about 2 years), irregular menstruation. This is the reason why the monthly starts again at 12, 14, 15, 17 or 18 days after the previous.

pathological causes

There are other reasons that sometimes smears after menstruation brown, Including inflammation, bleeding disorders, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, malignancies of the reproductive system. In this case, it is not necessary to say that the month started early, when the previous was a couple of weeks ago. It's already dysfunctional bleeding.
A situation where the periods ended and began again the next day, after 5 or 6 days, is familiar to many.

A common factor that provokes disorders of the menstrual cycle are the stress, shock and other psychological reasons. For this reason, repeated menses come for 2 weeks before they are due.

Emotional women know: should only happen stress, the next day there will be weak spotting. The situation is stabilized immediately after the emotional background adjusted. Unscheduled bleeding can begin, and because of the lack of sleep, fatigue. Thus the female body reacts to fatigue and declares that it is time to take a break and quality rest.

Occasional violations of the cycle, when the periods are the second time in a month, is not always a concern, and often do not signal serious violations. If the period comes 16 days after the previous ones, and even earlier, it happens all the time, you should immediately visit specialist to get his comment, to find out the root cause of why the cycle is stopped so early, and begin to treatment.

Color will tell about the problem

If menses started 2 weeks after the preceding or even 20 days, you should pay attention to the nature of the discharge, as well as their color. This will help you understand whether the cause was the cycle disorders pathology or simply there was a small glitch in the body. Particular attention should be paid to three shades:

  1. Pink. Not the good color selections, especially when they pose tuhlovaty smell. It continues to bleed due to endometritis, chronic endocervicitis.
  2. Scarlet. It indicates small organs dysfunctions in MT, but can be normal if there once. But if a large amount of blood, very sore lower abdomen, is bleeding and needed hospitalization.
  3. Brown. Such spotting, which are sometimes a long time do not end - not that other, as a symptom of uterine pathology. It is necessary as soon as possible go to the doctor.

If bleeding between periods occur any color, it is necessary to pay attention and take appropriate action.

diagnostic procedures

If periods are irregular and starting 2 weeks after the previous ones, requires inspection gynecologist who will diagnose and prescribe adequate therapeutic scheme.

If a woman has frequent menstruation, she lives a regular sex life, except for gynecological inspection, it must pass a series of tests, including Pap tests, blood, hormonal status. If the monthly run every fourteen days, may be required examination of the brain, including if other diagnostic measures do not give an accurate picture of the reasons for the deviation in the cycle. Be sure to pass ultrasound OMT, thyroid and adrenal glands.

Ultrasound examination is not necessary only if it is established that the cause of 2 single menses are infectious diseases.

therapeutic measures

What treatment will be depends entirely on what kind of pathology identified in the diagnosis. When organic disorders, which include tumors, hyperplasia, uterine fibroids and t. D., Assigned surgical treatment. Monthly every 2 weeks to be elucidated the reasons and will be only after the removal of hearth disease. Usually assigned a scraping and removal of the uterine lining.

Upon detection of hyperplastic polyps and sites used hysteroscopy. often scanty menses after hysteroscopy. For serious indications to conduct full surgery, during which remove the ovaries, uterus.

If violations of the functional use conservative treatment. Appointed by vitamin complexes, hormone pills. Sometimes it may need to take strong antibiotics. Excellent results shows physiotherapy. In anemia, pain, symptomatic therapy. Treatment should be individualized, so is assigned only specialized doctor. Irregular cycles - is a pathology. If bleeding occurs more frequently than in 21 days, it can hide the disease. The key to successful outcome - timely treatment.

Is there a problem

According to statistics, the average cycle lasts 29 days, this means that after the termination of the previous menstrual period following must begin within 29 days. If there are problems, "those" days occur much earlier - every 14 days. The only exceptions are those girls who cycle just being formed and not yet fully established, their periods may start even after 10 days after the previous run out. In other cases, you need to consult your doctor to be screened and the necessary treatment.

The woman should keep individual diaries cycle, which will help determine when should start the next cycle. Make it quite easy, especially since almost all available smart phones, on which you can install special programs on their own, they are calculated Day approaching menstruation, ovulation and help you understand your monthly bleeding came earlier or on time, and even on the basis of this make appropriate findings. But if menstruation starts in a couple of weeks earlier, or there are any other changes to cycle, not not engage in self, to establish the causes of disease and prescribe therapeutic course can only doctor.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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