Dizziness before, during, after a month: causes, what to do, vomiting, weakness


  1. Dizziness before menstruation
  2. Causes of dizziness during menstruation
  3. Why dizzy after a month
  4. classification of symptoms
  5. Related symptoms
  6. First aid
  7. medication
  8. People therapy
  9. Clover
  10. Mint
  11. Parsley
  12. Nettle
  13. Valerian
  14. juices
  15. Lime tea
  16. When you need the doctor's consultation
  17. Prevention of dizziness in the critical days

Poor health during the critical days observed in approximately 80% of women. Dizziness before menstruation is one of the symptoms of PMS. From feature suffers almost half of all girls in the world. Because information on how to deal with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome so urgent is the subject of this article.

Dizzy before menstruation

Dizziness before menstruation

If before menstruation feel sick and dizzy mogzhno suggest hormonal failure in women. It is a violation of the concentration of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These biological substances in large quantities help to reduce the sugar content in the composition of blood, causing swelling of the limbs, holding excess fluid in the body and causing dizziness.

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Common symptoms of PMS and develop under the influence of drugs, use during menstruation.

Causes of dizziness during menstruation

Causes include non-pathogenic character of excess body weight and presence of bad habits, such as smoking.

Vertigo may not be associated with any impairment in the body and pass on their own after conception and childbearing age or overcome the milestone of 30 years.

During the diagnosis, the doctor first checks the presence or absence of the causes of ill health:

  • Chronic migraine;
  • lack of hemoglobin and iron;
  • pathologies associated with changes blood pressure at monthly;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • profuse blood loss, excessive even for the first phase of critical days.

Not always dizziness signal a serious violation of women's health. Mild symptoms and a clear appearance only during menstruation should not cause panic. Severe discomfort and vomiting require checking with a doctor to determine the cause and elimination of a pathological condition.

It is important to remember that the nausea, dizziness and delayed menstruation can be a sign of pregnancy.

Why dizzy after a month

The most common cause of vertigo after menstruation include the lack of hemoglobin in the blood and the deviation from the normal pressure indicators.

Low hemoglobin also leads to the fact that during and after months of nausea and turned his head slightly. The brain receives insufficient oxygen, because women suffer from mood and problems with balance and orientation in space.

classification of symptoms

If sick during menstruation or dizzy symptoms, depending on the type of disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems can be of two types:

  1. Central type. Characterized by abnormalities in the brain with a shortage of oxygen and swelling. The reason is the rapid expansion and contraction of blood vessels at the beginning of menstruation.
  2. Peripheral type. There is no critical consequence days and due to vestibular disorders or inner ear region.

Depending on the frequency of vertigo release:

  1. Systemic symptom. There is every time a menstrual period. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance and problems with the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Non-system failures. Not typical for each menstrual cycle. Occur suddenly due to an overload of the body, diseases of neurogenic type, lack of glucose in the blood and increase the level of hormones.

Related symptoms

If patients feel dizzy during menstruation, most of the clinical picture of "premenstrual aura" is not limited to this symptom. Mild discomfort allows you to prepare for the critical days and should not cause concern. On the contrary, the painful bleeding with dizziness or uncharacteristic signs of menstruation need to see a doctor.

Premenstrual period in different women includes such symptoms:

  1. Violation of orientation in space, sometimes - loss of consciousness.
  2. Light pyrexia (body temperature does not exceed the level of 37.5 0C).
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. Pain in the head, often in only one half, getting stronger due to loud noises and light.
  5. General weakness and desire to sleep, fatigue.
  6. Abrupt changes of mood disorders for frivolous reasons.
  7. Blood pressure drops.
  8. Diarrhea or constipation.

First aid

Dizziness and nausea in mid-cycle can be alleviated through simple actions. Woman with malaise should:

  • immediately ventilate the room;
  • unfasten the belt and collar, if they interfere with proper breathing;
  • lie down or sit on a chair in a comfortable position;
  • try to take a deep breath.

Simple, fast help renew the access of oxygen to the brain and significantly reduce the symptoms of malaise.


Engage in self-doctors do not recommend. If the patient regularly dizzy before menstruation, it is better to seek help from a gynecologist and undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of the pathological condition. Drug therapy depends on the factors influencing the onset of symptoms.

Basically, the doctor assigns such drugs:

  1. Hormonal agents. Tablets help to normalize hormone levels throughout the month.
  2. Antihistamine medications.
  3. Medication for nausea blokatornogo type. For example, Dramina and Reglan.
  4. Painkillers. Popularity of No-Spa. It helps when a stomach ache or headache.
  5. Vitamin-mineral complexes. Have a beneficial effect on women's health and Magne B6 Vitrum. Their effect is to normalize reproductive and endocrine characteristics of an organism.

People therapy

when there is weakness during menses and turned his head slightly, allowed to eliminate the symptoms through traditional therapy. The main thing - be attentive to the selection of components in order to avoid allergic reactions.

If dizzy, sick or there is nervousness, great help recipes:


Take '40 flowers of clover. Add 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. Wait 2 weeks, leaving a means to infuse in a dark room or closet. Eat 30-40 drops medication for a quarter of an hour before a meal.


'40 dried mint pour boiling water. Infuse means within 1 hour. A single dose - 75 ml of the preparation. The day allowed to use the medicine three times. For infusions are also suitable lemon balm, St. John's wort and plantain. If it means bitter, allowed to sweeten it with honey.


'10 parsley (seed used) steamed 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse over night. Means a single dose - 50 ml. Take 5 times a day before meals.
Use hawthorn. Steamed plant using a thermos. Drink tea instead. Infusion contributes to the normalization of calcium and iron in the body.


For soothing suit dried nettle. Enough '40 Plants pour 300 ml of boiling water. Infuse means 4 h. After you need to add to the drug apple juice or pomegranate in the same amount. Drink the infusion three times a day before meals.


Known soothing properties and valerian. For the preparation of medicines is sufficient to use '20 plant roots and the same mint. Components poured 0.8 liter of hot water and boiled agent for 10 minutes. A single dose - 20 ml. Drink the medicine three times a day regardless of the meal.


Vertigo during menstruation is eliminated using natural juices - suitable pomegranate, carrot and beet. They help to normalize the levels of iron and hemoglobin prevent shortages.

Lime tea

Tea of ​​lime and ginger preserves hormonal balance. Seaweed nourishes the body with iodine, whereby the thyroid gland is working properly.
Adolescent girls is recommended to regularly consume fish oil. Means saturates the body with nutrients and strengthens its system by the beginning of menstruation.

When you need the doctor's consultation

Typical PMS symptoms do not require urgent treatment. However, in some atypical symptoms should immediately seek professional help:

  1. Not control the blinking one eye.
  2. The constant lack of sleep.
  3. Allergic reactions, swelling and breathing problems.
  4. Nausea until vomiting.
  5. Chronic headache.
  6. Inflammation of the eyeball.
  7. Excessive sweating, cramps, joint pain, pyrexia.
  8. Fainting or a situation in which the head is turned, when passed monthly.
  9. Severe cramps in the lower abdomen.

Prevention of dizziness in the critical days

Prepare for the month and eliminate nausea to dizziness can be preset using simple preventive measures:

  1. Drinking green tea with ginger.
  2. Regular walks in the fresh air.
  3. Getting rid of bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  4. Avoiding excessive exercise.
  5. Controlling vitamin balance.
  6. Maintaining an active lifestyle with the right approach to the rest.
  7. Compliance with the diet, waiver of sweet, fried, fatty and smoked.
  8. Avoiding stressful situations.

During menstruation, it is desirable to turn to physiotherapy:

  • therapeutic massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • therapy with mineral water.

However, such treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor who tells you how to do the procedure correctly.

Dizziness, PMS manifests itself in many women and not necessarily signals of serious health violations. Compliance with preventive and therapeutic measures helps eliminate unpleasant symptom. If the sign of atypical or manifested dramatically, you must get a doctor for advice and find out the reason of a pathological condition.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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