Pressure (high, low) when (before) menstruation: Causes, PMS and pressure


  1. The relationship of pressure and the phase of the menstrual cycle
  2. Reasons oscillation blood pressure before menstruation
  3. Why pressure skips during menstruation
  4. pressure deviation after monthly
  5. What can be done as a first aid
  6. use of medications
  7. preventive measures

During the menstrual cycle women body being influenced by hormones periodically increases or decreases in concentration, depending on the current phase. Before and during the first days of bleeding woman is faced with uncharacteristic changes in mood, irritability, abdominal pain, nausea. The work of the cardiovascular system is inseparably linked with the state of the reproductive organs. Because the pressure during menstruation is able to deviate from the normal values.

The information in this website article describes the causes and methods of elimination of high and low blood pressure.

Pressure before monthly

The relationship of pressure and the phase of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle of women takes place under the influence of hormones. Substances in the body are constantly monitoring the work of the reproductive system and affecting the regular removal and formation of the uterine endometrium. Throughout the month the amount of a hormone changes.

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Pressure should be understood as the force with which the blood works on the walls of vessels. It depends on the neurological processes in the female body and hormonal levels. Few people know about it, but the organs of the endocrine system, including the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland, significantly affect blood pressure.

adrenaline production, glucocorticoids and aldosterone in the right amounts provides vascular tone. During the critical days of changing the level of influence of sex hormones on these substances. Therefore, increased or decreased at monthly pressure.

Reasons oscillation blood pressure before menstruation

Production of biological components of the ovaries and the adrenal glands can not do without the participation of the central nervous system, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. Progesterone is able to influence the work of the latter body and trigger a variety of symptoms, including blood pressure deviation from the norm.

Leap upward pressure associated with the accumulation of liquids in the body which depress the cardiovascular system. The speed of the heart is increased in order to accelerate blood flow. The patient suffers from symptoms of hypertension.
BP before menstruation can rise, accompanied by such symptoms:

  1. Migraine.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Redness of the skin on the face and neck.

The most common cause is a high pressure production adrenal glands. The patient can be easily uneasy feeling pulse quickens. Some women before menstruation observe depression, which may also raise blood pressure. This is due to the influence of progesterone and estrogen on the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Low pressure before menstruation occurs due to lack of in the body of useful components, such as vitamins and magnesium. Symptom develops under the influence of decrease in hemoglobin levels. Another cause of hypotension - excessive emotionality girl.

For PMS signs, accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, include:

  • trouble sleeping;
  • apathetic state;
  • weakness during menstruation;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a set of a few kilograms.

Why pressure skips during menstruation

The presence of high pressure during menstruation is not inherent in all patients. As before critical days, the cause of the majority lies in the changes in hormonal levels. Premenstrual symptom extends to the first few days of bleeding. Woman suffering from mood variability, problems with the genitourinary system and high pressure.

The reason for increasing the index can become a form of menstrual flow:

  1. Edematous. Characterized by disturbances in the liquid excretion from the body and its accumulation in tissues. Increased pressure on blood vessels and blood pressure rises. The form has other symptoms: swelling of the hands and fingers of a person, problems with urination, and constipation.
  2. Cephalgic. When such current monthly heart is working at an accelerated rate. Woman feels the attacks of hypertension and pain in the sternum.

Low pressure during menstruation occurs due to many factors:

  1. Changing hormone levels in the body.
  2. Emotional instability.
  3. Features monthly themselves.
  4. Receiving drugs.
  5. Dystonia and vasoconstriction.
  6. Lack of trace elements in the body.

Often of reproductive and urinary systems lead to hormonal imbalance in the body during menstruation. Subsequently, the woman loses too much blood. The amount of hemoglobin decreases, and blood flow is slowed. There are symptoms of hypotension. Lead to a reduction in blood pressure as constant copious blood and periodic previously uncharacteristic.

Sometimes pain in the monthly period is too strong to tolerate him. In such situations, patients using antispasmodic drugs to eliminate discomfort. In addition to pain relief drugs exert vasodilatory effect and lead to the fact that blood pressure may fall.

Increased secretion of prostaglandin due monthly migraine causes and hypotension.

Dystonia and disorders of endocrine structures are exacerbated during regulation. There racing heartbeat, headaches and blood pressure may drop.

Lack of useful components and energy substances due to diet or unbalanced nutrition also leads to unpleasant consequences. Without sufficient vitamins monthly flow becomes unstable and is accompanied by hypotension.

pressure deviation after monthly

Low pressure during menstruation should be normalized after the critical days. The first 2-3 days after the menstrual period may also vary minor deviations in blood pressure, but then the symptoms disappear.

A slight decrease or increase in pressure just because of menstruation does not lead to serious consequences. However, in case of severe hyper- or hypotension after the monthly risk of having abnormalities of the reproductive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems is growing. In such situations, you can not hesitate or try to normalize blood pressure means at hand. Require immediate medical consultation and diagnosis to identify the cause of deviations.

What can be done as a first aid

When lowered or raised pressure in the arteries before menstruation or during them, you need to try to get rid of ailments by using non-radical methods.

Therapy should be comprehensive. For relaxation of the body and normalize metabolism fit:

  • massages;
  • physiotherapy;

If blood pressure abnormalities are great, it is necessary as soon as possible to seek help from a specialist. He will do an exam, identify why any infringement and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. In some situations it is better to call an ambulance.

If the pressure jumps, and consultation with a doctor is delayed, you can take the following first aid measures:

  1. If hypotension used analgesic drugs.
  2. During heavy discharge of blood to give up active holidays and resort to bed rest.
  3. If the index rose to normalize it with the antispasmodic.
  4. Do not load the body physically during and for a few days before menstruation.

use of medications

Eliminate the decrease or increase in pressure medications can help.

If the pressure before menstruation and during menstruation below normal, doctors are advised to use analgesic drugs. By popular means include Analgin, Paracetamol and Coldrex.

Hypertension treated with antispasmodics. In addition to lowering blood pressure because of action means there is:

  • relieve the tension from the muscles;
  • quieting the nervous system;
  • stress reduction.

Often prescribed Nospanum, Trigan, papaverine. However, judging by the comments and reviews of patients, while taking these drugs possible negative consequences, because they should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

preventive measures

When a woman increases or decreases the pressure in the arteries during menstruation not due to pathological conditions, but because of the features menstrual flow, an unpleasant symptom, and other symptoms of PMS can be prevented by prophylactic recommendations.

To improve the state of the cardiovascular system and hormonal enough to follow a few rules:

  1. Conduct a correct way of life, give up smoking and alcohol abuse.
  2. Follow the recommendations on healthy eating - avoid eating sugary, fatty, salty and fried foods.
  3. Regularly kardiogimnastikoy to improve vascular condition.
  4. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  5. Avoid stressful situations and experiences.
  6. Follow the vitamin and mineral balance in the body.
  7. Instead of coffee make a green or herbal tea.
  8. Monitored regularly by a gynecologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist.
  9. Often walking in the fresh air.
  10. Some patients need to adhere to a medical diet.

PMS and pressure surges are inseparably linked. The natural appearance of the symptom is a single state after the normalization and menstruation. If significant fluctuations in blood pressure, malaise throughout the cycle, discomfort in the heart need to be examined in the clinic. Timely diagnosis helps to determine abnormalities in the early stages and the appointment of individual treatment of blood pressure fluctuations.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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