Can I download the press during the month: abdominal exercises


  1. The main contraindications to physical activity during menstruation
  2. The negative impact of exercises for the press
  3. a positive impact
  4. How to download the press during menstruation
  5. 3 simple and useful exercise
  6. Exercise 1
  7. Exercise 2
  8. Exercise 3

Sports allow look and always maintain a good mood. Therefore, there are women who do not want to stop sports activities, even during menstruation. But the majority still think about the safety of such actions. Especially girls are concerned about whether it is possible to swing the press during the month, ie. A. Critical days often accompanied by a rather imposing pain in the abdomen.

Press during menstruation

The main contraindications to physical activity during menstruation

These symptoms are not unique to all: some ladies have excellent health and lead a normal life, while others feel uncomfortable and "unstuck" for at least a day - or two.

Regardless of the state of health, doctors recommend to reduce the intensity of the load due to a reduction in this period of time the content of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as coming to the internal organs oxygen. In the days of menstruation even the most powerful women decreased endurance and weaken the protective function organism.

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Probably every woman heard about the insecurity of such actions, but not everyone knows exactly why it is impossible to swing the press during menstruation. There are three basic contraindications:

  1. Woman suffering from gynecological diseases. In this case, doctors often prohibit any heavy loads on the body during the critical days.
  2. Menstruation lasts for about a week, and sometimes even more.
  3. Monthly characterized by intensity of pain in the abdomen and too copious, weakness in the body, dizziness, and sometimes fainting and.

Read the article at the link, whether jogging during menstruation.

The negative impact of exercises for the press

Abdominal exercises during menstruation can trigger some girls medical problems. First of all, this applies to those suffering from vascular dystonia and other diseases associated with blood vessels.

In such cases:

  • there are jumps in blood pressure;
  • increases blood volume allocated (especially immediately after exercise);
  • muscle pain appear antispasmodic nature;
  • there are constant aching pain (due to the reduction of abdominal muscles);
  • abdominal pain persisted for a long time after the swing press.

Women who have a physical problem, be sure to discuss the features of the training during the month with the doctor. An experienced doctor, relying on years of experience, will advise the optimal level of load in the days of menstruation.

a positive impact

If monthly associate women with negative mood and irritability, exercise can help to get rid of negative thoughts.

A feeling of weakness due to low blood pressure during this period. Workout will help a little bit to increase it by making better overall condition.

Among the advantages of study of the abdominal muscles during menstruation can also be distinguished:

  • removal of muscular spasms, due to expansion of blood vessels;
  • improving brain blood circulation and, consequently, the removal of headaches and general weakness in the body;
  • the disappearance of nausea and lack of appetite.

How to download the press during menstruation

The first days of menstruation often accompanied by copious blood, so even women who thrive in this period should try not to overtax the muscles of the abdomen. Some girls prefer to bring himself to do sports, but should nevertheless refuse to workout, and then the volume of discharge should come back to normal. It is better to give preference to a light jog or perform simple yoga asanas.

The following tips will be useful for rocking the press during menstruation (the third or fourth day):

  • Maximum attention should be focused on training the abdominal oblique muscles and the upper region of the press;
  • you can not do the exercises with raised legs. They have a very high pressure on the lower abdomen;
  • it is best to keep a steady pace exercise, without increasing the load and intensity;
  • it is necessary to listen to the sensations arise. No need to force yourself to do exercises. Should stop sports, if there was a sense that the number of discharges increased;
  • choosing sports clothes should be preferred natural fabrics because of the hard work of sweat glands in those days.
Press during menstruation

3 simple and useful exercise

Exercise 1

It strengthens the upper part of the abdominal muscles.

Step 1. Take a comfortable horizontal position, bend your knees, hands behind your head start.

Step 2. Lift the upper body at the expense of "two".

Note: do not have to climb very high, enough to lift the back a small distance from the floor.

Exercise 2

Strengthens the lateral abdominal muscles.

Step 1. Take a horizontal position, and the legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head start.

Step 2. To raise the upper half body, touching the left elbow of the right knee, then vice versa.

Exercise 3

Strengthens the lateral abdominal muscles.

Step 1. Take a comfortable horizontal position, bend your legs at the knees, feet pushed as close to the hips, hands lie flat along the trunk.

Step 2. The tips of his fingers trying to get his ankles, alternately leaning in the right, then to the left.

Can I download the press during menstruation? It is possible, but it would be better to do it on the third - the fourth day of the menstrual cycle, when the amount of discharge is gradually on the decline and decrease pain. Training the abdominal muscles in the critical days may be useful. The main thing - listen to your body and not perenagruzhat it too heavy loads.

  • Oct 18, 2019
  • 43
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