What is Menopause: signs, symptoms, treatment (diagnostics)


  1. Menopause: What is, when it is, how much last?
  2. premenopausal
  3. Menopause
  4. postmenopause
  5. What influences the time of onset of this stage and the nature of its course?
  6. Primary and secondary symptoms of menopause
  7. diagnosis period
  8. When you might need treatment?
  9. Methods of treatment of pathological menopause
  10. How to help the body during the menopausal change?

Menopause. This word is familiar, probably, every woman with a very young age. However, up to a certain age, very few of the fair half of mankind tries to understand this phenomenon in more detail. Only fast running time makes us think seriously about what is menopause, and what changes can be marked by its offensive.
Unfortunately, to grasp the essence of future reforms, focusing on the stories, relatives and friends, it is quite difficult. Some people tend to exaggerate and alter the meaning of the events experienced. In addition, every human body is different, so the symptoms of menopause, worrying one woman is not necessarily relevant to all the others. To successfully overcome potential pitfalls menopausal period should seek reliable information that can help sort out the nature of future changes.

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Menopause: What is, when it is, how much last?

Often menopause and menopause are considered to be identical phenomena, but is it? In the popular sense of the term menopause often brings together the whole range of occurring in a woman's body changes from registration of the first symptoms and the complete cessation of reproductive function. However, in terms of medical practice, such an interpretation is not quite correct. In the medical environment for menopause refers to the time when, after the last menstrual period of self due to the natural functioning of the ovaries, runs 12 months. Therefore, a more correct to integrate the entire complex internal changes caused by fading reproductive function, a term such as "menopause", since this definition is broader its meaning.

Menopause can be divided into 3 stages: pre-menopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women. Each of these stages has its own distinctive characteristics and timeframes. And although during the menopause in each case individually, yet most women tend to get into the time limits.


Average statistical beginning premenopausal It comes at the age of 45 years. It was at this time a woman has registered initial signs of menopausal changes, although their intensity was initially expressed moderately. The appearance of the first symptoms occurring due to hormonal changes. At this time, there is a lack of estrogen and progesterone - the main female sex hormone. In addition, the ovaries gradually depleted the number of follicles, by the nature. Because of this regularity is disturbed maturation full of eggs, that is, ovulation occurs less frequently. The main symptom of the beginning of the transformation of the reproductive system becomes irregular menstrual cycle. Usually, intervals are gradually increased bleeding. AT premenopausal monthly discharge delay can be confusing, so the issues of protection from unwanted pregnancy is still relevant. The duration of this period is an average of from 2 to 6 years, although in some cases can drag on for 10 years.


After the first period of menopause menopause. This stage of the most striking manifestations and important processes taking place in the pelvic organs and the whole body as a whole. The level of estrogen synthesized by the ovaries, continuing to decline inexorably, causing the active symptoms of the nervous, cardiovascular, urogenital, endocrine system. offensive pregnancy in menopause though less likely than in the previous year, but is not excluded completely, as rare ovulation can still take place. Once at the end of the last natural menstrual period expires 12 months, menopause is considered to come. This happens in about 50-53 years.


Postmenopause - the longest period of menopause. He comes after menopause and is accompanied by a woman before the end of her life. At this stage, most often gradually subsides pathological symptoms, although some symptoms may be recorded about 3-4 years. Postmenopause characterized by the absence of menses, atrophy of the genital organs, the full completion of estrogen synthesis in the ovaries and the absolute impossibility of natural conception.
It should be noted that in some cases changes may begin menopause at the age of 40 years, and sometimes earlier. Then talk about premature menopause. If the symptoms of menopause is not up to 55 years, the prerequisites for joining late menopause. Both scenarios are abnormal and require additional medical examination in order to identify the cause.

Does menopause happens in men? Go to the article at this link to find out the answer to this question.

What influences the time of onset of this stage and the nature of its course?

There are some factors that may affect the timing of the onset of the nature and duration of percolation menopausal period. It can be:

  • Heredity: it is often the woman repeated menopause scenario close relatives;
  • transferred gynecological intervention. Operation, abortion, obstructed labor may adversely affect the course of menopause, or accelerate delay the onset of menopause;
  • pregnancy and childbirth, ended happily, and the duration of breast-feeding, on the contrary, increase the chances of success passing the menopausal period, since it is procreation is the primary task of the female body and its implementation - a kind the guarantee of health;
  • chronic stress and heightened emotionality can enhance the character of the changes in menostaze;
  • effects of chemotherapy, radiation during cancer treatment cause suppression of ovarian and early menopause;
  • socio-economic conditions in which there is a woman, also play an important role;
  • bad habits provoke negative during menopause.

Primary and secondary symptoms of menopause

There are some basic features of the beginning of the menopausal transition.

  1. The instability of the menstrual cycle - the main signal the beginning of the menopausal changes. Intervals between periods tend to increase. Sami discharge becomes more scarce. Although it is sometimes observed the opposite picture.
  2. Tides - one of the most common symptoms. This sudden onset of fever, covering the upper body and the accompanying malaise, dyspnea, increased blood pressure, skin redness. Such a state is familiar to 85% of women who have entered menopause. Read our article - how to get rid of hot flashes during menopause.
  3. Psycho-emotional instability - a frequent symptom. Often during menopause a woman becomes too emotional, unstable, experiencing unmotivated excitement, often falls into a depression, he can not concentrate on work, forgets important matters. Very often there to sleep at night, which leads to chronic fatigue. All this is the result of an imbalance of hormonal sphere. Sometimes, on the background of menopause a woman develops a deep depression, which requires the intervention of an experienced psychologist.

There are also additional symptoms of menopause. However, their presence may signal not only the processes that accompany the end of the reproductive activity, but also about the pathological changes that occur in isolation. It can be:

  • symptoms of menopause by the activity of blood vessels and heart: bradycardia, angina, arrhythmia during menopause, Shortness of breath, hypo- or hypertension, chest pain;
  • changes in the urinary system. Lack of estrogen provokes a decrease in muscle tone of the bladder, leading to frequent urge and incontinence;
  • signs on the part of the reproductive system. Hormonal imbalance has a negative impact on the state of the mucous membranes of the body, including the intimate area. Reduced secretion of sex glands and the epithelial tissue atrophy cause discomfort (itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse).
  • changes in appearance. They are provoked by the same lack of estrogen. A reduction in production of collagen and elastin fiber cells, so the skin loses its tone, wrinkles, hair begins to fall out and become dull, lifeless.
  • often the menopausal woman is gaining weight rapidly, due to endocrine disorders caused by hormonal disorders.
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system occur degenerative changes, which is often expressed painful joints, overcome muscle pain in menopause especially at night.
  • problems in the digestive tract the manifest weakening of intestinal peristalsis, the aggravation of existing diseases in the field.

diagnosis period

The most sensible thing a woman can do for your health during menopause - to entrust control over its competent doctor. In the ideal case, even in the course, the young age, it is desirable to pass a medical examination at least 1 time a year, but during menopause it becomes even more urgent. Now, visits to a specialist must take place at least once every six months.

The main question that arises in the head of a woman, faced with the first signs of menopause: which doctor should contact? Options can be two: you can visit the therapist, and he, in turn, will determine the need for consultations by experts on the basis of collected history. The second option is to visit a gynecologist immediately, the visit to which, in any case inevitable in the regulation of issues related to menopause.

To determine the hormonal levels and the evaluation of the patient's condition is usually assigned a number of procedures:

  • blood tests: general, biochemical analysis for infections, sexually transmitted infections, analysis on hormones;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • Ultrasound and mammography breast;
  • cytological examination of mucous material from the cervical canal of the uterus;
  • ECG.

Upon detection of abnormalities associated with the operation of the different organs, the patient is sent for consultation to specialists.

When you might need treatment?

Menopause is not necessary to be associated with disease. Not all women pathological symptoms manifest itself too bright. Although such cases are. Sometimes the body simply does not have time to adapt to the intensity of the changes taking place, and in his work there are significant failures. They can manifest themselves in the activities of any authority, as most internal processes is controlled by the hormonal system.

The need for a drug therapy is determined by the attending physician based on the patient's complaints and received the survey results. What could be a reason to start treatment? The development of hypertension, a malfunction of the heart, endocrine disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, intense tides - that is, any process, the severity of which gipertrofirovanna.

Methods of treatment of pathological menopause

Treatment of pathological manifestations of menopause involves several directions.

  1. The most gentle - is the use of infusions, herbal teas, infusions of herbs, rich content of plant estrogens: shepherd's purse, upland uterus, sage, red brush, Red clover, and others. These tools help the least impact on the hormonal background, without causing adverse reactions in the body.
  2. Acceptance of dietary supplements in menopause It is also relevant. This plant-based drugs, which action is directed at minimizing menopausal symptoms and improving adaptive functions. Their effectiveness is based on the replenishment of estrogen deficiency. Examples of such drugs may be: Klimaksan, Estrovel, Hel - Klimakt means, Remens, Klimaktoplan, Mensa, Menopace, Chi-Klim.
  3. If menopause significantly change the image of a woman's life, and at the same time there is a real threat to the health, the course is the heavy artillery - hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This embodiment has a high treatment efficiency but requires extreme care in the application. Very important doctor's competence in this narrow area. In hormone replacement therapy particularly relevant one of the medical principles: "First of all - do no harm." HRT has a wide range contraindications and capable of causing a spectrum of side effects (up to provoke oncological processes), so the control of its application should be carried out constantly.
  4. Sometimes, in order to eliminate hormonal imbalances appointed oral contraceptives. The choice of drug is better to entrust the gynecologist. Species such means there is a set of action based on various combinations of synthetic analogues of progesterone and estrogen, so it is important to choose the option that takes into account the needs of a particular organism patient.

How to help the body during the menopausal change?

The basis for the safe passage of menopause is a healthy lifestyle. What is included in this concept? Pay attention to the following points:

  1. Meals should be frequent. Portions in this case - small. Preference should be given dietary meats, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts. Very useful to be included in the diet of vegetable crops that are rich in phytoestrogens: soy, beans, lentils, peas, oats, broccoli, cauliflower, red grapes. Read what diet during menopause you must adhere to.
  2. Refusal of caffeinated drinks in favor of pure water, herbal teas, fruit drinks, natural juices;
  3. Physical activity and fresh air. This combination will allow to avoid stagnation in the body, as well as to saturate the blood with oxygen.
  4. Rejection of bad habits. No comment. Nicotine is a priori - it is poison. Alcohol may be an exception in special cases, although his technique is often provokes attacks in women tides, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat.
  5. Receiving multivitamin complexes. This is a great way to replenish the body's energy reserves, and also to prevent deficiency of vital elements.
  6. Regular visits to the doctor and the passage of the body's survey - the basis of prevention of serious lesions. The "raise their heads" during menopause is often insidious disease, which provokes an imbalance of hormones. Timely diagnosis allows you to recognize the signs of ill health at an early stage and start treatment.
  7. Eliminating stress - a very important and difficult to implement paragraph. The rhythm of life is very dynamic today, and it is sometimes difficult to keep up with all the changes that occur. To avoid troubles and problems are unlikely to succeed, but it is possible to support the functioning of the nervous system. To do this, try first, some distance from the problems, form a conscious attitude towards them. Second, help the nervous system in the difficult moments of life can be taking drugs that have a sedative effect.
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