Postmenopause what it is: how much last, signs of postmenopausal


  1. At what age comes postmenopause?
  2. The main symptoms of period
  3. Diagnosis of the last stage of menopause
  4. Possible complications of postmenopausal
  5. How to support the body during this period?
  6. Special features of HRT
  7. Improves the condition of the nervous system and bones
  8. Use receiving phytoestrogens
  9. ethnoscience
  10. Ten Steps to a women's health during menopause

The advent of extinction reproductive system depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and heredity. Sam Menopause in women is made up of several stages, each characterized by its own peculiarities. The final climax stage acts postmenopause, and that it is in fact every woman should know.

It is necessary to remember that the postmenopause - it's just a new period in your life that will still come. So you should prepare your body for a number of changes, as well as find out the main symptoms of post-menopausal period.


At what age comes postmenopause?

The exact date can not be considered in this matter, because every body is different. Here it is necessary to take into account heredity, various diseases, and other factors that affect the rate of extinction of reproductive function.

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Postmenopausal period is not characterized by a sudden onset. This is the last stage of menopause, preceded premenopausal and menopause:

  1. Premenopausal. It comes after about 40 years, but in some women, estrogen levels drop observed as early as 35 years. Menstruation continues, but the nature of the discharge becomes unstable. This period is a preparatory stage to the completion of the ovarian function.
  2. Menopause. Most short-term phase (when compared with other stages of menopause), which is characterized by the last menstruation. Doctors diagnose menopause after twelve months from the date of the last menstrual period.
  3. Postmenopause. The final phase of menopause, at which menses completely excluded. Most often it occurs after age 55, but may be earlier cases. Distinguish early (5 years without menses), later (10 years without menses) postmenopausal women.

It is worth remembering that menopause and postmenopause are merely an inevitable new period in my life, to whom not only possible, but necessary to be prepared. And for this you need to learn everything that happens to the body during this time.

The main symptoms of period

The onset of menopause has no specific timetable, so the focus is drawn to the month. Only with a complete cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea for about a year), you can talk about the final stages of menopause. But

There are other signs of menopause:

  • vaginal dryness,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • problems with the cardiovascular system,
  • thinning of bone tissue,
  • the emergence of excess weight,
  • mood swings,
  • tides,
  • increased sweating
  • decreased libido,
  • flabby breasts, loss of form,
  • hair loss,
  • the skin loses its elasticity,
  • begin abruptly wrinkles,
  • bladder problems (Incontinence, occurrence respective urethra diseases),
  • disturbed metabolism in the body (not only affects the appearance, but also on the work of the organs)
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia).

The number and nature of the symptoms depends on heredity and characteristics of the organism. Get rid of all unpleasant symptoms impossible, but inaction on the part of women can bring to the development of many pathologies, so do not hurt to visit a doctor to find out the current state of health and to choose the appropriate drugs.

See also our article - all of menopause in women after 50 years.

Diagnosis of the last stage of menopause

Postmenopause may begin suddenly, but its main feature of the acts decrease the body's production of female hormones. laboratory results accurately tell of the occurrence of postmenopausal period:

  • FSH levels. The lack of estrogen stimulates increased production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (20 mIU / ml).
  • Index of estradiol. If before menopause levels of this hormone than 35 pmol / l, during premenopause, this figure is much lower.
  • LH content. Luteinizing hormone at this time greatly increased, so postmenopausal its index exceeds 52 mIU / ml (normal limit indicator in reproductive age).

But it is necessary to consider that only if the earlier tests a doctor can compare the data to verify the figures. Therefore, there is no clear standards of hormones during this period. In these studies, you will receive the data by which the doctor will choose the appropriate treatment, methods of dealing with unpleasant symptoms. In addition, you may need additional tests:

  • general blood analysis,
  • US authorities
  • checking bone density (densitometry)
  • cytology,
  • hysteroscopy.

Possible complications of postmenopausal

No support body and treating symptoms of menopause can cause various diseases, the manifestation of which is particularly noticeable in the postmenopausal period. This can be:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • urinary tract infections,
  • ovarian cysts,
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • diseases, complications serozometroy uterus.

It can be concluded that menopause symptoms are the kind of signal that the body needs to be supported. All disease is easier to prevent than to deal with their consequences.

How to support the body during this period?

The most important thing is to understand any woman that is necessary to protect their health, long menopause. According to statistics, the patient, who previously started gormonalnozamestitelnuyu therapy improved their way of life, less likely to suffer from the symptoms not only primenopauzy but postmenopausal period.

Important! Do not take any means, if your body does not need it. For example, the drug Zoladex though and reduces the production of FSH and LH, but his appointment suggests serious diseases for which it is necessary to cause the so-called "artificial" climax. Remember that Zoladex intensifies hot flashes, mood swings, and it is necessary only in those cases when it is necessary to suppress the ovaries work (cancer, uterine fibroids, etc.).

Here is a list of recommendations that will be useful in postmenopazalny period:

  1. Regular visits to the hospital. To prevent possible health problems and early detection of diseases.
  2. Balanced diet. You can not sit on a strict diet, because the body needs a normal amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals.
  3. Additional vitamins (especially calcium and vitamin D). Elimination of nutrients deficit beneficial effect on the development of estrogen.
  4. Active lifestyle. Woman's best friend at the time - the fresh air and frequent walks in a pleasant atmosphere.
  5. The use of physiotherapy. This includes not only therapeutic exercise, but also electrophoresis, essential oils, spa treatment.
  6. Using only the funds approved by the doctor. It makes no sense to prick Zoladex and other similar products if you do not have the relevant serious diseases.

If a woman long before the menopause to start taking care of your health, then perhaps a manifestation of post-menopausal symptoms will be negligible.

Special features of HRT

It is necessary to remember that at this age the female body does not need large amounts of hormones, so it makes no sense to take not only the contraceptive pill, but more powerful means.

Important! Hormone replacement therapy is chosen according to the nature of the symptoms.

Surprisingly, some women do not suffer from the symptoms of menopause, while other representatives of the fair sex are beginning to notice the early menopausal symptoms by the age of 35.

Therefore, to begin with three groups of symptoms:

  • Early (vasomotor, psychological and emotional).
  • Time average (urogenital, trophic skin changes).
  • Late metabolic disorders.

Studying postmenopausal women, we can conclude that short-term hormone therapy simply can not do. At this age, women are prescribed combined monophasic preparations in continuous mode:

With the stored uterus:

  • Femoston (low-dose therapy - 1/5)
  • Kliogest,
  • Klimodien,
  • Livial Tibolone.

Important! estrogen monotherapy is suitable only for women who have a uterus

When removal of the uterus:

  • Ovestin,
  • Estrozhel,
  • Dermestril,
  • Premarin.

It should be noted that the tools can be produced in the form of tablets, patches, gels and suppositories. And once again turn our attention to Zoladex, which is prescribed for breast cancer, uterine fibroids, for thinning the endometrium, as well as in vitro fertilization. Additionally, Zoladex has several side effects, including metabolic abnormalities, the occurrence of depression and decreased libido.

Improves the condition of the nervous system and bones

Paying too much attention to HRT, we often forget about the support your nervous system, which is particularly affected during the postmenopausal period. Here help soothing:

  • Gelara,
  • Atarax,
  • Grandaxinum,
  • Kleofit.

Also, do not forget about the increase in bone density:

  • Bonviva,
  • Calcemin,
  • osteogenon
  • Akvadetrim.

Important! Only a doctor can tell how much does the treatment with a particular drug.

Use receiving phytoestrogens

If you can not use hormonal preparations, it is possible to go on phytoestrogens, which are the only alternative to HRT. In addition, they do not have side effects and are safe for health.

But do not forget that you can be allergic to some banal components of the drug, so be sure to consult with your doctor. Another natural hormones not only eliminate the symptoms of menopause, but also:

  • reduced pressure;
  • protect against osteoporosis;
  • block the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood,
  • a beneficial effect on the psychological and emotional state,
  • slow down the aging process.


It makes no sense for a reason to pay attention to Zolodeks and other strong preparations, when nature is rich in nutrients. ABOUT traditional medicine during menopause you can talk for hours, so the only costs to identify the main groups (with the content of plant hormones):

  • isoflavones
  • lignans,
  • Coumestans.

In addition, the symptoms of menopause and postmenopause help spravitsya:

Mint and sage (hot);

  • Valerian root, St. John's wort, hop (natural sedative);
  • Hawthorn, motherwort (reduced pressure);
  • Borage oil (removes dry skin).

Ten Steps to a women's health during menopause

  1. Constantly monitor blood pressure (morning and evening).
  2. Sisitematicheski visit a gynecologist, do the necessary strokes and pass the designated exam.
  3. Be sure to get a mammogram, and constantly check the status of their own breast.
  4. Check for diabetes and learn cholesterol.
  5. Find out the status of their bones.
  6. Constantly monitor your weight, so as not to create unnecessary burden on the authorities.
  7. Stick to an active lifestyle (gymnastics, slow walking, swimming).
  8. Completely give up bad habits.
  9. Exclude from a diet of coffee and strong tea.
  10. Choose a physician suitable hormone replacement therapy.

Postmenopause comes early or late in the life of every woman. This new period in life should not be afraid, it is necessary to carefully prepare. In other words, the body is quite normal changes that are programmed by nature. And so as not to face unpleasant diseases, should be systematically to be tested and undergo appropriate examination.

Careful attitude to their own health - is a sure way to a happy and long life where menopause does not cause trouble. Now that you know what the postmenopause and its main symptoms, as well as the need to keep your body in this period of life.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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