Pre-menopausal symptoms in perimenopausal monthly


  1. What is premenopausal and what are its features
  2. hormonal changes
  3. Menopausal symptoms and effects
  4. psycho-emotional system
  5. irregular periods
  6. tides
  7. Headache
  8. Chest pain
  9. Pain in the abdomen and lower back
  10. Problems with the digestive tract
  11. Poor quality of sexual life
  12. Obesity
  13. Osteoporosis
  14. Cystitis and urethritis
  15. What follows this stage?
  16. How comfortably survive the first stage of menopause?

Each female representatives about the middle of life's journey occurs during menopauseWhen her reproductive function fades away, and the body begins a complete overhaul. The very nature intended to make this transition smooth and painless enough, so that the body has had time to prepare for major changes. Klimakterialny period takes up to 15 years and is replaced by several successive stages. To avoid panic, about the approaching climax and be prepared for it, it is important to know what represents a premenopausal and its symptoms. It should be explored as a manifested primary stage of menopause, what are its differences from other menopausal phase.

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premenopausal symptoms

What is premenopausal and what are its features

Climax in general - is a period of complete extinction of the reproductive system, is divided into several stages:

  1. Premenopausal - preparation for the climax
  2. Menopause - the period from the last menstrual period to the extinction of reproductive function.
  3. Postmenopause - a complete cessation of fertility and further restructuring of the female body.

The first signs of pre-menopause, on average occur in women after 45 years and beyond that period can last from 2 to 10 years. In 10% of cases in women, this stage has an effect and 35 years. In this case, the woman is faced with the notion of early menopause.

Early menopause can occur due to several reasons: heredity, unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits, transferred sexual infections. Find out, What are the symptoms of menopause in women 40 years.

Also menopause may occur in later life - about 50 years.

hormonal changes

In the transition of premenopausal ovarian hormone secretion changes, and as a result - reduced content of estrogens and progestins and the level of follicle stimulating hormone, conversely, increases. Increases and the amount of production of the adrenal glands of male sex hormones - androgens, which are transformed into estrogens in fat tissue. In the uterus and mammary glands active formation of new cells and tissues due to excessive action of the hormone prolactin, which was previously responsible for the onset of menstruation regular and ovulation. During this period, monthly can still go from time to time, but such hormone "roller coaster" cause significant disruptions in the menstrual cycle. That's why premenopausal and monthly - are closely related, inseparable processes.

It is worth noting that this is only the beginning of hormonal changes and female hormones in the body are still in sufficient, so all the "critical days" will be held even with ovulation in 57% up until the menopause. Therefore, the chances of pregnancy are quite large in this period. Be sure to use methods of contraception, if conception is not planned.

Menopausal symptoms and effects

In the body, at this stage there is a lot of changes that affect not only the reproductive and sexual function, but also to all other systems. Therefore, menopausal symptoms are identified and characterized by quite often. However, they are not so aggravated and cause less discomfort than in the second stage of menopause.

psycho-emotional system

The first marked a distinct change in the psycho-emotional system. Horse racing hormones and other changes always affect the nervous system of the state, especially in women. There are sharp differences of mood, there are feelings of anxiety and loneliness, can be drowsiness, fatigue. This period is important to prepare mentally to the further course of menopause and the symptoms did not develop into disorders and psychosomatic diseases in the background.

irregular periods

The main feature of this stage is a violation, and irregular menstrual cycles. Menses premenopausal characterized alternating heavy and scarce precipitates. cycle time begins to fluctuate significantly, marked too long or short menstrual period. If you notice that the monthly go longer and changed the character of discharge, consult a specialist. It is recommended to be diagnosed to prevent the disease and set the start premenopausal.


Begin to overcome the famous tides. Lowering estrogen levels provokes supply brain false signals to the hypothalamus, due to which broken thermoregulation and excreted excess heat. The woman feels uncomfortable hot flashes, to change which often comes chills. All this can be accompanied by hyperhidrosis - enhanced sweating. Hot flashes may be surprised at any time and continue throughout the day up to 60 times. Body temperature may remain within the normal range, and may increase.


Headaches often cause discomfort during this period. They occur most often due to a too low or high blood pressure. It is caused by hormonal fluctuations that break the water-salt metabolism, which is responsible for some parts of the brain, which leads to the accumulation in the blood and interstitial fluid - sodium ions, excess. As a result, fluid in the body is delayed and, as a consequence, the volume of blood increases. Hence, pressure surges, and headaches.

Chest pain

May disturb pains in the chest. With the onset of menopause the body suffers from oxygen deficiency, which affects all the tissues and cells. It suffers heart muscle, which often provokes the development of coronary heart disease. Also, in the heart of pain may occur at this time and nerves.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

The first change affects the genitals, which are located in the pelvic section in the lower abdomen. Hence the pain of different nature in this area. Often they can give and in the side and in the back. Also, back pain can be caused by a characteristic in this period calcium deficiency, which affects bone.

Problems with the digestive tract

The changes also affect the gastrointestinal tract, in menopause may appear constipation or intestinal disorders in menopauseThat will cause discomfort in the abdomen.

Poor quality of sexual life

Decreased libido, vaginal dryness, discomfort during sexual intercourse, discomfort affecting the vulva to the exclusion of candidiasis and other diseases.


Overweight - trouble that can overtake any phase klimaktoralnogo period. Firstly, impaired metabolism contributes to this, and secondly, jumps hormone androgen is also provoke obesity. In addition, the stress caused by the onset of changes in my life, have seized a large quantity of food, too, has an impact on the appearance of extra kilos.


The weakening of the bone. Joints at this point are particularly vulnerable, and bones - fragile. This is due to a lack of calcium in the background of hormonal changes. That's why you should avoid heavy loads and, of course, it is important to adjust your diet. Acceptance of additional vitamin complexes will not be superfluous.

Cystitis and urethritis

Risk inflammation of the bladder during climax increases due to insufficient production of mucus barrier in the vagina, and as a consequence there is a vulnerability to penetration by bacteria. If you find bleeding during urination or bloody discharge with a yellowish or greenish shade - seek medical attention immediately.

All of these symptoms can occur in premenopausal both separately and together.

Everyone is used to associate menopause exclusively with women and whether there is a climax in men? Go to the link and find out the answer to this question.

What follows this stage?

If menstruation does not have an effect about a year, then replaced by a new cycle of premenopausal menopause - menopause. Premenopausal and menopausal years 2 together constitute the perimenopausal period.

The onset of menopause is characterized by complete extinction of fertility, weakening tissue elasticity, aging skin. Symptoms of menopause can be the same as in the pre-menopausal, and may be more pronounced or absent.

And completing the menopausal process - postmenopause, which replaces the menopause and lasts until the end of a woman's life. It comes as some say, "women's autumn". Someone despairs of this period, experiencing due to aging, while others, on the contrary, are just beginning to enjoy life, not burdened with reproductive functions and troubles associated with it.

Most of the fairer sex with the fear of waiting for this long and often cause discomfort during menopause - premenopausal. But if you tune in and mentally prepare for this step in advance, you can even minimize the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. After all, half the time they are psychosomatic phenomena.

If we take the right attitude you can not or manifestations of this stage is too strong and make significant discomfort, you should consult a specialist for the purpose of drugs or hormone replacement therapy. It is administered to an artificial hormone certain type, or in the reception of combined hormonal preparations treatment of early menopause.

Traditional medicine par with medical methods can help to cope with hot flashes, lower blood pressure, relieve tension, get rid of insomniaAnd will prevent possible diseases and pathologies. Herbal medicine is well established and widely used for removal of common symptoms of menopause.

Tolerability of the first stage of menopause is largely determined by the way of life, both before premenopausal and during.

Properly adjust your diet. Discard the fat and spicy food, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Eat more products containing calcium, increase consumption of nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable substances. Consumption of cereals, fish, legumes, dried fruits will benefit. For more information about recommended products in menopause and a rough menu for women after 45 years old, read one of the articles. It is necessary to enter into the diet of vitamins, even if you properly select a doctor.

As mentioned above, the body at this time is not enough oxygen. Therefore, make it a rule daily walks in the fresh air, ventilate the room before going to bed.

Moderate exercise will help to avoid congestion in the tissues. But do not forget about the dangers of large loads on the body in such a difficult period for him.

It is important to see a specialist when the first symptoms of menopause. Because, first of all, necessary to exclude gynecological diseases and other pathologies. On how you enter the pre-menopausal women, will depend on further during the menopause.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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