Hot flashes in women, reasons: to get rid of hot flashes during menopause


  1. What is the symptom?
  2. Causes and manifestations of provocateurs
  3. heat treatment of hot flushes
  4. Lifestyle change, as a basis to combat hot flashes
  5. The use of herbs to reduce the intensity of hot flushes
  6. tidal heat treatment with medication
  7. phytoestrogens
  8. contraceptives
  9. Hormone Replacement Therapy
  10. Rules of conduct during the heat attack

Menopause - a time of global changes in the female body. And, unfortunately, the vast majority is negative. With hot flashes is familiar to almost every woman, entered a period of menopausal changes. Approximately 80% of women is the symptom of pathological menopause is most acute.

What is a general phenomenon? That it provokes? And how to get rid of hot flashes during menopause? This is what we will discuss in this article.

hot flushes

What is the symptom?

Hot flashes in women is very similar to such natural phenomena as sea wave. This process consists of two phases: the tide.

  1. In phase tide, a wave of heat rolls from the center of the body up, grabbing the neck, hands and face. This process is accompanied by increased sweating, palpitations, feeling of lack of oxygen, blackouts, dizziness, weakness in the body. At the same time the body temperature remains normal, and the above areas takes on a reddish hue due to increased subcutaneous capillaries.
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  2. The second phase corresponds in its action ebb - tide makes the opposite movement. In this case, the heat gives way to cold: a woman threw the icy sweat, there may be felt chills, weakness, trembling in the limbs, dizziness and even fainting attack.

attack time can vary considerably. One episode may last from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. The most frequently occurring intense tides at night.

The frequency of attacks is also highly individual. In mild cases, hot flushes occur up to 10 times a day, in the cases of moderate intensity - up to 20 times a day, and in severe - more than 20 times. It should be noted that the majority of women experience mild to moderate severity of hot flashes.

Causes and manifestations of provocateurs

A major cause of hot flashes during menopause is hormonal changes is the same, which is typical for this period. The reduction in blood levels of estrogen cause a malfunction of the hypothalamus - the body that is responsible for the harmonious for many vital processes in the human body: sleep, appetite and the production of sex hormones, as well as the processes thermoregulation. In response to a decrease in the female hormone, hypothalamus begins to perceive the normal body temperature for an increased, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. Even modern science is not yet able to determine what is causing such a reaction.

And although the objective cause of hot flashes in women with hot menostaze - a hormone imbalance that accompanies the completion of the reproductive the mission of the female body, there are a number of additional factors that increase the likelihood of attacks tide, their frequency and intensity. They may include:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • stress, emotional stress;
  • elevated temperature;
  • high humidity;
  • excessive use of caffeine and refined sugar;
  • uncomfortable, tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics.

heat treatment of hot flushes

How to cope with hot flashes during menopause? This issue is relevant for any woman who is or has already entered menopause, or just preparing to do so. Handle the severity of the disease process may be acting in several directions.

Lifestyle change, as a basis to combat hot flashes

First, where to start - adjusting lifestyle. We can say that it is the foundation on which to build a successful struggle with the symptoms of menopause.

  1. Power during menopause should be moderate, with a prevalence in the diet of vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, fish, as well as dietary meats. It helps fight hot flashes and respect for an optimal drinking regimen in which it is important to use up to 2 liters of pure water throughout the day. should not be abused caffeinated beverages.
  2. Physical activity should also not be lost sight of. Regular moderate exercise (yoga, water aerobics, jogging or walking) helps eliminate the emotional stress activates blood circulation, speeds up the metabolism, which in general has a positive effect on the functioning of all systems and organs, and indirectly helps to neutralize severity of hot flushes.
  3. Full sex life and an extremely beneficial effect on reducing the symptoms of hot flashes, and the general condition of the woman. Intimacy, bringing physical and emotional satisfaction, will help a woman to feel attractive and desirable, and will preserve self-esteem at the proper level
  4. To avoid heat attack, it is advisable to refrain from visiting places, which are characterized by a massive crowd of people. It is necessary to avoid stuffy, hot room, and particularly those in which there is high humidity.
  5. Choose the best clothes does not restrict movement, sewn their natural fabrics. You need to dress for the weather, avoiding overheating.
  6. It is extremely important to balance work and rest, as the emotional and physical exhaustion - a solid foundation for the development of all sorts of ailments.
  7. Help get rid of hot flashes during menopause and avoiding harmful habits. Smoking and alcohol (in immoderate amounts) - powerful instigators of health problems, which, ideally, should be removed from life.

The use of herbs to reduce the intensity of hot flushes

Another area that can stop the symptoms of hot flashes, is the use of medicinal plants. It has long been the woman asked for help from these natural sources of health and longevity. To get rid of hot flashes is possible by means of decoctions, infusions, tinctures based on the following plants:

  • red clover;
  • upland uterus;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • sage;
  • red brush;
  • hop cones;
  • horsetail.

It proved to be excellent reception of evening primrose oil and flax oil.

All these plants have shown themselves as reliable assistants that can remove the pathological symptoms of menopause. They are good and "solo" use, and as part of multicomponent fees.

To neutralize the emotional instability, which provokes hot flashes in women, It may be advisable to enrich the charges herbal ingredients, has a sedative effect:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • oregano;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile and others.

tidal heat treatment with medication

tidal heat treatment by means of pharmaceutical agents used are usually sufficiently severe attacks intensity heat.

Drugs, allowing to remove the excessive intensity and frequency of hot flashes, can be divided into three groups:


Preparations based on the use of herbal extracts, which contain vegetable phytoestrogensSimilar in composition to the one of the natural hormones of the female body - estradiol. Often these dietary supplements include, besides the aforementioned hormone-like substances and also plant components and additional vitamin and mineral supplements. The combination of these components provides a chance not only to clean up the severity of the symptoms, but also improve overall body tone and vitality.

An example of this group of drugs may be:

  • Klimadinon and Klimadinon Uno;
  • Klimaksan in the form of granules and tablets;
  • Mensa:
  • Estorvel;
  • Menopace and Menopace plus;
  • Feminal,
  • Chi-Klim;
  • Remens;
  • tablets Inoklym.


oral menopause Contraceptives (OK) - another method to remove the bouts of hot flashes, but no longer by means of vegetable and synthetic hormones. An additional advantage of this treatment option is a contraceptive effect, since pregnancy in menopause - it is a reality.

Selecting OK is better to entrust the gynecologist, who will decide on the basis of the general condition of the patient and the test results.

The downside of this type of combat hot flashes is the presence of a number of contraindications for reception OK (varicose veins, endometriosis, hypertension, post-infarction and post-stroke condition, smoking, etc.), as well as some side effects (hypertension, impaired hemoglobin synthesis, thromboembolism and etc.).

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - the artillery strike, which helps to quickly get rid of the negative symptoms of menopause. Admission to the blood of a sufficient number of female sex hormones can eliminate hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause in womenWhich triggers menopause.

However, behind all this lies plausible means of a significant minus. Unfortunately, studies of some scientific laboratories have shown that prolonged use of artificial hormones can become a catalyst for the development of cancer. Therefore, HRT should be the last resort. Such treatment can only assign a competent physician, and only if the harm caused the patient's health with pathological symptoms of menopause, higher than the potential risk of developing dangerous consequences.

HRT has a number of other side effects, such as increased risk of hypertension, provoking frequent headaches, often growing into a migraine, causing stagnation of bile, it is cause of mastitis in menopause.

Sometimes, if the psycho-emotional state of a woman is rather complicated, the doctor may be appointed antidepressantsThat increase levels of serotonin - a hormone happiness, but in all other cases - light sedation.

Rules of conduct during the heat attack

Let's talk about how to treat hot flashes, it is impossible not to mention the behavior during the attack. There are a few simple rules:

  1. If the condition allows, it is better to go out, if this is not possible, it should at least open the window to allow fresh air intake;
  2. The attack is better to "meet" is not standing, and sitting or lying down;
  3. at Blackouts and dizziness can omit head down (toward the knee) and sit so some time;
  4. If possible, it is possible to drink a few sips of cold water;
  5. You can wash in cool water, or ask someone to present a number of wet cloth or towel so that you can get wet face;
  6. Better to unbutton his shirt, remove the constraining clothes;
  7. It really helps control breathing. It is necessary to focus on a series of "take a breath" and try to make it as long and quiet;
  8. Unusual but effective method is the lowering of the feet in a basin with hot water. However, this method is only applicable in the home and requires outside help, because during the attack the woman has difficulty in performing any action;
  9. It is very important to calm down, set yourself up for a favorable outcome and do not forget that all of these troubles are temporary.

Having considered the reasons for hot flashes in women, as well as to determine what to do to stop the progression of the process, it must be said that the phenomenon of menopause - is not a disease. Only about 15% of the fair half experiencing increased degree of intensity of hot flashes. Therefore, it is important to create in the mind of a correct picture of the situation, that psychosomatic level will help to reduce the severity of pathological symptoms. How to deal with hot flashes? - the question quite capacious, and respond to it can only highly qualified doctor, because every body is unique and, therefore, approach is required in each individual case.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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