Nausea during menopause: symptoms, causes and treatments


  1. Why sick during menopause?
  2. tides
  3. Problems with the digestive tract
  4. Cardiovascular diseases
  5. hypothyroidism
  6. neoplasms
  7. Diabetes
  8. PMS
  9. psychological factor
  10. Pregnancy
  11. Provocateurs nausea during menopause
  12. What to do during an attack?
  13. How to get rid of nausea during menostaza?

Climax - time for a change and anxiety. This period is followed by a series of fundamental rearrangements in a woman's body, a common mission which is the full completion of the reproductive function. Each representative of the beautiful half brings these changes in its own way: one can hardly feel the negative manifestations of menopause, while others suffer the symptoms of a pathological kaleidoscope menopause.

Nausea during menopause

The manifestation of these symptoms can be very flexible. Tides, psycho-emotional lability, shortness of breath, dizzy spells, Insomnia, nausea during menopause - this is not a full list of displays that may occur in this difficult time, sometimes pretty annoying woman and significantly reducing the quality of her life.
In this article we will talk about why during menopause can cause nausea, and how to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon.

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Why sick during menopause?

First of all, it should be noted that during menopause nausea often is not an independent character, and It is accompanied by symptoms other manifestations of menopausal syndrome, which is undergoing a woman.

If we talk about the fundamental causes of the feeling of nausea during menopause, then, of course, is taking place in the body hormonal processes and associated changes. Reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone triggers a series of pathological processes that affect the work of all organs and systems, causing a range of reactions from their side.


In most cases, nausea during menopause is the first sign of the beginning tide attack. This phenomenon is experienced in the period menostaza almost every woman. Tides occur under the influence of this part of the brain, the hypothalamus. They manifest a sudden feeling hot wave, rising up from the center of the body and covering the area of ​​hands, neck and face. At the same time can be a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, weakness, sweating. Before the start of an attack is often a woman is sick, vomiting may occur in rare cases.

Problems with the digestive tract

Diseases of the digestive tract include nausea in the classical picture of their symptoms. The impact of the reduction of female hormones often causes aggravation of existing diseases and thus provokes lightheadedness.

Cardiovascular diseases

Another cause nausea are often a problem with the heart and blood vessels, in particular, the development of hypotension or hypertension. Problems with pressure are often symptoms of menopause. The reason is that the decline in estrogen levels is detrimental to vascular condition and work of the heart muscle. Nausea is a classic symptom of concomitant diseases, and during menopause, it can manifest itself even more sharply.


thyroid diseases also manifest themselves such external symptom such as nausea. Hormonal drop all his might is reflected in the activities of this sensitive organ. Under the influence of pathological menopause often develop acute or hypothyroidism, which is often accompanied by the sensation. On the other signs of the disease, see the article: Hypothyroidism symptoms in menopausal women.


Malignancies sometimes manifest themselves by nausea. Very often, oncology, which has not yet been diagnosed, takes the first signs of it with a similar symptom. This is due to intoxication, which stimulates the proliferation of cancer cells.


Diabetes often manifests itself this unpleasant symptom. The endocrine system is sensitive to hormonal processes taking place inside the woman's organism during menopause. Therefore, it is at this stage of life often "raises his head" is a serious disease. Nausea in this case is the result of increasing the level of glucose, which in turn, increases the activity of the stomach. If there is also a strong bouts of hunger or thirst is necessary to exclude the possibility of this disease.


It can be accompanied by nausea and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which is often marked by the aggravation of premenopausal. Hormonal imbalance has a negative impact on the course of many biological processes, particularly those associated with the work of the reproductive system.

psychological factor

Emotsionalnoe stress and fatigue experienced by a woman, and can cause nausea. Estrogen deficiency adversely affects the activity of the autonomic nervous system, reducing its adaptive capacity to change and resistance to stress. This is reflected increased nervous excitability, irritability, frequent changes of mood, depression, apathy, insomnia. In this case, a nausea and psychosomatic manifestation is usually not differ bright severity. To determine the level of Gorman possible using estrogen such as stroke.


Can be identified and one more reason to nausea during menopausal changes. It is surprising, but it's the pregnancy. Often premenopausal and menopause when the cycle loses its former regularity, a woman can not just pay attention to the lack of regular menses, relying on the fact that conception is not going to happen. In this case, perhaps it is the birth of a new life was able to cause bouts of nausea. However, during pregnancy, these episodes will occur more often in the morning, accompanied by a change in taste and flavor preferences. And yet, to dispel any doubt, it is better to visit the gynecologist's office as to distinguish the symptoms of pregnancy and menopause yourself can be difficult.

Provocateurs nausea during menopause

Very often nausea during menopause is triggered by external factors. Among them are a few basic:

  • errors in nutrition in menopause: An abundance of greasy, fried, too salty, too spicy and other "heavy" food, as well as too hot or cold dishes;
  • consumption of carbonated, caffeinated beverages, particularly hot or too cold;
  • being in a hot, stuffy, cramped spaces;
  • strong emotional shock;
  • alcohol intake;
  • smoking.

What to do during an attack?

  • The first thing to do - to try to get out into the fresh air. This is especially true when you are in a stuffy and hot room. If this is not possible, you should at least open the window to ensure sufficient supply of oxygen.
  • If there are conditions, then you need to sit down, throwing his head back and put your feet on the platform. It is important to maximize relax and distract the mind from himself and his fortune.
  • If nausea during menopause are repeated regularly, it's best to keep to yourself mints, for example, "Tick-tock", "Rondo" and others.
  • You can make a few sips of cold water, or even better iced tea on the basis of mint or lemon balm. If nausea is constantly preceded by bouts of hot flashes, then it is useful to keep a drink with you constantly.
  • If nausea overtakes at night, then to alleviate the condition must lie on your left side and pull your knees to your chest, then have to take a pose "embryo".
  • It will help improve the condition of a cool shower or even sponging with a damp towel face and neck.

How to get rid of nausea during menostaza?

The first thing that must be said: if the nausea became a constant companion, you just need to seek emergency medical attention. This will help eliminate the possibility of serious pathologies that can provoke this discomfort.

If the physician has determined that it causes lightheadedness menopausal syndrome, the condition can be improved by applying as herbal remedies and medicinal drugs.

Therapy can be carried out in two main directions:

  1. With preparations containing plant estrogens (Klimadinon, Qi-Clim Mensa, Estrovel etc.);
  2. By means of hormone replacement therapy (Premarin, Proginova CLIMAR, Ekstraderm et al.) Read reviews of plaster CLIMAR link.

The first embodiment is more preferable because more gentle action and lack serious side effects.

Also, treatment can be completed on the basis of reception teas peppermint, lemon balm, valerian. These herbs have a mild sedative effect, positively acting on the nervous system, as well as reduce the activity of the stomach.

Performed well Monastic stomach tea. He in addition to soothing herbs contain collection strengthens the immune system and gastrointestinal herbs profiling diseases: cudweed, horsetail, calendula, St. John's wort, wormwood.

Climax - a natural biological process, but its onset is often a woman is going through very hard. To this stage was more gently as possible, should adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician. It is very important to avoid self-medication, so as not to aggravate their condition even more.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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