Menopausal what age: mean age, symptoms


  1. What is menopause?
  2. When the menopause?
  3. Types and causes of menopause
  4. Physiological
  5. Surgical
  6. Radiation
  7. Drug
  8. Symptoms of the beginning of the menopausal period
  9. Early and late menopause - the norm or pathology?
  10. Is it possible to affect the time of onset of menopause?

All human life is divided into certain stages of development, each of which has both its own characteristics and its own problems. Is no exception and the time when the menopause occurs in women. This phenomenon, perhaps like no other, is in the soul of a woman a storm of doubts and experiences, because the changes that it brings along with itself, involuntarily suggests the idea of ​​the end of his life, and all the attendant of implications.

Every woman, whose age is close to 40 years, reflects the approach of menopause. And in her mind a question arises: at what age menopause occurs, and what its consequences will face?


What is menopause?

Menopausal period is nothing else than the gradual termination of the reproductive mission. Under the influence of the biological mechanisms in the body gradually decreases production of female sex hormones. This provokes a decrease in the intensity of the ovaries work. Against the background of the fact that they are no longer to mature follicles, ovulation does not occur, gradually disappear menstrual bleeding. And then we can say that the climax came, and the ability to bear children is completely lost. However, this process is quite long, its progression involves passing several stages, characterized by its distinctive features and time-bound.

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For many women, menopause becomes an ordeal, accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms, but it does not always happen. About 30% of women overcomes the life segment with minimal discomfort. One way or another, but the beginning of menostaza inevitable, so it is desirable to pre-armed with comprehensive information about the possible "pitfalls" of this stage of development.

About the age at which menopause begins, and what features it marked a beginning, let's talk in more detail.

When the menopause?

As mentioned above, menopause does not come overnight. This is a fairly long process, which includes several important steps.

  1. The first step is premenopausal. This period is characterized by the beginning of hormonal changes, during which a woman notes at once. the number of progesterone and estrogen in the blood decreases. Under the influence of hormonal changes gradually appearing first symptoms menostaza: the regularity of the menstrual cycle ceases, and themselves the discharge becomes either too abundant or scarce, more clearly manifests itself PMS emotional state becomes unstable. Can begin premenopausal after about 45 years, but this figure is quite conditional and depends on several factors. Read how to prevent early menopause link. The duration of this phase is also individual. Its performance range from 2 to 6 years. Read what symptoms of menopause in women 40 years.
  2. Menopause - a culmination of menopausal changes when the transformation of the reproductive system is most active. Ovulatory process gradually cease completely, due to the level of achievement of the minimum values ​​of hormones. This stage is characterized by a complete cessation of menstruation and the most pronounced symptoms of a pathological syndrome. Menopause is continuing for another year after the last month were reported. The average age of the onset of this period varies from 50 to 55 years, but may deviate somewhat from these figures in greater or smaller side.
  3. Postmenopause - the last stage of the climacteric period which begins one year after the passed last month, and lasts until the end of a woman's life. Typically, the postmenopause takes place more easily, since the major reforms of the reproductive system is completed. In some cases, symptoms of abnormal menopause persist for several years after the completion of menopause.

Types and causes of menopause

In considering the question, how many years begins menopause, according to average figures, it would be wrong to leave without focus options deviation from the norm, it's not always his arrival due to natural biological reasons. Depending on these very reasons for menopause can be:


Physiological - this is a logical and natural process of the development of the female body, which causes are hormonal changes and restructuring of the reproductive system, aimed at ending the reproductive functions;


surgical menopauseBeginning as a result of the removal of the uterus and ovaries. If you removed one ovary or the uterus only, it comes earlier than usual, which is quite understandable, because the reproductive system now operates defectively. Complete removal of reproductive organs leads to a dramatic menopause;


Radiation, developing as a result of exposure to large doses of radiation in the treatment of cancer;


The drug derived during reception of drugs whose action is directed at the suppression of ovarian function. This method of treatment is indispensable in the fight against endometriosis, infertility, cancer processes of the female reproductive system. Drug menopause reversible after cessation of reproductive function means the data can be restored.

Symptoms of the beginning of the menopausal period

Only a third of the fairer sex during menopause occurs relatively asymptomatic. As a rule, a woman is still experiencing some discomfort that accompanies the arrival of menopause. Under the influence of a permanent reduction in the blood levels of the hormones, the body has to constantly adapt to the new state. At this point, often exacerbated existing disease, and are felt by those who still behaved "quiet."

main signs of the beginning of menopause can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on the kind of the scope affect changes.

Vasovegetative symptoms:

  • the main feature - the tides attacks;
  • excessive sweating, impaired thermoregulation;
  • lack of air;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • heart palpitations;
  • dyspnea.

The symptoms of the cardiovascular system:

  • attacks of pain in the heart, which are difficult to identify from angina or heart attack;
  • instability of the pulse;
  • ventricular premature beats.

With the genitourinary system:

  • menstrual irregularities, the changing nature of secretions;
  • thinning of the mucosa, causing the sensation of dryness and discomfort;
  • reduction of the secretory function of the genitals accompanied by pain during intercourse;
  • decreased libido;
  • more frequent recurrences of thrush (candidiasis), and other inflammatory processes caused by opportunistic pathogens;
  • decreased muscle tone of the urinary system, expressed in urethral syndrome.

Signs of distress on the part of the nervous system:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • outbreak of uncontrolled anger;
  • increased resentment;
  • problems with memory and concentration;
  • PMS aggravation;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy and growing on its background depression.

Changes in skin and soft tissue:

  • the loss of a clear outline of the face;
  • the appearance of deep wrinkles;
  • emergence signs of distress in the breasts (breast);
  • the deterioration of the condition of hair and nails, hair loss in menopause;

Signs from the musculoskeletal system:

  • joint painWhich is often disturbed at night;
  • muscle pain or cramps;
  • aggravation of existing diseases of joints and spine under the influence of degenerative processes.

that determine menopause, Do a simple test on the content of follicle-stimulating hormone in the urine.

Early and late menopause - the norm or pathology?

Sometimes the timing when menopause begins women greatly shifted in the direction of increasing or decreasing.

Diagnosis early menopause put in those cases when the menopause occurs before the age of 45 years. It can provoke many factors: genetic predisposition, hormonal disruptions, endocrine disorders, alcoholism and smoking.

Early menopause - it is always stressful for women, because more often than not so much afraid of the termination of fertility, as the consequences that accompany this process.

If menopause occurs before reaching 40 years of age, it sometimes breaks all the plans for the future life, because in this age of emancipation of women the decision to become a mother is often delayed for later date.

If menstruation is stored up to 55 years, we can safely say that woman waits for a late menopause. He, like a medal has two sides: on one, this phenomenon brings a number of advantages, because all pathological changes will occur later, and thus the quality of life for longer remain at the same level.

But on the other hand, this is true only in cases where the late menopause did not instigated by pathological disorders in the reproductive system. However, often the cause of a late menopause is a hereditary factor.

In any case, the reasons for which menopause may begin untimely, should be given the sort experienced.

Is it possible to affect the time of onset of menopause?

At what age menopause starts at a woman, and how severe the symptoms are, in many respects depends on, how was it reproductive age, so in his youth should be treated carefully to your body, it was not necessary after reaping the fruits of their indifference.

What conditions help to delay the age of onset of menopause? In this play an important role:

  • birth and lactation 2 or more children;
  • no abortions and venereal diseases;
  • the presence of a regular sex life;
  • no abnormalities in the endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular system;
  • balanced diet;
  • no bad habits;
  • presence of a regular physical activity;
  • the ability to avoid stress and the optimum time to adapt to them;
  • regular visits to the doctor for the purpose of timely adjustment of menopausal changes and prevent the occurrence of opportunistic diseases.

It is important to realize that menopause - the natural biological process, it is programmed by nature, so its safe passage - this is no exception, but the norm. Climax - not a disease. Another issue is that by the time when the menopause begins women often already have a lot of sets of operational organs and systems that contribute to the symptoms. Therefore, it is imperative from a young age to regularly visit your doctor, who will help to overcome this critical period with minimal losses.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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