Monthly at the climax: the possible pathology, symptoms and treatment


  1. Reasons for changes in the menstrual cycle
  2. As the month ends with menopause
  3. How are monthly in menopause if there is pathology
  4. No monthly
  5. Polimenoreya or reducing the interval between cycles
  6. plentiful monthly
  7. Long periods and menopause
  8. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  9. modified release
  10. What to do when menstruation during menopause long or short

Starting with 45 - years, most of the fair half enters into premenopausal. At this time, the body undergoes a number of global transformations. They are all united by a common goal - the cessation of reproductive mission. The menstrual cycle is responsive to the beginning of the internal transformation, because it monthly during menopause are the main indicator of this goal.

In this article we look at how to go monthly during menopause, which may be accompanied by violations of this natural process, as well as touch on the main symptoms and treatment of possible pathologies.


Reasons for changes in the menstrual cycle

First, let's look at how linked menopause and menstruation, menstrual cycle and why sharply reacts to internal changes.

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The reproductive system in women during life is a series of cycles. The final one is the menopause. His offensive natural and logical. Why menopause occurs? The fact that nature provides the initiation of a certain number of follicles in the ovaries, it is in these mature eggs capable of fertilization. With increasing age the number of follicles gradually decreases, and consequently the full egg capable of ovulation, ripen more rarely. This leads to the fact that disturbed the natural course of the menstrual cycle and bleeding again and again does not come in due time.

Physiological transformation in reproductive organs are also accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. The most important female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are synthesized by the ovaries in all less every year the amount that affects the internal processes throughout, including in the formation of the menstrual cycle.

Climacteric ovarian dysfunction causes a gradual atrophy of the endometrium. This is to some extent contributes to the fact that it eventually rejection occurs less actively.

The ending of the above changes is that periods during menopause is gradually terminated.

As the month ends with menopause

Menopause in the medical environment can be divided into 3 stages: pre-menopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women. Each of them is characterized by its distinctive features.

The period before menopause called premenopause, is the starting point for all future changes. It starts at about 45 and can take up to 2-6 years, and sometimes up to 10 years. At this time, begins the first significant change associated with the end of fertility in women. Menstruation at this stage can go regularly, but still remain. Sometimes they are delayed significantly, increasing the length of the cycle up to 35-90 days, and sometimes it becomes less than 21 days.

Monthly before menopause and change their character - they can become more intense or, on the contrary, scarce. May vary, and their duration. May experience prolonged periods before menopause, or release completely stops in a day or two. The same may occur monthly with mucus. At the beginning of menopause like "behavior" is quite natural and, as a rule, does not indicate any pathological abnormalities. The body simply can react in a similar way to the new operating conditions.

During the second stage of menopause, coming about 50 years and called menopause, reproductive system undergoes further changes. Monthly during menopause should ideally cease definitively and no longer renewed. When at the end of the last menstrual period a year goes by, menopause deemed to have occurred. This time is characterized by the most intensive changes in the reproductive, endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular system.

The final stage is the climax postmenopause - time, which is characterized by the complete absence of menstruation. If all of a sudden after a very long period, year after menopause, or even two, re-launched monthly, Then it is self-uterine bleeding unrelated to this natural biological phenomenon.

Fine postmenopausal bleeding any should be observed. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help as imaginary monthly after menopause may pose a real threat to the health and signal a serious development diseases.

How are monthly in menopause if there is pathology

Unfortunately, in the body changes during menopause may provoke pathological changes in a number of forming internal processes, in particular, various abnormalities associated with menstrual bleeding. During menopause may experience several kinds of abnormalities, one way or another, related to the menstrual cycle.

No monthly

One of the first symptoms of the onset of menopause - month delay in menopause. This phenomenon is considered to be a natural for the given period. It is due to global internal rearrangement accompanying menopause. Starting from the age of 45, the controller may be delayed for a month, and sometimes more. Transition is considered to be a normal option. But in any case the entry in menopause should take place under medical supervision. Read the article at the link for some reason can still occur delayed menstruation with white discharge with a negative pregnancy test.

Polimenoreya or reducing the interval between cycles

The menstrual cycle is a healthy woman should not be less than 21 days. But premenopausal - time exception. Pollakimenoreya at this stage can be triggered by estrogen deficiency and dysfunctional changes in the reproductive organs. Short cycle dangerous because frequent bleeding, especially if they are intense, may trigger the development of anemia.

plentiful monthly

This is another problem that often accompanies offensive menostaza. They are often concerned about the woman in premenopausalWhen the symptoms of menopause begin to make progress, and in the blood significantly reduces the amount of estrogen. In some cases, blood loss is so great that they threaten the life of a woman. Profuse discharge are always warning signs requiring referral to a specialist as soon as possible.

Find out, how to take a heavy menstrual period Tranexam.

Long periods and menopause

This phenomenon is quite common, however, should not be left unattended. What is the duration of the month, which is considered normal for menopause? - common question women, notes in his presence protracted bleeding. But the answer is not so clear. The fact is that every body is different, so you should look at how things are monthly, that is, in their profusion, the general condition of the woman and the accompanying symptoms. However, if the menses come, and do not stop longer than 7 days, keeping a high intensity, consult a doctor will not be superfluous.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Not related to the menstrual cycle uterine discharge of blood during menopauseSometimes manifested quite strongly. Although even small traces of blood that occur spontaneously or during intercourse is not considered the norm. Such bleeding may begin at any stage of menopause. This phenomenon, if it does not fit into a woman's cycle, may signal serious diseases, including cancer of the reproductive system.

modified release

And should alert release containing clots and mucus. They can testify to the development of endometriosis, the presence of uterine fibroids at menopause, Bleeding disorders, and to a hormonal imbalance, characteristic of menopause.

What to do when menstruation during menopause long or short

We can not say that the presence of any of the above manifestations necessarily a sign of serious diseases. Most often, it just goes to show the progression of menopausal changes and a deviation from the normal scenario of events. However, to eliminate the effect of a more serious factors should always seek help from a specialist.

To identify the causes of the trouble, the doctor will prescribe a complex of medical measures, in particular:

  • immediate examination by a gynecologist;
  • complete blood count and biochemistry;
  • smear and blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • general urine analysis;
  • the concentration of the hormone analysis;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • histological examination of the material;
  • holding hysteroscopy.

On the basis of data obtained by the doctor will be able to put a reasonable diagnosis and develop a treatment strategy justified.

If the cause of abnormal menstrual bleeding and other character lies in hormonal imbalance, then this anomaly is treated with hormone replacement therapy and hemostatic agents. As a result of this treatment fails to normalize hormonal imbalances and eliminate the bleeding.

In more complex cases, if overly plentiful monthly at menopause occur regularly, or when heavy bleeding stops and the status of the woman at the same time noticeably worse, you may need hospitalization, and sometimes surgery intervention. The most common cause of these anomalies are diseases of the reproductive system (endometrial hyperplasia during menopause, Polyp, tumor formation), delays in the treatment of which can be dangerous to a woman's health.

In general, the changes that accompany periods during menopause can be characterized as follows: starting from the time of occurrence of the first menopausal symptoms and ending with the onset of menopause, in the dynamics of monthly bleeding must be a tendency to gradual their cessation. Anything that does not fit in this scenario, is a deviation from the norm, and requires additional medical supervision.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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