Acne in menopause: a rash on the face, neck menopause


  1. Features symptoms
  2. The causes of acne during menopause
  3. Other causes of skin rash
  4. Methods for treating acne during menopause
  5. Key recommendations
  6. Skin Care Products
  7. Preparations for removing acne
  8. Phytohormones skin
  9. HRT anti-acne
  10. Homeopathy for the epidermis
  11. external use funds

Menopause sooner or later overtaken by all women after 45 years. He marks the extinction of reproductive function, which is due to hormonal changes: Female hormones gradually disappear, while the other hormones in the body begins to produce in excess. In this difficult period begins radical restructuring in all systems. This is confirmed by the manifestation of many unpleasant symptoms. Failure of psycho-emotional state, which is characteristic of stress, depression, sudden mood changes, climacteric neurosis. Disrupted menstrual cycle and menopause - menstruation stops altogether. Females overcome painful hot flashes, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, Jumps of arterial pressure, headaches, changes basal temperature during menopause. Decreased libido, vaginal dryness is noticeable and genital organs.

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Acne in menopause

Unpleasant symptoms of plague, not only inside but also outside. During menopause noticeable changes in appearance: the skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles, skin tarnish, often visible vascular spider veins and redness. But the most unpleasant expression of hormonal changes are the pimples that in this time, especially noticeable on the face of women. Why manifest this symptom, and in what ways it can be eliminated, we will investigate these matters.

Features symptoms

Acne in menopause resemble a rash during adolescence, and the cause of their one - hormonal changes. However, there are some differences.

Teenage spots are formed because the sebum released to the surface of the epidermis, which due to hormonal changes produced in excess and because of this, and closes the mouth of the ducts of the hair follicles. Dead particles epidermis peeled off and joined with a thick layer of sebum, whereby the bacteria multiply in a comfortable environment, and because of this rash formed.

During menopause also reduces the production of female hormones - estrogen, it increases the amount of testosterone. The skin at this point becomes drier, thinner and less elastic because the collagen is produced to a lesser amount. Increased testosterone stimulates enhanced the sebaceous glands, which produce a secretion is now greater density. For this reason, ducts and hair follicles become clogged more than usual. Now worse peeled calloused epidermal layer that forms comedones (mikrokistoznye pimples) in combination with a tight secret. Menopausal acne can be more dense and deep. They have a characteristic and location: often they can be observed around the mouth, chin, and they also affect the neck, at least - the T-zone. Quite rarely appear white ulcers, often - rash in menopause are characterized by red dots.

Rash at menopause did not come alone. With it begins to annoy dry skin, vascular spider veins, the formation of facial wrinkles, loss of facial contours and muscle elasticity.

The causes of acne during menopause

Like any other symptom of menopause in women at this stage of acne are the result of hormonal changes. Markedly reduced estrogen production, while increasing the amount of testosterone. The first causes a decrease in collagen - a protein that is a component of connective tissue. It is responsible for the elasticity and toughness of the fabric and covers, including the skin. Overabundance testerona provokes intense work of the sebaceous glands, which begin to produce too secret. Even the sebaceous glands become thinner and narrower, which is why sebum is delayed inside and can not adequately come out.

Other causes of skin rash

  1. Not the least role in this process is a violation of thermoregulation on the background of hormonal rollercoaster, which is why the body reacts abundant sweating on false signals are fed into the brain.
  2. Regenerative processes in the menopause worsen, respectively cell renewal takes place is not as fast as before. Hence - the old cells are not replaced as quickly, and the young remain in the sebaceous ducts that clog them, forming acne.
  3. At the expiring of the reproductive function is suffering psycho-emotional system, so this whole period for women is nervous stress, against which often appear rash.
  4. Acne can occur due to dehydration, poor circulation, that is inherent in this period.
  5. Important reason are diseases associated with aggravation gastrointestinal tract during menopauseAs well as the liver, kidney, or metabolic disorders. In menopause ailments aggravated with particular strength due to the weakening of the whole organism.
  6. Often the cause of the rash becomes unhealthy lifestyle, giving a double burden on an already exhausted body. Inactivity, smoking, alcohol, poor diet are felt not only in discomfort, but also the problems of the outside.
  7. Eruptions can cause a variety of rosacea and mite called Demodex. This unpleasant phenomenon is characterized by excessive epidermal peeling, redness, itching. Localization - T-zone, cheeks. The cause of this is a weakened immune system during menopause.

Methods for treating acne during menopause

In the first place, upon detection of acne during menopause should see a specialist in order to avoid a number of diseases and the establishment of a hormonal background. If there are clear violations of it - most likely, the doctor will resort to hormone replacement therapy, to solve the problem at the root - compensate for the lack of estrogen. If other symptoms are not observed, and the problem is expressed only in a rash, you should use a light artillery.

Key recommendations

  1. It is necessary to adjust the way of life. Should pay particular attention Nutrition during menopause, Stick to a light diet, to include in the diet of more fruits and vegetables as well as dairy products.
  2. Exclude from the diet of spicy, salty, fatty foods.
  3. Coffee, strong tea to replace herbal drinks.
  4. Drink plenty of water to maintain the water balance in the norm.
  5. Consult an expert on the appointment of a suitable vitamin and mineral complex.
  6. Maintain hygiene and do not forget about proper skin care. First of all, make it a rule daily cleansing of the skin using special cosmetics, designed specifically for your age. Use them regularly and comprehensively.
  7. Useful will wipe the skin with natural herbs decoctions (often chamomile and calendula, series, sage). Periodically make water baths: brew in a large saucepan over grass and covered with steam under a towel holding a person at a distance of not less than 30 cm for about 15 minutes. So you will not only help clean up and rejuvenate the skin, but also clean the respiratory tract.
  8. Once a week, make scrubs - they can help get rid of keratinized epidermis. Try to choose scrubs on a natural basis.
  9. Do not give up physical activity are more likely to be outdoors, ventilate the room before going to bed, make sure the temperature in the room where you are, the air there should be in moderation moistened.

Skin Care Products

To avoid the appearance of acne, be guided by several rules when choosing skincare during menopause:

  • Select means which do not contain the dried substance (alcohol, salicylic acid, zinc).
  • As part of skin care products should not contain comedogenic substances - ie, such that clog the pores (silicones, oils). They will only aggravate the rash.
  • AHA and BHA acid in the care remove inflammatory processes and in the prevention will manifestation them again and improve blood flow to the skin.
  • If you're staying at the facility, containing hormones, first check with your doctor.
  • It is not necessary to apply methods designed to eliminate teenage problems. They can not only be in vain, but also make the problem worse.

Preparations for removing acne

Foreign and local pharmacists and physicians have made sure to menopause in women proceeded as comfortable as possible. They have a huge selection of drugs both complex and specific orientation, hormonal and natural products, dietary supplements, homeopathy. Some are intended for oral administration, the other - for external use.

To eliminate the problems of the skin has been successfully used hormone replacement. Its essence lies in the fact that the body is artificial hormone-like substances are found, simulating the action of hormones, usually - estrogen, which causes a deficiency of basic symptoms of climacteric syndrome. Apply the cream to the line Chi-Klim body and face Chi-Klim Botoeffect.

Since gormonozameschenie has some contraindications, including side effects of hormone-dependent tumors, the most popular are phytohormones. Are drugs which contain plant extracts, secretions of insects and animals and other substances, which are phytoestrogens.

Phytohormones skin

To combat acne, along with other symptoms may be assigned such phytohormonal antiklimaktericheskie drugs like Femivel, Inoklym, Feminal. They have virtually no contraindications, but have a very effective result, not only alleviate the symptoms but also the root of their kupiruya.

HRT anti-acne

If contraindications are excluded, menopause symptoms are quite strong, and the problem is not just in some acne - experts refer to hormonal agents. They fundamentally solve the problem, but it is not for everyone. In the struggle with acne can help Divina, Marvelon, klimonorma, Femoston. According to some reviews, such drugs can not only help combat the problem, but on the contrary, cause a nasty rash.

Homeopathy for the epidermis

For lovers of natural therapies, there are homeopathic remedies and supplements that are completely natural base and a bracing combination of vitamins and minerals. Representatives of homeopathic preparations are Klimadinon rashes, Klimaksan, Remens, Qi-Clim Estrovel, Klimakt Heel.

external use funds

As therapy in the fight against acne during menopause is used not only inside, but also outside. This can be lotions, gels, plasters, such as Qi-Clim End. Transdermal patches are known CLIMAR and Estraderm. Basically, the latter contain synthetic hormones.

To summarize, we note that the climax - it is not a disease but a natural process that is not always painless and smooth. 95% of women overcome the unpleasant symptoms, 70% of them - there are spots on the skin, in particular - on the face. But you can cope with this problem, if in time to see a specialist and listen to your body. Let menopause will not be an obstacle for you to carefree life and the skin without acne. Be healthy!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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