How long is the climax, when the state of climax ends


  1. What determines the time of onset and duration of menopause?
  2. How long can the menopause in women?
  3. How to safely overcome the menopausal change?
  4. Sport
  5. Balanced diet
  6. sexual life
  7. psychological comfort
  8. vitamin supplements
  9. Control of the state of health

Climax - a natural biological process, the essence of which is the gradual completion of the reproductive activity. Hormonal changes accompanying this phenomenon entails a number of changes in the work of all organs and systems. These changes significantly affect the health and quality of life of women. Therefore, each of the fair sex feels justified anxiety about how and when she first menopausal changes begin, and how long does menopause itself.

menopause duration

What determines the time of onset and duration of menopause?

Each human body is different, and all processes therein also differ own script. In fact, when it lasts and how much the state of climax, several factors affect:

  1. Heredity - one of the basic parameters that determine the temporal criteria menostaza. If your grandmother and mother observed early or, conversely,
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    late onset of menopauseThen it is likely that you will repeat this scenario. The duration and nature of the symptoms is also able to be inherited. Therefore, to obtain the information indicative of how menopause can occur from you, heart to heart talk with our closest relatives.
  2. Transferred sexual infections, surgery, diseases of the reproductive system, Abortion can also have a negative impact on when and how they will proceed climacteric change. Any hormonal "explosions" leave their characteristic traces.
  3. Harmonious sex life, pregnancy, birth, and ended well the duration of breast feeding, have a positive impact on the functioning of the reproductive system and hormonal background. The conception and birth of children - the very nature of the mission laid the female body, so prosperous its implementation is the key to save certain health into old age.
  4. Thyroid disease, Adrenal gland, diabetes - more provocateurs acceleration reproductive sunset.
  5. Oncological diseases, treatment is accompanied by exposure to radiation and chemotherapy can cause early menopause, inhibiting the ovaries, in addition, these techniques adversely impact affect the nature of its flow.
  6. Removal of the ovaries or uterus leads to the premature arrival of menopause.
  7. Provoke early onset of reproductive decline can strong emotional shock, as well as diseases of the CNS.
  8. Addictions can increase the severity of pathological symptoms and their duration.
  9. Influence and socio-economic conditions, as well as the climate zone in which the woman lives.

How long can the menopause in women?

Very nature has the gradual completion of the reproductive mission. To answer the question of how long does menopause in women, it is necessary to consider the dynamics of the menopausal body's adjustment.

Modern medicine distinguishes three stages of menopause:

  1. Premenopausal women - is the initial stage of menopausal changes. The average age of the first menopausal symptoms occur in 45 years. It was at this time, and characteristic symptoms of menopause, although internal changes that do not manifest themselves apparently, started at the age of 35 - 40 years, gradually begins to decline when production by the ovaries of female genital hormones. But premenopausal starts ticking it from registering the first symptoms. Usually, at this time is not functioning properly in the menstrual cycle, a woman having episodes of hot flashes, frequent headaches, there are signs of psychological and emotional instability. The duration of this period is individual for each case, but on average it varies from 2 to 5 years, in rare cases, puffing on a decade.
  2. Menopause - the main stage of menopause. This is the most significant change. There is an active restructuring of the reproductive system, tends to zero production of sex hormones by the ovaries gradually stop ovulation and disappear completely monthly. Many women have a pronounced climacteric symptoms: emotional lability occurs, intense torment bouts of hot flashes, insomnia, sweating, often reduced sexual interest to the partner, is deteriorating memory and concentration attention. During this period may appear signals trouble of all systems and organs, especially if there are any chronic disease. Only about 10% of women go through this piece of a life relatively asymptomatic. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 50 years and is considered complete when the last menstrual period a year has passed.
  3. Postmenopause - the final stage of menopause. Its duration is limited to a period of life of women. Pathological symptoms gradually smoothed out, although it may remind yourself for another 3 - 5 years. At this time become more pronounced external and internal age-related changes. Reproductive system enters a phase of complete rest, synthesis of ovarian hormones finally stops, a certain amount of estrogen produced by peripheral structures continues. Atrophic phenomenon gradually cover the work of all organs and systems.

If we combine the above mentioned figures, the answer to the question, how much it can last climax, you can as follows: average statistical value of the active duration menopausal changes is about 5-6 years. And then comes the postmenopausal.

How to safely overcome the menopausal change?

Talk about how, when it starts and when it ends menopause, it is useful to discuss and how to most successfully overcome this exciting time.

The concept is simple. To Menopause ended safely, it is important to ensure comfortable conditions for the functioning of the body. Attention should be paid to all areas of your life and make the necessary adjustments.


Try to find a form of physical activity for the soul, even if the first sport ever attended in your life. Excellent option could be courses Yoga at menopause. This ancient practice helps to balance not only the flow of physiological processes, but also to regain your inner harmony. An alternative could be swimming, water aerobics, jogging or regular walking.

Balanced diet

One of the key elements of well-being during menopause. The food that we take - a kind of material from which to build our body. Than it better, the result is significantly higher. At the time of menopause is best to avoid excessive use of salt, refined sugar, animal fats, as well as to refuse meals, prepared by frying. Emphasis is desirable to make use of plant foods, cereals, dairy products, dietary meats and fish. Read about the most mineral products in menopause. Do not forget to drink sufficient amount of pure water - at least 1.5 liters.

sexual life

The presence of high-grade intimate relationship helps to harmonize the activities of the reproductive system to stimulate the production estrogen, avoid stagnation in the genital area, all of which helps to smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

psychological comfort

The nervous system is very sensitive to a decrease in estrogen levels, so for most women is typical psycho-emotional lability varying degrees of intensity. To maintain its working perfectly suited teas based on herbs that have a sedative effect (mint, melissa, valerian, Leonurus). If you feel that the emotional state of control is becoming increasingly difficult, then do not delay a visit to a psychologist, because sometimes during menopause, there are cases menopausal disorders in the form of a deep depression.

vitamin supplements

To help align the general condition of the woman and give the body extra strength to overcome the stress load provided by menopause, you can enriched diet various vitamin and mineral supplements, in particular, those that include in its composition rich plant extracts phytoestrogens.

Control of the state of health

It is important to undergo an annual medical examination, even if there were any warning signs from the absent body. Timely treatment can help alleviate the pathological manifestations during menopause, because menopausal changes affect the work of all organs and systems.

It is not important how long it lasts climax, much more significantly, as its course safely. Be attentive to your body, listen to the signals that it sends. Love and care for themselves and their own body - is the surest way to overcome all the pitfalls menostaza.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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