Chills in menopause: tremor, basal temperature in menopause


  1. Why do I get the feeling the chill?
  2. Features symptom
  3. Help your body cope with chills during menopause
  4. Concern about the health
  5. Oxygen saturation of the body
  6. relaxing treatments
  7. Complete rest and no stress
  8. naturopathy
  9. Positive emotional
  10. Proper nutrition and vitamins
  11. Fever and chills during menopause

Sooner or later in the life of every women menopause occurs. Afraid of this period is not worth it, because you do not get older, your body just become quite an adult, mature and wise. He tells you that it's time to relax and take care of yourself. At this point, the reproductive function of women is gradually fading, and like any process of change in the body, this is accompanied by various internal sensations. This may be a bad state of health, increased fatigue, sudden change in blood pressure, and that often - hot flushes and subsequent chill in menopause.

Chills at menopause
Chills and hot flashes during this period - the main herald the beginning of rearrangements in the woman's body. They can bother you a few minutes, and can give themselves felt for several years. Should not be afraid, it is important to adjust their way of life at this stage of what is happening and take for granted.

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Why do I get the feeling the chill?

Menopause is characterized by many changes, including changes in hormonal levels. The amount of the female hormone, estrogen is reduced, which significantly affects the processes occurring in the brain, including thermoregulation. The brain sees the lack of estrogen, as a signal of lack of heat and begins to actively allocate it. And here come all the unloved flushes - discomfort, which can often be accompanied by an active sweating. To remove heat, a dedicated organism signals for a quick cooling, and chills appears.

Tides are replacing cold flushes of heat, they can be triggered by factors such as the small and big stress, mood swings, physical overexertion. Poor diet, smoking and alcohol consumption as one of the many causes of this symptom, especially during menopause. Worth pondering is that you're an adult and a wise woman in his life is entering a new phase of maturity, and such bad habits do not only harm the body, but also entail a lot of negative and painful sensations.

Features symptom

Every woman has a fever is expressed in different ways, but most often starts abruptly felt a rush of cold, and the outside air temperature does not affect this. This feeling may come immediately after the hot flashes. You can do nothing to keep warm, there is an unpleasant shudder and even a sense of numbness of limbs. This condition is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness and poor mood.

If you find yourself in these symptoms - do not worry, this is one of the main precursors and accompanying menopause. And the chill can be felt a few minutes or every few months, or may become your daily companion for several years.In some cases, this sensation may persist until the end of life. But if you carefully think about yourself and your body, you lead a healthy lifestyle and will observe tips relief of menopausal symptomsListed below - a fever will not be your regular problem.

Help your body cope with chills during menopause

Predict the onset of cold and chills tide is almost impossible, but you can ease their symptoms. To avoid unpleasant symptoms of fever and other adverse manifestations of menopause, reconsider your lifestyle.

Concern about the health

In cold weather should dress warmer, be sure to wear hats. The main rule - no synthetics! It is recommended to wear high quality underwear made from natural materials. This also applies to bed linen - ideally it should be cotton.

Oxygen saturation of the body

In all must be present comfort. Avoid drafts, often visit the open air, regularly ventilate the room in which you are. During this period, the lack of oxygen in dire effect on your condition and can sometimes trigger hot flashes and cold.

relaxing treatments

Often take warm baths with herbs. This will help you not only to keep warm during the chill, but also balance the thermoregulation, reduce sweating, Cleanse the skin and simply indulge yourself in such a difficult time for you. Herbal bath by the tides: take one part of thyme, sweet flag root, oregano, yarrow, pine buds, sage and tarragon three parts. All components of the chop and mix well. Brew 10 tablespoons mixture of three liters of hot water. After ten minutes of boiling, pour the broth into the bath. Take a bath no more than 10 minutes, 2 times a week.

Complete rest and no stress

Avoid strenuous exercise, stress and fatigue. But do not forget about physical activity: every day makes it easy to gymnastics, you can do yoga in menopause. Start or continue not to do hard sport, make it a rule to walk every day in good company. Your main savior and helper will be a douche - it will not only strengthen the blood vessels, but also become a resuscitation and prevention of chill.


It is not necessary to resort primarily to the drugs. During the chill to the aid of herbal tea. For example, you can use chamomile fees, calendula, yarrow, rosemary, wild rose and other useful plants. Here's one recipe broth fleeing the tides: chop and mix rose hips, hops cones, Melissa (in equal parts) and grass cuff (3 parts). Then 16 grams of grass collection fill half a liter of boiling water in a glass container. Warm the mixture on a water bath for fifteen minutes. After that, allow to stand for one hour and drink a decoction of one table. Just do not drink the broth in a very hot and often 2 times a day is the best option.

Positive emotional

Do not be afraid and do not oppress yourself about menopause. All that is happening to you now - it is natural and nature intended. No need to worry, and immediately run to the doctor. If you find yourself in the above symptoms of chills, just calm down, relax, distract on your favorite activity, a positive film or a fascinating literature. If you do not help no action, you have a fever with a high fever, a symptom pesters you too often, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps light drugs in menopause will not be superfluous.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

Some food components can be direct instigators of this symptom. For example, acute and fatty foods, seasonings, sweet carbonated drinks, caffeine and alcohol. Do not drink a lot of coffee, as this not only helps you to keep warm, but on the contrary, may provoke an attack of fever and subsequent chill. During menopause you should abandon all of these products and to please yourself and your body with the fruits and vegetables in large quantities in dairy products rich in calcium and protein. Stick to a special diet during menopause. Eat more natural food - less convenience foods.

On doctor's advice, you can include in the diet of vitamin complexes, for example, Ladies Formula Menopause Day and NightBecause in menopause acute shortage of nutrients in the body. Perhaps their lack of discomfort sharpens all of this period.

Fever and chills during menopause

Naturally, the temperature at menopause in women is staggering. When the tides, you may notice a rapid jump in temperature, and can feel the internal temperature without chills. These phenomena are due to impaired circulation and thermoregulation during climax.

Worth to know what medications for menopause hot flashes, Is replaced by chills at the moment the most effective.

You may notice that the change basal temperature during menopause - a measure of temperature changes in the tissues of the genital organs. Since there is a change in ovarian work processes, hormonal changes, and the basal temperature during menopause can vary as catamenial. So you can keep your schedule changes in temperature to approximately predict the process of ebb and chills.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in compliance with all the rules, if you can not avoid, or at least facilitate the portability of chills during climax. To survive the menopause and changes in your body - it takes time. Therefore put your trust in nature and do not worry unnecessarily. Just relax, take for granted what is happening and thank fate for the fact that you - Woman!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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