Hot flushes during menopause: how much last, how to fight during menopause


  1. Tides: the nature and symptoms
  2. How comes a day flushes?
  3. How long are the symptom?
  4. Is it possible to climax without tides?
  5. The mechanism of action and provocateurs symptom
  6. Methods of treatment of hot flushes
  7. Fighting without drugs - adjust lifestyle
  8. Medicinal herbs
  9. medication

Climax - not a disease, but a responsible and sometimes quite problematic stage in life. As a rule, women have hot flushes are connected with the completion of the reproductive function. In fact, this unpleasant symptom most often manifests itself during menopause. Although sometimes it can be diagnosed and out of communication with the biological process.

Perhaps there is nothing that does not overshadow the existence of women of elegant age, as signs of the tides. Under their influence is greatly reduced quality of life, sometimes all forces go to prevent the next attack. Nothing else has neither the time nor the energy. In addition, the intense and frequent blood flow could adversely affect existing diseases of the cardiovascular system, affecting their dynamics, and cause new ones. Therefore, you must undergo timely treatment that reduces the severity of this disease in order to prevent dangerous consequences.

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Let's look at what is hot flashes in women? What are the main symptoms are accompanied by their appearance? How long can they go on? And how to improve the status of women, which hurts this debilitating illness?

Tides: the nature and symptoms

What are hot flushes during menopause? This phenomenon is reminiscent in essence surf. The attack begins suddenly, the woman feels attracted waves of heat that moves from the center of the body to the upper body: chest, shoulders, neck and face.

Thus there is a dilation of the capillaries, and leather, as it passes tidal wave, blushes. Seizures can be maintainability heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, blackouts, and even fainting.

A further mechanism of action resembles an ocean tide: wave makes the opposite movement, causing a feeling of chill, icy sweat allocation. Often the process is accompanied by prostration and trembling of the limbs.

Menopausal hot flashes can occur at any time of the day, but quite often their intensity is enhanced in the evening and night hours, which affects the quality of sleep and do not allow a woman to regain strength for night. Read one of the articles on our website on how to cope hot flashes in women at night.

How comes a day flushes?

tributaries of the intensity can be varied. Female body - a complex system, in fact, every person is different, so we can not give any specific figures. However, there is a differentiation frequency and intensity of this phenomenon: the lung during menopause number of hot flushes is less than 10 times per day, with an average -20, and all that more than 20, typical of heavy menopause. Severe bouts of torture between 10 and 15% of women whose age varies between 40-50 years. In this case different and the duration of one attack. It can range from 30 seconds to 7-10 minutes. all as purely individual in this matter.

How long are the symptom?

It is difficult to say definitely how old these attacks are continuing. Duration of hot flushes in menopause can be different. In some women, they occur in premenopausal, when only start the corresponding changes in the body. For others, these unpleasant symptoms will manifest itself during the menopause, when the reproductive system undergoes maximum change and the menstrual cycle is completed, the third tides last throughout the period of menopause changes. Someone they last only a year, someone has more than 5 years. Any of these scenarios is normal, but the dynamics of this process can not remain without control, especially if the woman's health suffers greatly.

Is it possible to climax without tides?

Experts say that the inflow during menostaza happen always, but in some cases, their intensity and the frequency of minor. So they can last about 30 seconds and repeat a few times a day. Therefore, sometimes a woman just does not focus on this symptom. The remaining symptoms of menopause (from irregular periods to emotional lability) remain valid without menopausal hot flushes.

The mechanism of action and provocateurs symptom

Why are hot flushes during menopause? Why some women did not know this phenomenon, but it is much different poisons your life? Let's deal!

The reason for hot flashes during menopause - hormonal changes in the body, which is aimed at full completion of the mission of the reproductive female.

A significant reduction in the amount of estrogen in the blood has a significant impact on the work of all organs and systems. A particularly strong effect on the hormonal imbalance hypothalamic function, which is responsible for a number of important the processes of vital activity: sleep, hunger and satiety, the production of sex hormones and, in particular, thermoregulation.

The mechanism of action is as follows: the hypothalamus, inexplicably begins normal body temperature taken at increased. It appears appropriate symptoms: increased heart rate, palpitations, shortness of breath, an extension peripheral vascular disease, and redness of the skin, which in fact consists in the picture with the tides menostaze.

Although the cause of hot flashes during menopause alone, there are several factors that trigger attacks, increasing their frequency and intensity:

  • hot and stuffy atmosphere around the (crowded places, saunas and baths, the summer heat, and the like);
  • state of emotional instability and stress test;
  • hot and greasy food;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • sugar and caffeine abuse products;
  • physical exertion;
  • synthetic underwear and clothes, unpleasant to the body tissue.

It should be noted that the causes of hot flashes in women except for menopause also exist. Sometimes it's signals from the body that may indicate that health is not all right. The cause of such attacks could be:

  • diabetes;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • gipotirioz thyroid menopause;
  • cancer of the digestive tract;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • a harbinger of the next month - PMS
  • provoke seizures that are not explained by menopausal syndrome, capable of taking certain medications. For example, with the aid of which the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms, as well as reception of nicotinic acid, cephalosporin antibiotics, and some others.

Methods of treatment of hot flushes

Above we have looked at what is hot flashes during menopause and what their symptoms. Based on the information received, involuntarily the question arises: how to deal with hot flashes?

Treatment should start with the principal - with a visit to the doctor. Only it can be used to determine when the tides still fit into the picture of the biological menopausal changes, and when it becomes obvious symptom distress and pose a threat to women's health. Specialist, first of all, determine what you need to pass the examination, on the basis of which he will be able to solve in the future, what steps should be taken to alleviate the condition.

Fighting without drugs - adjust lifestyle

Parallel interaction with the doctor should take a series of steps that allow to neutralize the symptoms of hot flashes during menopause.

  1. It should adhere to the principles of healthy eating. Better to give preference to products with low content of animal fats, sugar and salt. The diet should include a sufficient amount of plant write, cereals, dairy products. Fatty meat should be replaced by dietary (rabbit, turkey, chicken), a couple of times a week is not superfluous to cook the fish. Any food and drinks is better to use warm, not hot. Learn more about nutrition of women in menopause.
  2. It means a lot and drinking a balanced mode. For normal functioning of the body it is desirable to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water. During bouts of fever is often increased sweating, and this process requires the receipt of additional moisture.
  3. It is important to keep the motor activity. The only condition to be met - is the lack of surge. Moderate load helps to normalize metabolism, strengthen the heart and blood vessels and thus reduce the severity of attacks.
  4. It is important to choose the clothes and underwear made of natural fabrics, to give preference to the free tailoring. Close, oppressive and unpleasant to the touch clothes causes physical discomfort and, as a consequence, the tides. In addition, it is important to dress according to the weather conditions and temperature in the premises to be visited. Overheating - a powerful provocateur disease.
  5. It is better to avoid a stuffy room, crowded places, especially those which in addition to high temperature is noted and high humidity.
  6. Correct to avoid direct heat sources such as heaters, fireplaces and even a hair dryer.
  7. It is important to reduce the use of alcohol and stop smoking.
  8. Many means respect for the work and rest. Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep affect the general condition and indirectly stimulate the episodes of illness.
  9. On the frequency of pathology may affect stressful experiences. Therefore it is necessary to protect the psyche from traumatic influences and experiences.

Medicinal herbs

From tides can help broths and herbal teas based on medicinal herbs, which give much effect, confirmed by several generations of women.
Proven themselves the following plants:

  • sage;
  • upland uterus;
  • red brush;
  • red clover;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • dill;
  • horsetail;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • peony et al.

These herbs are highly complementary basic treatment, and in cases of mild to moderate severity can completely replace medical therapy. Phytoremedy well reveal themselves both in mono reception, and as part of multicomponent fees from tides.


In severe cases, the tide only able to deliver medication. Determine what to make of medication can only qualified specialist who is knowledgeable about the general process of the passage of the climacteric syndrome in this patient.

Most preferred would be the administration of drugs based on natural estrogens. This group means more gentle on hormones, it has fewer contraindications and is characterized by a reduced number of undesirable side effects. Examples of such drugs may be:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Mensa;
  • Menopace;
  • Estrovel;
  • Chi-Klim;
  • Remens.

All of them are time-tested and have earned positive reviews from women who took them.

Hormone replacement therapy - the heavy artillery, which is used when symptoms of disease manifest themselves with all his might, and the quality of life of women suffering greatly. These drugs can be prescribed only by the attending physician, who participated in the management of the patient from the very beginning. Guided by the advice of a friend and the reviews on the Internet is extremely unwise.

As a source of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) can be applied:

  • tablet form (Premarin, Proginova, Sinestrol);
  • skin patches (CLIMAR, Ekstraderm, Dermestril);
  • hormonal creams and gels for topical use (Estrozhel, Divigel).

However, it should be borne in mind that the use in the treatment of hot flashes artificial hormone has a downside. Often, they are accused of provoking a tumor in the including cancer. This means that to the HRT should be treated with caution and provide control over its implementation specialist.

Climax - the inevitable stage in the development of the female body. And it is important to take the offensive with wisdom. Everything flows, everything changes... The human body is going through many life cycles, and each one has its joys and sorrows. Not in our power to turn back time, but in our hands the ability to change their attitude towards the events. At menopause it is important to lead a full, eventful, communication and favorite hobbies life, as well as caring and attentive to your body, and then the difficulty in any area will be overcome much easier.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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