Symptoms of menopause in women 40 years of age: early menopause in women 37-43


  1. Menopause at the age of 40 years: the norm or pathology?
  2. The reasons for the onset of menopausal changes at an early age
  3. Symptomatology of menopause at this age
  4. Diagnosis and treatment of menopause
  5. What to do?

Menopause is clearly associated in our minds with the sometimes withering of age. And very few people can come to mind that blooming and full of energy woman who had just stepped 40-year milestone of his life, could face menopausal changes. Is it possible menopause at age 40? What triggers it so early arrival of menopause? How to behave in such a situation? Let's talk about this in more detail.

menopause Symptom

Menopause at the age of 40 years: the norm or pathology?

Can we consider normal appearance of menopausal symptoms in the 40 - year old women? To answer this question, we must remember that the meaning of menopause is aimed at the completion of the reproductive function of the body. He does not come overnight, the path from the first signs of menopause to its full establishment takes sometimes up to 10 years. These transformations are considered timely, if not begin before 45 years of age. In the normal course of 45 years, heard only the first bells menopause: a woman is still young, and her reproductive system is focused on the nature of a long-term operation. If the pathological symptoms manifests itself as premature, in the medical world to talk about the diagnosis of early menostaza.

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Relatively normal can be considered the beginning of menopause at this age only if it is caused by a hereditary factor. Indeed, sometimes the female line can be traced early onset of menopausal changes. There are cases in the menopause 37, in 38 years it occurs in women according to a similar scenario in the closest relatives.

Find out what frautest on menopause.

The reasons for the onset of menopausal changes at an early age

The reason lies in natural menopause start biological mechanism of action is directed to complete fertility organism. But menopause at an early age can often be triggered by a number of reasons:

  1. Heredity. As mentioned above, the family scenario could play a crucial role in triggering the natural mechanism of the completion of the reproductive function. In this case it is inappropriate to talk about the fact that menopause is triggered by pathological causes. He comes to the natural mechanism inherent nature, only the biological clock this phenomenon triggered pre-defined framework for it. By itself, premature menopause can negatively affect the health and appearance of the woman, so It is wise to discuss with your doctor the need for adjustments in hormone levels with the help of medication drugs.
  2. Violations by the endocrine system. Disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland influence the production of hormones and the implementation of internal processes that are sensitive to hormonal fluctuations. The work of all organs combined the concept of the endocrine system, interconnected with each other, so any deviation lightning effect on health. In particular, it can trigger a premature and menostaz.
  3. Surgical procedures performed on the reproductive system organs. For example, removal of the ovaries and uterus cause dramatic menopause regardless of age. In this case we speak of surgical menopause. Initial symptoms are recorded in the first days after the operation. In this case, the age question is not relevant, a similar problem can affect even very young girl.
  4. Any trouble on the part of the reproductive system, in particular, deferred abortion, obstructed labor, the lack of breastfeeding, gynecological diseases can trigger menopause at a young age (39 - 40 years).
  5. Chemotherapy and radiation exposure. These methods of dealing with the most dangerous disease and a depressing effect on the reproductive organs work. In addition, many types of cancer are hormone-dependent, so in order to eliminate the impact of provoking a malignant process, physicians have to call Artificial menopause drugsBy inhibiting the functioning of the ovaries. Tactics of treatment of endometriosis are also often involves the temporary cessation of artificial hormones synthesis. This climax is reversible.
  6. Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, hemorrhagic vasculitis, diabetes mellitus I type of Addison's disease) are often indirect instigators, with whose premature begins menopause.
  7. Diseases of the central nervous system can also cause symptoms of menopause symptoms in women 40 years of age.
  8. Additional instigators of early menopause may include: smoking, alcoholism, excessive passion diets and developing on this background exhaustion.

Symptomatology of menopause at this age

You can select the primary and secondary symptoms of menopause in women at 40 - the age.

  1. The main indicator of the full functioning of the reproductive system is the regularity of the menstrual cycle. If a woman has always been characterized by a well-established schedule of monthly bleeding, and aged, conventionally, 39 years suddenly interval therebetween suddenly began to increase, or, on the contrary, decrease, it is necessary to think about whether it may be a sign menopause.
  2. Another characteristic sign premenopausal can become recurrent bouts of hot flashes. This phenomenon is similar in nature to the sea. During an attack of hot wave rushes up from the center of the body, covering the neck, hands and face. This may feel dizzy, Weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, sudden changes in blood pressure. After reaching a peak, the wave does reverse that accompanied by chills, tremor, Cold sweat. Hot flashes may be repeated with different intensities: sometimes it only rare episodes, and sometimes malaise manifests itself more than 20 times a day, denying women the opportunity to live a full life.
  3. The first signs of menopause often supplemented by emotional instability. The activities of the autonomic nervous system is regulated by hormonal processes. The sharp drop in estrogen levels causes a rift in the mechanism of management of psycho-emotional reactions. Reduced adaptive capacity to stressful situations. At this time, even the most quiet of the fair sex can behave unpredictably. often premenopausal notes suddenly appeared irritability, resentment, hysteria, sleep at night, mood swings, indifference to all event or, conversely, excessively manifested joy. In some cases, on the background of hormonal changes can begin attacks deepest depression, escape from which is obtained only after psychotherapy.

You will also be useful article describing symptoms of menopause in women 45 years.

There are a number of additional signs of menopause in women at age 40, can manifest itself at this time. However, in some cases, they are signals of the body, indicating the development of diseases not related to menopause. It can be:

  • uterine bleeding (unrelated to the menstrual cycle);
  • decrease or increase libido;
  • discomfort in the intimal area, which leads to unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • Symptoms of trouble with the heart and blood vessels: shortness of breath, tachycardia, angina, seizures, hypertension or hypotension;
  • excessive sweating;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • thinning hair, alopecia;
  • set, or, conversely, weight loss is not associated with changes in lifestyle.

Find out, what to do with weight gain during menopause.

Diagnosis and treatment of menopause

The main thing that has to do a woman, indifferent to their own health, after finding at initial signs of early menopause - immediately contact a gynecologist. Timely diagnosis will take appropriate action and prevent the development of unwanted changes that inevitably accompany the arrival of early menopause.

In order to establish the fact of the beginning of menopause, in addition to basic tests (blood and urine), the doctor will prescribe the surrender blood test for hormonal status, Pelvic ultrasound. In order to avoid the pathological changes in the internal organs of the patient can be directed to advice to those skilled profile: endocrinologist, cardiologist, mammologa.

On the basis of the information received and collected history doctor will be able to develop the optimum tactics of the patient. It should be noted that the incidence of premature menostaza require more careful monitoring and active adjuvant therapy. For the "off" of the ovaries at such a young age is fraught with early signs of decay (internal and external). Real cases where the climax to 43 - 45 years old is already fully came. It is in such situations, a medical expert appointed by hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It is particularly relevant if the symptoms manifest rapidly and menopause occurs rapidly.

When the speaker less bright, excellent for this therapy pathological menopause is the use of drugs based on phytoestrogens. This may be known in the medical environment means: Qi-Clim Estrovel, Remens, Menopace, Klimadinon et al.

What to do?

Not in human power to avoid all the negative circumstances that may trigger premature menopause, but help the body with minimal losses to overcome this difficult period is not only possible, but necessary.

Can a woman alone to resist changes that accompany menopause, came in '42 and earlier? Of course yes.

It is important to pay attention to the settled way of life and correct it, if there is such a need. What to do?

  • Monitor the state of his health. If too early menostaz proved, for it is necessary to strictly control: regular visits to the doctor, take their assigned inspection, execute instructions.
  • Eat right, giving preference to healthy eating. It is better to reduce consumption of animal fats, salt and refined sugar, to give up fast food. After 40 years, the metabolism slows down, which contributes to weight gain. A Menopause exacerbates this problem.
  • Keep drinking regime. 1.5 liters of water - the necessary rate.
  • Relax. It is important to adjust the ratio of time devoted to work and leisure. Lack of sleep and fatigue can adversely affect the course of menopause.
  • Regularly have sex. Nothing is more stabilize hormonal and emotional state of women as sex life, a pleasure.
  • Systematically exercise that match personal preferences.
  • Avoid stress, as well as time to stabilize its psycho-emotional state, taking drugs or plant-based medications prescribed by the doctor.
  • Do not focus on the negative aspects. Inevitable be taken for granted. Menopause at age 42 - is not the end of the world. The development of modern pharmacology allows you to provide a fitting welcome to pathological changes. Need to communicate, spend time close to people, to improve their skills, to travel, that is to live a full life. Optimism is sometimes able to act more effectively than many drugs. After 40 years it is just the beginning!
  • Oct 18, 2019
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