Dizziness causes in women during menopause: weakness, noise in my head


  1. Do I need to treat the symptom of dizziness during menopause
  2. The main causes of this symptom
  3. Disease causing dizziness
  4. Features manifestations of malaise
  5. vertigo
  6. incoordination
  7. presyncope
  8. Treatment of vertigo during menopause
  9. Adjustment of lifestyle
  10. medical techniques
  11. ethnoscience

For women, the onset of this stage of the menopause causes a disturbing association. Around the age of fifty years (although this figure for each individual), many are beginning to be observed in a variety of menopause symptoms. Appear flushes, sweating or pressure skips, there are headaches, Nervousness. Often occur and dizziness during climax. Almost all the symptoms is due to hormonal changes in the body and its effects, because Menopause is the loss of the woman is not only the possibility of procreation, but also a violation of the exchange process substances.

Dizziness menopause

Do I need to treat the symptom of dizziness during menopause

Migrating systems of the body accompanied by malaise, the woman begins to feel weak during climax. These new sensations in women are not very pleasant, especially if it is headed. This symptom is easily recognizable at any age, and at menopause causes serious anxiety, as can be caused not only by due to an imbalance of hormones, but are the consequence of other menopausal changes, subsequently expresses serious diseases.

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dizziness symptom is very common, but is manifested in different ways. Many do not see the connection with menopause dizziness, explain this coincidence. Importance is attached only when the dizziness appears increasingly becomes stronger.

This feeling can be sudden and be surprised. Imagine that you are driving behind the wheel or cross the road, standing in the store, walk in the park, working in industry or in hazardous locations. There is a risk of critical effects of dizziness and injury, especially with the possible loss of consciousness, so it is important to resort to treat this symptom. Identifying the causes of ill health - an important condition for the adequate treatment and prevent serious consequences.

The main causes of this symptom

Identify several causes of vertigo during menopause.

The lack of sex hormones. The nervous system can not function properly without hormones. If a hormonal imbalance, reduced production of hormones progesterone and estrogen. There are related disease, leading to dizziness, the emergence of vegetative dystonia.

  • Lack of oxygen supply cells also promotes frequent dizziness. Whirling head triggered autonomic disorders, and a manifestation of uncontrolled pressure drop and high tides. They occur when a sudden increase in the number of circulating blood, giving extra strain on the heart. It creates a sense of rotation of objects are around, causing loss of coordination. Sometimes accompanied by a feeling described as "noise in my head"
  • Tides. The incidence of hot flashes especially individual, but still an average, this figure is in the range of 50 times a day. Such a state is not only reduces the level of sentiment, it contributes to an overload of the brain vessels. Lightweight short-whirling head, the eclipse of consciousness is characterized by tides and is a consequence of the additional load on the circulation. Hot flushes for each woman individually, but still determined average frequency. He is in the range to 50 times a day.
  • Increased blood pressure. Hormonal changes reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, leading to disruption of endocrine and adrenal glands that causes it to increase. The consequences of this state of the vessels can lead to ischemia, as they clog of plaque. Increased blood viscosity and difficulty of hemoglobin proceeds to the brain can cause a result of the whirling head and not the ability to maintain balance.
  • Nervousness. Another reason may be nervousness. Because of the unstable emotional background of the nervous system is experiencing a serious load. Many noticed that in this period, become overly emotional and extremely irritable. There are sudden changes in mood, there is a predisposition to stress. Exposures are not only the nervous system, but also the blood vessels, which leads to a negative impact on coordination, strengthening of vertigo.
  • Headache. head vasospasm can cause similar to migraine headaches, and lead to sleep disturbances, which deprives the body a good rest. Remember that only a highly qualified specialist is able to determine the causes of this condition.

Over time, enhanced whirling head is added nausea and other discomfort that raises questions about whether all right with health. At the same time, many do not see the connection of your health with the onset of menopause. Various reasons are directly and indirectly related to menopause it is able to cause such a condition.

Disease causing dizziness

Not just the usual hormonal changes can cause dizziness, may be good reasons associated with it.Often menopause contributes to the development of diseases existing on the vestibular apparatus:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis. A pinched nerve interferes with the blood supply to the brain. Disorientation and severe pain caused by the sharp turn of the head;
  2. Brain tumor. And benign tumor increases in size. It is also able to press on tissues and vessels. Neoplasms cause dizziness which only become stronger when changing the body posture, physical exertion. Disease manifested by the presence of pain, appearance of deafness and blurred vision;
  3. Diseases of the optic muscle. Easy and quick ending circling, there is a feeling of flashing before the eyes of the pictures.
  4. Stroke. Violation of the integrity of the blood vessels causes an abrupt dizziness, double vision appears, there is a weakness in the whole body. A marked loss of coordination of movements and the lack of coherent speech;
  5. Meniere's disease. The resulting fluid in the inner ear cavity presses on it. Most often it is a consequence of injury or infection. Diagnosis is possible by vomiting, sweating, tinnitus, loss of balance and inability to sit up;
  6. Peripheral kohvestibulyarnoe disorder. The appearance of the disease occurs before menopause and climacterium occurs during exacerbation, and which causes the disease appear, due to poor supply of oxygen;
  7. Vestibular neuritis. In other words nerve stimulation. The sharp appearance and disappearance of whirling. The head starts to be turned by turning the head to one side and lifting up;
  8. Multiple sclerosis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the brain and nerve sheath. It is important to start treatment early in the disease;
  9. Perilymphatic fistula. Characterized by excess holes in the tympanic cavity, a liquid permeable region in the middle ear. It appears as a result of chronic otitis media or trauma. Additional symptoms may be the presence of noise in the head with the clicking of in the region of the ear, hearing loss.

Features manifestations of malaise

Experts identify three types of vertigo, with individual selection of treatment for each:


The most common type, characterized by disorders of the optic nerve, with the appearance of white noise in the eyes. The woman observes the rotation of surrounding objects or sense of self-rotation with respect to the room. The appearance of the optic mirage increase or decrease of objects in space. There is a weakness, accompanied by nausea, Fear of bright lights and loud noises, vomiting;


Have to make an effort, trying to remain stationary, and there is difficulty in coordinating their own body.


The same symptoms and sensations that and vertigo, but with a sharp their manifestation, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, tahikordiey, blackout and tinnitus. Treatment in this case can be directed to the removal of symptoms.

Identifying the causes of vertigo should take place only under the supervision of a specialist. With that, even if dizziness occurs under the influence of hormone levels change, we must remember that consultation with a specialist is required.

Treatment of vertigo during menopause

Can the dizziness to pass itself? The answer to this question is negative. In the presence of this symptom treatment to physicians is necessary.

Diagnosis of any disease should begin with tests. checked during menopause in women blood on hormones and hemoglobin, studied biochemistry and sugar content. In the absence of pathology can begin treatment of folk remedies and simple medications that improve blood flow.

Adjustment of lifestyle

Physiotherapy, yoga, certain physical exercises help to relieve symptoms of dizziness, to maintain the body in good shape. Occupation special exercises, give strength to the restoration of equilibrium, improve coordination and leads to a stretching of the muscles, improve mobility of the spine.

To stabilize the state leads a lifestyle change. Proper diet - one of the most important moments. Reducing the use of strong tea, coffee and sweet in this period it is recommended by doctors and nutritionists. They also insist on an increase in the use of water for at least 2.5-3 liters. Useful food, consisting of consumption of fresh vegetables, fish and fruit will be a good prevention for the body during this period. Increased consumption of foods rich in minerals and vitamins B and E will help to quickly cope with the hormonal surges. Find out which is best take vitamins during menopause.

medical techniques

Sometimes it is necessary and surgery. So some women revealed atactic vertigo syndrome. Treatment consists in carrying out a surgical operation in the ear labyrinth or optic nerve.

Lack of estrogen can be replenished by hormonal medications. Modern means of successfully coping with menopausal symptoms. Such drugs are designed by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies are named: Remens, Klimadinon, Femoston10 / 2, Klimonorma, Proginova.

It is gaining considerable popularity and Homeopathy menopause, With the content of plant hormone, resembling the female in its structure. Klimaktoplan leading representative of the group means. It promotes sound sleep, leading to the normal state vegetative vascular system during menopause, Eliminating the discontinuities in the mood.


Also, there are traditional methods, such as lavender oil. If they impregnate a handkerchief, then inhaling from time to time, the smell will help to cope with vertigo. This is a way to test the centuries, oil is very pleasant smell.

To improve blood circulation, help, mixed in equal portions, salt, pepper, vinegar and mustard. Taken with water. Do not forget about the magical means of a mixture of 1 hour. l. honey and 2 hours. L. apple vinegar in one glass of water.

However, we do not recommend self-medicate, it would be correct to consult a specialist for the timely assistance.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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