Do I need to be protected during menopause: Contraceptive methods


  1. Whether pregnancy is possible during menopause?
  2. Why protect themselves during menopause?
  3. Methods of contraception during menopause
  4. hormonal contraceptives
  5. Barrier methods
  6. The chemical method
  7. intrauterine
  8. surgical method

If you conduct a survey among a certain group of people, which was composed of representatives of different sex and age, the question of what is the "climax", most will tell you that is the cessation of menstruation and further inability of birth children. And to some extent this view is justified, it really is the final stage of menopausal changes is the total attenuation of reproductive activity. But this transformation is not a one-day character, because sometimes menopausal period lasts up to 10 years. While menopause is still a distant prospect, the woman little thought about future changes. But as it approaches a lot of questions, especially this one: how to protect themselves during menopause?

Do I need to be protected during menopause?

Whether pregnancy is possible during menopause?

At menopause in women is starting to happen, complex changes, the main action, which is aimed at phasing out the reproductive activity of the female body.

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To decide for themselves the question of whether to protect themselves during menopause or not, you must consider the changes taking place in more detail.

Changes begin to reduce production by the ovaries of female sex hormone progesterone, which ceases to compensate for the production of another hormone - estradiol. Parallel to this, the pituitary gland is trying to compensate for the deficiency of progesterone and stimulates the ovaries work release into the blood luteotrophic hormone. Begin hormonal "swing", which are expressed episodes of trouble from different organs and systems.

And the process of menopause, meanwhile, is not standing still. With the decrease in the production of hormones is gradually reduced and the number of follicles in the ovaries of the cavity, therefore, regular ovulatory process is disrupted, beginning interruptions in the menstrual cycle. Gradually monthly disappear altogether. After one year from the date of the last menstrual period, you can talk about pre-onset menopause.

Given the changes in a woman's body, it can be assumed that eliminates Pregnancy during menopause it is impossible. While in the body, though not on a regular basis, there is a process of maturation of oocytes, talk about the impossibility of conceiving a bit premature.

Only after the postmenopausal can with some confidence say that unplanned conception no longer a threat. Independently determine at the onset of this condition is difficult to secure. Therefore, the most reasonable solution is to ask your doctor and pass the relevant examinations, in particular, content analysis of FSH. Only received medical evidence that the conception and procreation is no longer possible, you can completely eliminate the use of contraceptives.

Why protect themselves during menopause?

The human body is programmed to the very nature of certain life cycles, each of which has its functional components.

Menopause - the time of completion of reproductive processes, as in the sexual sphere comes the resting phase. Therefore, pregnancy in this segment of life is undesirable. All organs and systems are under additional load under the influence of menopausal symptoms, physiological adjustment phenomena occur in the genitals. Conception in this age period creates an additional stress on the body, and its consequences can be quite dangerous.

Pregnancy and childbirth are transferred during menopause is much harder, because the body has almost exhausted its reproductive functions. In addition, women in this age there are already some failures in the organs, which may negatively affect the process of carrying a child. Increases with age and the risk of having a child with developmental problems, such as Down syndrome.

No less dangerous consequences may result in abortions and transferred between menostaza. Needless to say that it is a double blow to the body hormonal woman. offensive pregnancy during menostazaAnd then interrupt it - is the strongest differences that can be a catalyst for the most dangerous diseases, including cancer.

To avoid negative consequences, must be timely to reflect on the issues of contraception during menopause. After all, any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with the elimination of its consequences.

Methods of contraception during menopause

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of options of contraceptive agents suitable for use in the period menostaza.

Determine how to protect themselves during menopause, it can only be experienced doctor, who owns sufficient information on the health status of the patient and the specifics of her menopausal changes.

Let us consider in more detail, by what means possible protection in this period of time.

hormonal contraceptives

This group of agents includes not only the reception means in the form of tablets, and pills, but the use of various adhesives and hormone injections.

Use of such drugs significant pros and cons. For example, with proper selection of hormonal contraceptives may significantly decrease adverse symptoms of the climacteric syndrome due to receipt of external hormones. In addition, with timely hormonal drugs are capable of reliably protected from unintended pregnancy.

However, hormonal drugs can cause problems with the cardiovascular system, violation of the blood clotting process, the development of varicose veins, the imbalance of lipid and carbohydrate exchange. Menopause - is not the time for experiments, so any purpose must be carried specialist.

Barrier methods

These include condoms (male and female), uterine caps and diaphragms. Their essence is defined by the word "barrier", ie the way to create an obstacle to the reunification of the egg and sperm. The greatest popularity was received male condoms as the most easily applicable and reliable way protection, not only against pregnancy, but also from the sexually transmitted diseases.

The chemical method

With the tools of this group takes place preventing ingress of sperm into the uterus. These drugs are presented in a variety of suppositories, ointments, creams, gels, pastes and aerosols with a spermicidal effect. They must be used immediately before sexual intercourse, which is not very comfortable for many couples. In addition, their use is able to cause local allergic reactions and discomfort.


This remarkable device (IUD), whose operation is based on the fact that they do not allow the formed after the reunification of the egg and sperm to attach to the uterus zygote inner cavity. This method is based on the abortive action. Its significant drawback is that the presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity often causes inflammation. In addition, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Quite often used intrauterine Mirena coil and endometriosis in premenopausal.

surgical method

This is an extreme measure, the essence of which lies in the so-called tubal ligation using laparoscopy. As a result, the egg just physically can not go into the uterine cavity, and fertilization is impossible. An important drawback of the method is that sterilization - an irreversible process, but in this period of menopause It is especially difficult to consider too significant, because menostaz itself is a process of completion childbirth. In general, this method is 100% but will help protect against unwanted pregnancy, besides, it does not cause any significant adverse health effects.

Safe or not the menopause - an individual decision of each woman. But we must not forget that making a decision, we are responsible for its consequences. And sometimes they can be severe and irreversible. Only attention to their own health may be the key to a long and prosperous life.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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