Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years: the first signs of menopause 45


  1. What changes occur in a woman's body after 45 years?
  2. The main symptoms of menopause at this age
  3. Changes in the nature and regularity of monthly
  4. hot flushes
  5. autonomic disorders
  6. Changes in the urogenital system
  7. external changes
  8. Diagnosis and treatment of pathological manifestations of menopause after 45 years
  9. How to safely overcome the menopause?

Sorokapyatiletie can be considered the starting point of a new phase of life. It is from this age often begin to be felt first changes in the reproductive system. Every woman's apprehensive anticipation of symptoms at initial signs menostaza, because nobody knows what it is preparing for the test this time.
What are the symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years appear more often? AND how to survive menopause with minimal losses?

Menopause after 45 years

What changes occur in a woman's body after 45 years?

From 35 - 40 years in a woman's body gradually begins to prepare for the impending reproductive changes. Stocks of follicles per year from year, slowly but surely reduced, reduced and the amount produced by the ovaries of hormones. These changes are to a certain time remain completely invisible to women, but the mechanism of climacteric change is already beginning to gain momentum.

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According to statistics it is at the age of 45 years, women often note at early signs of menopause. This period in a medical environment is called premenopause. It is characterized by a number of processes:

  1. Inevitably reduces the number of mature follicles, and therefore the eggs ovulating. The probability of conception decreases gradually.
  2. Reduced production by the ovaries of female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Their deficiency and causes a spectrum of pathological symptoms of menopause.
  3. In response to these changes in the hypothalamus begins to vigorously produce follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), trying to get the ovaries to work as usual.
  4. Place follicles begins to be replaced by connective tissue, mucous atrophy occurs, there is a gradual decrease in the size of the reproductive organs.

All these processes are most actively manifested in the first two stages of menopause: premenopausal and menopausal. It is these different stages of an intensive course and within the global restructuring of the female body. When, after the last menstrual period a year goes by, there comes the final stage of menopause - menopause. It continues until the end of life. At this time, the pathological manifestations become less tangible, ovarian estrogen production stops completely. Mission now childbearing is completed.

The main symptoms of menopause at this age

Let us consider in detail the main features of menopause in women after 45 years. Also, go to our article describing symptoms of menopause in women after 50 years.

Changes in the nature and regularity of monthly

The first signs of menopause usually begin with a change in the nature and regularity of the menstrual cycle. At that time, monthly or suddenly go earlier or later due date. The interval between the bleeding can be an average of 21 to 35 days, but sometimes absent menstruation and up to 2-3 months. And changing nature of the discharge. They may become more intense or very scarce.
Often in menopausal women exacerbated premenstrual syndrome. It provokes a hormonal imbalance and decline of ovarian function. Sometimes a woman may experience bleeding, including during intercourse, which are not related to the menstrual cycle. They provoke a lack of estrogen, but they can be a symptom of pathological processes in the field of reproductive organs (sometimes oncological character).

hot flushes

Another striking feature of the arrival of menopause are so-called flushes. This symptom notes at most women. Its meaning lies in the event of a sharp sense of hot waves, going back to the shoulder area, arms, neck and face. For hot flushes may join the feeling of lack of air, weakness and dizziness, Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure. Upon reaching the highest point of the wave rushes into the reverse direction, accompanied by chills, shivering in the feet and the hands, loss of strength, then ice. These episodes can achieve a high degree of intensity, repeating to 20 - 30 times per day. Often hot flashes occur at night, Disrupting sleep and not allowing the body to fully recover.

autonomic disorders

The autonomic nervous system is one of the first to respond to the changes taking place. Under the influence of hormonal imbalances reduced synthesis of serotonin, which leads to deterioration of capacity adaptation to the effects of stress. This is accompanied by irritability, frequent changes of mood, weakening of attention and memory, and 10 - 15% of women in menopause is 46 years or more is accompanied by bouts of depression.

The fall in estrogen levels also affects the activity of the cardiovascular system. walls of blood vessels lose their tone, impaired lipid metabolism provokes the development of atherosclerosis, which in turn prevents full flow of blood and oxygen supply of the heart muscle. It is in women during menopause are aligned with the men in the number of cardiac pathologies. Coronary heart disease, angina, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, myocardial infarction, - all this often accompanies menopause.

Changes in the urogenital system

The woman after 45 years is often a decrease in the secretion of the genital organs, which are often accompanied by discomfort and painful sensations, including during intimate contact. All this has a direct effect on libido and getting an orgasm.

During the period of menopausal changes in women is often reduced interest in sex. Sometimes this is due to lack of estrogen, which is responsible for the emergence of libido, and sometimes psychological problems. For example, a woman may worry about the internal and external changes that accompany the arrival menostaza, it ceases to feel sexually attractive, shy of his own body.

The urinary system is also affected by menopause. Decreased muscle tone of the bladder, causing frequent urge incontinence and.

external changes

Under the influence of hormone levels change slowed metabolism that triggers weight gain.

With the onset of menopause is reduced synthesis of elastin and collagen in cells, which negatively affects the skin condition.

Estrogen deficiency provokes weakening hair follicles at menopause, The hair becomes thin and weak.

Often the climax of 45 years accompanied by intense headaches and migraines are caused by hormonal changes, and vascular disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathological manifestations of menopause after 45 years

In order not to confuse the symptoms of menopause in women with pathological processes occurring in isolation, should be entrusted to control the flow of internal changes medical specialist. However, usually an occasion to visit the gynecologist becomes rapid test for menopause.

To diagnose the start of menopause at 45 years and the extent of its impact on the functioning of internal organs can be assigned to a doctor:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemical blood analysis;
  • blood test for hormone levels;
  • taking a swab for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • cytological analysis of material taken from the cervix;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • mammography breast;
  • ECG.

Based on these results the doctor will have the information about the general condition of the woman and be able to develop effective tactics of treatment.

If menopausal symptoms are no different intensity expressed, the woman may be assigned to the administration of drugs containing plant hormones and vitamins and minerals. These tools can help the body cope with the fallen to his share of trials and minimize menopausal symptoms.

Treatment of pathological manifestations of menopause in 45 years with the help of artificial hormones may be necessary in the case where the physical and emotional health of the woman getting out of control. These medicines help in the short term to stabilize the general condition of the patient, eliminating the severity of negative symptoms. However, HRT should be applied in doses, because it features not only high performance, but also serious side effects.

How to safely overcome the menopause?

To the treatment of pathological symptoms to be more effective, it is necessary to make adjustments to your normal life. Namely to ensure a comfortable environment for the entire body to create a solid foundation for a successful overcoming of problems caused by menopause.

  1. Food - one of the main points. All systems, including the digestive, experience the increased load, so you should change the nature of Power in menopause after 45 yearsIf until now it was far from correct. Animal fats better to partially replace vegetable, fried food - braised or steamed, fast carbs - slow. It is extremely important to consume adequate amounts of fiber, to avoid problems with the bowels. It is advisable to drink plenty of clean water.
  2. Motor activity - also an important component of a successful course of menopause. Sport helps speed up the metabolism, eliminate congestion, improve muscle tone and blood vessels. For people who are far from the sport, the best kind of exercise could be walking, jogging, swimming.
  3. Regular sex life mobilizes hormonal processes, maintains the tone of the genitals muscle, increases blood flow, reduces emotional stress.
  4. Complete rest is highly desirable during menopause. You need to build your schedule so as to provide the body with high-quality restoration. If you disturb the tides at night and insomnia attacks, You should set aside time to relax during the day.
  5. Control of the state of health should be regular. Medical examination should take place every six months. This will allow to track the dynamics of the internal processes and the time to take action. At this point in life increases the risk of a sufficiently serious diseases, so it is important not to miss their start.
  6. It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude. Life should be full of positive emotions, which can provide close friends and favorite activities. It is necessary to treat menopausal changes with understanding and acceptance, because they are natural and logical. The main thing is attentive and caring attitude to your body, you do not miss any calls distress and provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner.
  • Oct 18, 2019
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