Menopause symptoms in women age treatment: menopause


  1. When is the climax?
  2. Reasons for menopausal women
  3. The symptoms of approaching menopause
  4. vasovegetative symptoms
  5. Signs of the cardiovascular system
  6. The symptoms of the nervous system
  7. Signs of the endocrine system
  8. Changes in the locomotor system
  9. The symptoms of the urogenital sphere
  10. Changes in appearance
  11. Diagnosis and treatment of climacteric syndrome
  12. Treatment of menopausal symptoms

Every woman starts to think about what a climax, and what consequences accompany his coming, long before its actual occurrence. The concept of "menopause" in our minds a priori has a negative connotation. This definition is often becomes synonymous with the sunset of life. However, such an interpretation is extremely simplified, because if you talk sensibly, it is more than unwise to call old age such a long time span. All stages of menopause - from premenopausal to postmenopausal - occupy about 1/3 of the length of life of the modern woman. Think about it sometimes a segment length of 30 years or more!

menopause symptoms

Menopausal changes should be understood as a prolonged time changes, aimed at the gradual completion of the reproductive function. The main thing that a woman can do, waiting for the approach of menopause - to try to find out about menopause and its best start in life, this range fully prepared.

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When is the climax?

Menopause in women occurs not in one day. He begins to approach unnoticed and asymptomatic, gradually progressing and causing some changes in a woman's body. Specialists of the three main stages of menopause in women.

  1. Premenopausal - the stage following the average mortality in the 45 years of age and lasts for an average of 2-6 years. This time is characterized by the first "bell" of things to come: the beginning of hormonal changes and a reduction in ovulatory process in the ovaries. The woman recorded disruptions of the menstrual cycle and the first manifestations of menopause.
  2. Menopause - perhaps the most crucial in terms of the ongoing phase change. At this time, all the symptoms manifest itself most actively and ongoing processes bring the most significant changes. When this stage is complete cessation of menstruation and the onset of a condition in which procreation is impossible. phase duration may be about 5 years, but this figure can vary. Menopause is considered to have been granted if after the last menstrual period a year has passed.
  3. Postmenopause begins after menopause and continues until the end of life. This time is characterized by the full completion of the reproductive function. Menopausal Syndrome by this time significantly mitigates its effect. In some cases, symptoms may persist for several years, which is not considered a disease.

Reasons for menopausal women

The main reason for the onset of menopause in women is, of course, hormonal changes, provided by nature itself. Gradually decreases in blood progesterone concentration that causes a reduction in the number of mature follicles. In response, the hypothalamus begins to produce follicle stimulating hormone hard, trying to restore the lost balance. The ovaries begin to occur irreversible processes, consisting of the fact that the place of the follicles is replaced by connective tissue. Against this background, ovulation gradually stops completely, a signal which becomes a full completion of menstruation. All these changes are accompanied by hormonal instability, which creates preconditions for developed menopausal syndrome.

Additional provocateurs that accelerate the onset of menopause and enhance its symptoms can be:

  • health problems such as thyroid disease, malfunction of the endocrine system abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels;
  • tumor, including cancers of different localization processes (especially neoplasms of the female reproductive system);
  • trauma-informed;
  • gynecological surgery;
  • intoxication and radiation exposure;
  • presence of CNS diseases;
  • addictions;
  • long-term emotional and physical exhaustion;
  • abuse diets and the consequent exhaustion.

The symptoms of approaching menopause

Very often, skipping line 45 years of age, a woman begins to celebrate at suspicious symptoms. The idea that the problem is approaching menopause, cause women anxiety and stress. The desire to dispel the oppressive doubt causes her to seek assistance from the World Wide Web. "Menopause symptoms in women age" - such a request is sent to thousands of women who have symptoms of menopause first appeared.

To predict in advance what will be the first symptoms of menopause, it is not possible, because each person It is unique, and all the processes in his body, respectively, occur in their individual scenario. Still, try to determine which menopause symptoms are most common?

vasovegetative symptoms

One of the main features of the female menopause - the so-called hot flashes. Their essence is the appearance of a woman of short episodes of intense heat, which, like the tides, is rolled from the center of the body to the neck, shoulders and head. In these areas there is an expansion of capillaries, the skin becomes reddish. After a while a wave makes the way back, after causing a fever, cold sweats, severe weakness in the muscles, feeling dizzy.

Duration tides may vary. Sometimes seizures last only half a minute, and in severe cases can take up to 7-10 minutes. seizure frequency may also be varied. If the woman's climax is rated as easy, the tides are concerned it is not more than 10 times a day, with an average degree of intensity - up to 20 times, and all that is higher than that characteristic of severe menopausal symptoms. Hot flashes when menostaze experiencing about half the fair half. Find out, how to get rid of hot flashes during menopause Article link.

Moreover, manifestation of the autonomic nervous system can be expressed increased sweating, headaches episodic nature, as well as recurrent migraines, insomnia, shortness of breath, bouts dizziness and even fainting.

Signs of the cardiovascular system

Under the influence of decrease production of estrogen by the ovaries blood vessel walls lose their tone in broken blood lipid processes that manifests itself in the formation of fat-like deposits inside vessels. As a result, it is developing a serious disease - atherosclerosis.

Narrowing of the vessel violates the blood supply to the heart, causing it begins to feel the lack of oxygen. Hypoxia provokes problems in the heart: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, bradycardia, myocardial infarction.

Another common symptom is menostaza bouts of hypertension. When the pressure head can hurt badly, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus. Hypertension requires constant monitoring because the danger of stroke.

The symptoms of the nervous system

The nervous system is also very clearly responds to changes in hormonal levels. hormone deficiency impairs the ability of the nervous system adaptation to external stimuli that is shown:

  • increased irritability;
  • temper tantrums;
  • excessive touchiness, tearfulness;
  • a sense of hopelessness, apathy;
  • depressive states;
  • memory loss and ability to concentrate;
  • vague anxiety;
  • loss of appetite or bouts of uncontrollable hunger;
  • the advent of neurological pain;
  • fatigue.

Signs of the endocrine system

The endocrine system is one of the first to respond to the signs of menopause in women. This can be expressed by the following manifestations:

  • discomfort in swallowing, sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in body weight;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • sweating;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • dry skin;
  • cold hands and feet, and sometimes contrary, unduly hot;
  • "Wolf" hunger or indifference to food;
  • hair loss, deterioration of their condition;
  • brittle nails.

If the woman in menostaza observed several of the above symptoms, then it It needs to be examined by an endocrinologist, to exclude possible malfunctions thyroid gland.

Changes in the locomotor system

Menopause in women is also accompanied by degenerative changes in bone and joint tissue. Process calcium assimilation broken due to reduction of estrogen concentrations in blood. As a result, bones become brittle, increasing the risk of fracture, posture changes. All these symptoms of osteoporosis - a dangerous disease, which is fraught with the appearance of intervertebral hernia, the progression of osteoarthritis.

The symptoms of the urogenital sphere

Defining feature, which marks the menopause - a failure of the menstrual cycle. Periods become irregular, and sometimes may not be available for several months, and then renewed again. Nature of the discharge from the onset of menopause It may also vary: they may become more scarce, or, or, on the contrary, more abundant.

Declining estrogen negatively affects the muscle tone of the urinary and reproductive system, causes atrophy of the mucous membrane, reduces the secretory function of sexual organs. All this leads to the development of a number of unpleasant consequences that affect both the general condition of women and the well-being of her intimate life. In particular, a woman can be confusing:

  • occurrence of unscheduled bleeding, which is called metrorrhagia in menopause. It is important to remember that in addition to an imbalance of sex hormones cause this pathology may be the disease of the reproductive system, including cancer;
  • frequent urination, including at night;
  • bouts of urinary incontinence;
  • dryness and discomfort in the genital area;
  • unpleasant and even painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased libido, anorgasmia.

Changes in appearance

The lack of female hormones can not help but have an effect on a woman's appearance. Very often it is the beginning of the female menopause is a catalyst for age-related changes in appearance. It expressed the following menopausal symptoms:

  • increasing the number of folds;
  • hair loss, increased their fragility;
  • Nail deterioration condition;
  • loss of skin tone and elasticity;
  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • atrophy of the breasts.

If you suspect approaching menopause, buy test for determination of menopause It will be most welcome.

Diagnosis and treatment of climacteric syndrome

Male menopause does not seem particularly difficult for diagnosing. Based on the information and the results of comprehensive survey obtained from a patient, a physician can determine the entry in menopause.

To confirm this fact, the expert may be appointed to a number of medical procedures:

  • survey of the gynecologist, mammalogy, endocrinology;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • swabs for infections;
  • histological analysis of the cervix;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • ECG;
  • Breast ultrasound and mammography.

find out what day of the cycle to do ultrasound of the breast Article link.

Treatment of menopausal symptoms

Symptoms of menopause in women, as well as the age of its onset, individual, and in each case, the treatment should be chosen taking into account the peculiarities of the situation.

Only an experienced specialist is able to properly correlate the symptoms and treatment menostaza justified and choose the tactics of the patient. Treatment of pathological manifestations of menopause can have several directions.

Firstly, if a little severe symptoms the doctor can make an appointment decoctions and infusions of herbs, has established itself as an excellent tool in the fight against pathological changes, provoked menopause. Examples of such plants can be:

  • red clover;
  • red brush;
  • upland uterus;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • Sage et al.

Secondly, a woman can be an appointment Dietary supplements based on plant extractsContaining phytoestrogens. Their composition is further enriched with vitamins and mineral elements, which allow to increase the overall tone of the body and compensate for the lack of necessary substances. These drugs help alleviate the symptoms that differ menopausal syndrome. In particular, this may be the following pharmaceutical remedies:

  • Klimaksan;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Estrovel;
  • Mensa;
  • Menopace;
  • Ladies Formula 45+ and etc.

In severe cases, the symptoms of menopause in women appear very intense, and sometimes even threaten a woman's life (eg, heavy uterine bleeding). Then you need to use hormone replacement therapy. Products containing artificial hormones, allow to quickly stabilize the woman's condition, reduce the severity of symptoms of the female menopause. Treat pathological menostaz such drugs can only be with the permission of your doctor as hormone replacement therapy, in addition to the positive effect, and is able to provide a material adverse effect (varicose veins, the development of hypertension, tumor development processes).

Menopausal women It can hardly be called easy. This is the time associated with significant changes in a woman's life. Although not always climax - an ordeal, after all the symptoms of menopause in women can not be left without supervision.

  • Oct 18, 2019
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